CA Lassen Antelope (pic)


Here is the Antelope that LARRBO recently harvested in Lassen County, CA. He can come on here and tell us the story about the hunt. Congrats to you Larry on a nice "goat" and the picture.
Thanks Brian for posting the photo.

This hunt was a real treat after waiting 20 years to draw this tag. Hunting for the first time in the Lassen Zone I saw some outstanding habitat for Mule deer and Antelope.

Well, when you hunt in California in early September you usually get hot weather....we weren't disappointed. The thing that really struck me about this area was the amount of water. I knew that sitting over a watering area could be successful, but with the springs in the area, the animals didn't have to move as much. As I scouted we would see small groups on the hillsides but several groups on a large flat.

So I decided to try and stock the Antelope on this flat, I knew that it would be harder than the stand..but more fun. As I made my way out on the flat the breeze was from the northeast so I went that direction. When I was about a mile out there I located 5 lopes with a nice buck about 800 yards away. I slowly made my way to them keeping a very low profile. I got to about 400 yards and watched them to see if they would move my way but after about 10 minutes the wind changed from the west and they were gone in a flash.

What do I do now, pack it in....NO. I decided to make a loop and hunt back into the wind. After about another mile I spotted a buck and a doe. Again I worked my way to about 400 yards, hunkered down behind some sagebrush and kept an eye on them. I watched for about an hour because their slow movements looked as if they were heading to an area straight downwind from me. When they got to that area I ranged them and they were at 350 yards, now is the time. I whipped out my new shooting sticks and made the shot, my first California Lope. I was really happy until I realized I had to drag it about 2 miles back to my quad.
thanks for the good story and pics!
nice looking goat!

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