Cabelas Club Card - issues


Vince (Colorado)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-10 AT 06:04PM (MST)[p]Hey all,

Has this happended to anyone on this site ?

My buddy just called me pretty ticked off at Cabela's. We both have the Cabela's club card and he wanted to see if I received a letter from them. He received a letter on Friday stating that his credit card has been canceled, they will not be reissuing him another one, to destroy his card immediately and that all Club points have been forfeited. He called them and they said their decision for doing this was because his credit score dropped under 700 points. He said the letter was written kind of rudely and the gal he talked to at Cabela's didn't give a crap about him being a card holder for 12 years. He was never late or missed a payment, etc. I didn't ask him how much he's spent at Cabela's over the years but I know it's been a heck of a lot.

Maybe we should all cash in on our club points now. My buddy had several hundered dollars worth. He's been saving them. That sucks!

Time to get that credit score checked.

Hmmmm , that sounds kind of weird that they would be checking his credit score . I was under the impression retailers couldn't check your credit score unless you where actually asking for credit on the intial card application . Then again I could be wrong .

I know I have a ton of points that I was saving for a new gun , and I would be very upset if I lost the points .
....something is missing from this story....

A lot of people you do business with check your credit score on a regular basis like your mortgage company, insurance company, and credit card company.
I gotta' call "doubtful" on this one. Something ain't right here. I'm just sayin'.

I have "abused" this company's return policy like no other, and in EVERY case, they have been accomodating and beyond.

I have used stuff from them and sent it back because I didn't like credit.

Broke stuff using it wrong, sent it credit.

I have even sniveled my way into getting credit for freight charges!

In my opinion, Cabelas' has as good a customer service policy as any company in America. The "maybe we should all....." suggestion, ain't happenin' at my house!

If they actually cancelled credit cards because your credit score dropped below 700, mine would have been cancelled years ago, when my credit score went to about the level of an interstate speed limit.

Also, I doubt that they can legally just dispose of your accumulated points. Those are a form of incentive agreement and they pretty much have to honor their part.
Just to clarify - The letter and the Gal my buddy talked to wasn't from Cabela's retail, it was from Worlds Foremost Bank. This is Cabela's financial company that issues the card. Unlike most department stores, etc. that are actually financed through other banks, Cabela's owns it own financial institute...good for them!

So I've decided to check my own facts. I called WFB and talked to a gal explaining my buddies situation. She said it's part of their policy and his situation isn't uncommon. To be a card holder one of their main criteria?s was to have a 700 plus credit score. They get reports on their card holders from Equifax sometimes on a monthly basis. This is how they determine your interest rate, etc?.the higher the credit score the better the rate. She said in his case his card was probably about to expire and if so, they would definitely review his credit report. My buddy confirmed his card expired at the end of the month. I do know that most Banks or lending companies use the average of the three major credit reporting agencies?Experian, Transunion & Equifax. I was told Cabela?s only uses the one. Kind of sucks if you're right at the 700 mark and an average would put you above 700.

He has asked for a written letter on the specific reasons for this. The Gal on the phone just mentioned his credit score dropping under 700. There may be other reasons, but he will have to find out he receives the letter.

Maybe these strict policies are good and will keep Cabela?s out of the trouble other Banks are faced with these days. It just sucks that he lost his club points.

Like many if you, my buddy and I have nothing but great service from Cabela?s. I guess that's why he's so upset about this. He just spent several grand on gear over the last few months and now doesn't have his points.

Here?s a link to others that have had similar issues with their Cabela?s credit card. Some are unrelated and are most likely a result of other factors, but I thought it was interesting;

The following is the letter my buddy received.

This is not just a Cabela's card issue. It is the credit care world in general. I work with several businesses and have seen cards cancelled, credit limits reduced, etc. It is a part of the new banking world we are all part of. Notice the big changes on your recent statements.

"The "maybe we should all....." suggestion, ain't happenin' at my house!"

I'm not saying that we or anyone should, I was just asking if anyone here on MM has experienced this.

>This is not just a Cabela's
>card issue. It is the
>credit care world in general.
>I work with several businesses
>and have seen cards cancelled,
>credit limits reduced, etc. It
>is a part of the
>new banking world we are
>all part of. Notice the
>big changes on your recent

+1 The business of credit cards changed with the credit card reform act. The government created tougher credit card laws and the lenders, in turn, needed to tighten their lending standards to meet the laws and maintain profitability.

His credit score dropped under 700 that's the reason they gave him. They didn't cancel it, his card was to expire at the end of the month. Because of this, they reviewed his credit report and being that a score of 700 plus is one of their main criteria's, they will not reissue him a new card.

They should let him use his points because he had already earn them, before his credit score dropped and they canceled his card. That is JUST WRONG to say he forfeits his points.

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