cabelas application errors on Colorado sheep and goat


I just received my refund check from Colorado for my sheep application and it reads APPERROR. Refund for $1656.00. Anyone see a problem here. This is lasts years price for the non resident tag not this years. I used the Cabelas application service to apply for sheep and goat in colorado and it seems that they sent in the wrong amount to Colorado. Therefore Colorado doesn't accept my application and I receive no preference point. Another year wasted!! Has this happened to anybody else out there?
I sent an email to Cabelas to find out what happened. Maybe it is not there fault and Colorado made a mistake hopefully. I don't think so though. I am not happy at all about this! Check your refund stubs if you applied through Cabelas.
If you had done it yourself about applying Online with Colo. there would have been no mistakes about the prices of tags/licenses. It was plain and clear, the prices this year.

LAST EDITED ON May-15-07 AT 10:26AM (MST)[p]>If you had done it yourself
>about applying Online with Colo.
>there would have been no
>mistakes about the prices of
>tags/licenses. It was plain
>and clear, the prices this

NR can't apply for sheep/goats online in CO. I'm assuming he used Cabela's because they float the tag fee for you, I really can't see a bnefit to using them otherwise.

However that begs the question, why did you get the refund check from CO? If it was Cabela's money that was used the refund should have gone to them.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
You are right I did use Cabelas because they float the tag fees. I can't afford to front the fees on all the applications in every state that requires them. It's a small fortune. As to why I get the refund back I don't know why that is. Colorado sends it to me in my name because I am the person who's name is on the application. Cabelas sends out self addressed envelopes to each person for all the species that they applied you for with a letter asking you to mail them the check. Then they deposit it in there account. Also I didn't think I was whining in my post just trying to find out if this was an isolated incident or not. Let me know how many posts I have to have under my belt before I am allowed to whine
Do you have enough points to be in the actual drawing? If so I would pursue the issue. I would be talking with the highest ranking Cabelas employee I could find and demand some sort of restitution. Every year missed puts you 5 or more years behind. I don't use app services for this reason, but they have a liability here to make it right for you.
Bummer. Hope Cabela's makes it right for you! They've always been good to me. Maybe just cash the refund check? But they probably have your credit card number. Dirty buggers.
First, pretty crappy way to welcome a new guy to your site. Quickest way to make a site an old boys club with just the same handful of guys playing grab A$$ with each other is to run of new comers. Guys should be welcoming a new poster.

Actually it is a really good post. I used application services many years ago but all of those $30-$50 per state add up and i just pony up the money now hating to write those checks.

Now if i make a mistake, I made it and i have nobody to beat up but myself. Take that back, i yelled pretty loud at my wife a couple years ago when she screwed up WY moose and sheep application.

Could i recomend that you utilize a credit card promotion. there are lots out there that are zero apr for 6 months to a year and there is a transaction fee of anywhere from 50-100 dollars.

Lastly, i would do more than send an email to Cabelas if you find out it was them that screwed up. I would demand some type of restitition.

aka paulc

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