ca marble mountain sheep



I can't believe I drew a sheep tag in the Marble mountains of California. I have no sheep hunting experience and would like some basic tips on sheep hunting. I have done many other types of hunting. Any area specific info would also be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Congrats on the tag! Did you have max points? Can't help you as I am still waiting to draw my tag... You should have an orientation class put on by F&G. I hear they have it together and are willing to take the extra step for the sheep hunters. Good luck!
That is very kind of you Paul. Why don't you show him photos of the ram you harvested before you tell him where are all the rams are in his unit.
A$$hole, first of all I didn't say I was a good shot. Second, I didn't say I shot a ram. Third, I didn't even say I knew where any sheep were. I simply stated that I know a guy who knows the unit. You must have an IQ of about 10. Geez, what a moron. PC
Ouch, yes very painful. That guy is the kid that used to throw rocks at you from afar, and laugh if you fell down. #####.
Don't lower yourself to his/her level. You can see, by the post alone, that an A$$HOLE wrote that, but you can not assume that the A$$HOLE is stupid. I would be willing to bet that the A$$HOLE is jealous that you got to hunt desert sheep, and the A$$HOLE most likely will die before drawing a tag. I am drinking a Bud right now in your honor.
Too late now but I will have a few tomorrow for you, just ignore idiots like this. Some people just have no class, must be jealous that you have drawn tags and he hasn't.


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