Cabelas & Vortex?????


Long Time Member
So I ordered and paid in full cash on Dec. 31st 2011 for a Vortex Viper Spotter. At first they told me it would take a couple of weeks too get it. Well on Feb 1st. they still hadn't called to tell me its in so I call to see WTH, they say well Mr. Tolley we have twelve of them arriving on Feb. 8th. we will call you when they arrive. Well Feb. 8th comes and goes with no call from Cabelas, so I call today the lady kindly says well Mr. Tolley I don't know who told you we would have twelve on Feb. 8th because my computer shows that we do not have a date from Vortex as to when we will get some spotters.So I kindly told the lady that I was done shopping at Cabelas and I would be down in a couple of hours to get my money.

What would you guy's have done????
I would have gave my money to cameraland!

You would have had your glass 3 weeks ago.

Raise a little hell and tell them you'll stay loyal if they up ya to the next model up for free.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
I want to clarify something I am in no way way blaming Vortex for this. By the way my tittle reads it looked that way....
I just read this thread and went onto Cabelas website. They are showing 2 Vortex models with 4 choices of magnification. Two show "limited Stock", one says "In Stock" and the other says "Backorderable". It would appear they are in high demand and maybe it's as much or more the manufacturer than the retailer that's to blame. I'm a big Cabelas supporter and I would probably stick with them, although you can't beat Cameraland and their prices, support, etc. Maybe you should call them and see what they say as far sas availability if you ordered one from them. That should give you a decent idea of whether to blame Cabelas or not.
JUST,just maybe Vortex is to blame with their pathetic communication dept. Call Alicia @ Muley Crazy and pay so little!
I disagree with you, Vortex didn't give two
dates for goods deliverable and didn't make one of the dates.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-12 AT 08:29PM (MST)[p]You came on and asked for opinions on this thread and I gave mine, so why disagree? You said you made two calls to Cabelas and one person gave you a date and the second person at a later date said there was nothing in the computer to indicate what the first had mentioned. How do you know what Vortex told Cabelas? You appear to just be angry and haven't thought of various scenarios. Did it ever occur to you that Vortex may have or probably did tell Cabelas the initial date and then couldn't make delivery, so the computer information at Cabelas was changed and that's why the second clerk told you what she did? It would seem logical to me that since Cabelas doesn't make the merchandise that they are at the mercy of the manufacturer in cases like this. If you were that unhappy with them, it was your right to do what you said you did. I probably would have called Vortex and found out from the horses mouth what was going on, rather than to blame it all on Cabelas, but that's just me.
I did come off as a PLICK and I apologize to you for that....

I am just a little pissed at the whole deal...
No apology necessary and I didn't think it was that bad when you are definitely not a happy camper at the moment, LOL!!!
So if you ordered knowing they weren't in, unless they got some in and gave them to someone who came after you did, then I think a little more patience is warranted. Not saying you shouldn't be frustrated, but maybe a little human error should be forgiven. Now if others have them in stock, then by all means go where you can get your new toy, but my guess is if Cabelas doesn't have them then others are likely waiting also. Just my .02cents.
Well I order a vortex viper hd spotter last year from vortex at a hunting expo. Well after ordering it and paying for it I found out it was on back order until the end of the month. after 2 months came and gone I called them and they told me I wouldn't be getting one till the first of 2012. So I canceled and still havnt bought one. Do I don't doubt one but that vortex told cabelas they would receive a shipment and cabelas never did.
Tikka, i order mine Vortex Viper from Cameraland on Jan.the 3rd and was it my house in 7 Days.Your going to love it when you get it.cowboy57...P.S.paid last years price
cowboy I paid employee pricing at Cabelas 700.00 out the door with no scope good deal eh?????
Well I just got back from Cabelas too get my money...

But mysteriously they have my scope in Sydney and it will be here, Utah this Fri. We'll SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would bet it will be here this Friday. I might be wrong but I guess I've always been treated very well by their customer service.
Its not vortex its cabelas customer service. I had the same problem last year on binos. I ordered them, I waited for a week longer then they said and then called them on it, they said another week. I waited another week and still nothing, I then went to the store to chew someone a new one and wouldn't you know it, my binos were there in the store but not with my name on them. My order was still on wait but they got two pair in for the show room floor. How can you put some out on the floor when you have paying customers waiting for a pair. In the long run it worked out but I had to wait for 3 weeks to get them
I don't know about the scope. Maybe look into a Bushnell HD. After reading the thorough review on about the Viper HD scope I might consider something else. . .

I don't think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
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