Cabela's E-Mail Alert


To: Cabela's California Customers
From: Cabela's Communications
Subject: California Assembly Bill 962
Date: Sept. 22, 2009

We are writing to inform you of pending legislation that will restrict purchases of handgun ammunition in California and will terminate our ability to service your needs for certain products.

On Friday, Sept. 11, the California Assembly passed Assembly Bill 962, by a 44-31 vote.

Among other regulations, AB 962 would:

? Ban all mail-order and Internet sales of handgun ammunition.
? Prohibit the retail sale, the offer for sale or the display of handgun ammunition in a
manner that allows ammunition to be accessible to a purchaser without assistance of a
vendor or employee.
? Require that the delivery or transfer of ownership of handgun ammunition occur in a
face-to-face transaction, with the deliverer or transferor being provided bona fide
evidence of identity of the purchaser or other transferee.

That evidence of identity, which must be legibly recorded at the time of delivery, includes:

? The right thumbprint of the purchaser or transferee.
? The date of the sale or other transaction.
? The purchaser's or transferee's driver's license or other identification number and the
state in which it was issued.
? The brand, type and amount of ammunition sold or otherwise transferred.
? The purchaser's or transferee's signature.
? The name of the salesperson who processed the sale or other transaction.
? The purchaser's or transferee's full residential address and telephone number.
? The purchaser's or transferee's date of birth.

The bill is on the desk of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, where it awaits his consideration. He will have until Oct. 11 to sign or veto the bill. If he does not veto the bill, it will become law.

If you wish to comment on AB 962, you may contact Gov. Schwarzenegger by phone at (916) 445-2841, or via fax at (916) 558-3160. To e-mail Gov. Schwarzenegger, visit

We encourage all Cabela's customers who participate in the shooting sports to contact Gov. Schwarzenegger to voice their opposition to this initiative, which will limit your opportunities to shop with Cabela's, and will restrict the sale of handgun ammunition everywhere in California.
And what day was it passed?

September 11th.
The bill is on the desk of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, where it awaits his consideration. He will have until Oct. 11 to sign or veto the bill. If he does not veto the bill, it will become law.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-09 AT 10:46PM (MST)[p]I will be sending a letter to the Governor similar to the one I sent to Gov. Gray Davis at the request of my Sheriff when they tried to add numerous hunting rifles onto the Assault Weapons list.

Ca. hunters need to add their input with letters. What you may not be aware of is this. Due to the single shot Contender and Encore pistols that is factory chambered for numerous rifle type calibers, those calibers can be considered to also be pistol ammunition and fall under this ban. This may include .410 shotgun ammo that is used in the "Judge" revolver.

Make you letters professional, and keep to the facts that this bill will not curb crime in any sense, will restrict many competition shooters having excess to reasonable priced ammo to use in matches.

It will put a paper work burden on many small stores, your local hardware store is a good example, of not selling ammo any more due to the time and paperwork involved when those stores are already facing a economical burden in our present economical hardship.

If you value your hunting ammo, you better get off your duff and write. Kilo made it easy with the web site posted to address your letters. The irony of it all, Cabela's already require you to have a picture I.D. on file before they will ship ammo to you.

My email was sent at 9:45 P.M. I would like for other CA. members to step up to the plate concerning this issue.

I also posted this in the California Forum. I didn't see it here.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
A look in the crystal ball for the rest of us not living in cali. I'm sure our resident libs will chime in any time now and tell us something that will make it all better or explain to us how our fears of restrictions are somehow irrational.


Step 1: Call the number in the subject
Step 2: Press 1 for English.
Step 3: Press 2 for commenting on a bill on the Governor?s desk
Step 4: Press 2 for AB962
Step 5: Press 2 for Oppose
Step 6: Repeat as necessary (preferably once or twice a day).

"If it moves shoot it again"

I just called and it takes about 10 seconds. Please take a little time and do the same. This will be a dangerous precedent if it passes, and we all may be next. Dont think it wont happen, because it already is.
Californians don't need handguns or ammo. They have the terminator to protect them. Besides guns are evil, right? This is just one more reason to leave that bankrupt corrupt state.
It seems the pain never stops here in my home state.

Can't keep my range open. Can't find another open range to go to (without a crazy drive). Now this on the governors desk.

I have e-mailed him. I have written him. I have called him.

Can only hope as many of you as possible do the same.

Only good news is we are close to fall and will be able to take a trip out soon.
>Looks like they took the phone
>off the hook, still busy.

Either that or they have caller ID!:)

I just got through!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-09 AT 08:33PM (MST)[p]I called at 7:23 P.M., got a busy signal. Called back 30 seconds later and got though and voted to oppose the ammo bill. Just keep trying.


P.S. If any of you guys & gals belong to other sportsman, shooting sites, please post this infro on those sites and besure to give the e mail address and phone number to call to oppose the bill. Lets flood the Governor's office with Nay votes.
It is important that the Governors office receive many calls and emails originating in California. They will take note of the volume of calls and emails from around the country but will pay more attention to those from California. I have some experience with the Governor's office here in Utah and that is how it works here.

Make the call, only a few days left.

"If it moves shoot it again"


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