Cabelas Euros Vs. Vortex Razor



I em looking to buy three new pair of binos for the family and have narrowed it down to either the cabelas euros or the vortex razors. I have looked through the euros before and loved them but have never looked through the vortex.. Has anyone compared these two side by side and if so what was your oppinion. they are priced fairly close.. Any info will be greatly appreciated.

Trent Holliday
LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-07 AT 12:15PM (MST)[p]I love my euros, they are awesome, but have heard good things about the razors as well. Sorry I couldn't be more help. I wonder if you have a dealer nearby where you could check out a pair?

I ended up buying two pairs of euros and a pair of vortex razors. i also ordered a vortex 20-60-80 high def spotter.. bought all the vortex from doug at cameraland.. Ill let you know how they compare.

Trent Holliday

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