CA Fish & Game commisioner


According to this guy, hunting is not sustainable.

The last F&G commisioner got fired for hunting Mt. Lions legally in ID.

CA is circling the toilet.

This is the F&G commisioner that was assigned by a bunch of liberal whackos, anti hunters and communists.

I love to listen to the liberals tell me that their support of communists will not end hunting or the right to own guns.
>Outstanding guy to have on your
>G&F Commission, but it's CA
>so what else is new!!!

He in not only on the Game commission, he is the PRESIDENT of the F&G commission.

Put in there by the anti hunters in CA.

Think this cant happen in your state?
If this crap isn't enough I can't wait until the three stooges Obama, Feinstein and Boxer have planned out today when they go to Fresno to cure our drought.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-14 AT 11:12AM (MST)[p]"I actually believe legal hunting that's not sustainable may be a more pervasive problem in California,"

Is the quote in the article. The rest is conjecture. I actually agree with him, to a point.

Could we do better at wildlife management in CA? OH YES! By leaps and bounds.

In certain situations I believe that the current regulations for legal hunting IS hurting our game populations, especially some herds of blacktail deer.

I've seen it happen before. Take steelhead for instance. For as long as I can remember the daily limit for steelhead was 3 fish/day. Then, people discovered the drift boat. I think it originated in Oregon. They are fish killing machines.

Within a few years drift boats were covering every square foot of water in our local waters. I personally know of one guide boat that killed over 300 steelhead a year for several years. There were lots of guide boats and hundreds of sport boats. Do the math.

Not one move by F&G to adjust. They sat by and watched it all happen, until one day fishermen were complaining about no fish. Too late! Now there is catch and release only, and they say they are on the rebound. I sure hope so.

Anyhow, this guy might not be the best Commissioner in the world , but maybe I won't fly off the handle because of this one quote.....maybe even taken out of context.

I agree almost 100% Eel.

But i do believe there is some other things such as the lead bullet ban etc. linked in the article (which admittedly i did not read) point to someone less than desirable for the job IMO.

Fish and Game used to be entirely funded by the sportsmen of the state as it should be. Then they became funded by taxes through the general public and became fish and WILDLIFE which in my opinion tells of a future where our game animals are no longer game. I could be wrong.

topgun, what you KNOW of CA could be typed out in large font on your pinky toe nail. For you to dismiss suggestions of an end to hunting in CA as oh well that figures coming from CA without any knowledge of how we arrived at the point we are here is ridiculous but does not surprise me coming from you.

Also every sportsman and gun owner in the nation should be concerned and involved in how Kali governs as how Kali goes so does the nation eventually.


People who work for a living are quickly being
overwhelmed by people who vote for a living.
I remember a real dandy commissioner in Nevada, he was from Lovelock and would ask the stupidest questions, finally lost his seat over some fairly serious game violations.

Point is that there are usually quite a few commissioners in each state, so its not uncommon for a nut to pop up here and there.
You bring up some good points Bill, and I also know you're right about them.

One thing that irritates me is that yes, the Commissioner may have a point, but there are many things he could actually do to improve the situation besides blaming hunting in general. I fear that may be where this is headed.

Piper this is the president. He was installed in the position after they fired the last President for legally hunting mountain lions in ID.

I think you would even think this is the wrong man for the job.

This is not the kind of stuff you want the President of your States Fish & Game saying.

He could have easily said that we need to be more prudent with tag numbers to improve quality in certain units.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-14 AT 04:25PM (MST)[p]Pull your heads out. He has no interest in improving wildlife situations as long as animals are being harvested by hunting. If you guys in CA don't ask for his head on a platter, you will get what you deserve. Glad I'm gone from there.
Topgun is up to his usual tactics over this thread and my post that for some beyond the rules reason was deleted. I told him to shut his yap as he knows nothing of the situation here and he responded by sending one of his filthy vulgar PMs. Classy guy!! LMAO!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Two NM Game & Fish Commissioners are under attack and possible recall over our Commission Chairman Scott Bidegain participating in a Nevada Coyote calling contest where his team won 6th place I think and won $1300. Commissioner Robert Espinoza Sr, was also under fire for his pro coyote calling positions over the years.

Hang on to your belts hunters as these rabid animal rightists won't stop at anything.

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