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LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-06 AT 08:30PM (MST)[p]I hit the frecken lotto. My party of me and my two boys and my daughter, and my freinds party of him and three kids both drew our x-1 tags with no points. And so far at least one of my boys drew his junior hunt in x-7B. Cant check on the other boy yet. I dont have his dfgid number. He is also in for a junior elk hunt. That and my Montana speed goat tag would complete a perfect year.
Antelope Likely Table Period 2
Now I may run into some of you'er guys ugly mugs
scouting so say hi and back because the beer will be
ice cold! Me and my son also drew X-1 his 1st and we will do good I think I been hunting it for 20yrs! waiting for his other Jr hunt stuff....I do not know he number!
I got a Lassen period 2 tag. I can't count all of the years I have been putting in for the Lassen zone.

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