CA 2013 Big Game Hunting


Was just checking out the CA Website and the 2013 Regulations and Info is there in PDF format. If you want to print it out early, it is available now as I just did.

Thanks Kilo! Points in Wy, Won't draw anything in Nv, it's up to Kali to come thru for me!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-13 AT 01:43PM (MST)[p]Boy, I'd sure like to draw SOMETHING in California for a change. I have max points for everything. I have never drawn a single limited tag in California in my lifetime. Joey,
Nevada is Nevada, but with 15 antelope points going into this draw (and 13 elk, 12 sheep and 8 deer), I'm hopeful of drawing a great pronghorn tag and hunting for a special buck in Nevada.
Ca, good luck, i know that you'll make the most of that good tag if you draw it and you are due. I only have one point each in Nv., not much chance of getting anything decent but i want to go back one more time anyway as some of my best hunting ever was there though it's been a good while.

It's weird how some guys already have their lope and elk tags drawn in cali. One guy here drew both last year alone. I'm done for awhile with the lope hunting here as i drew a couple years ago but i sure hope to draw again as our lope hunting here is outstanding. Elk, i'm not so sure of. I get mixed reports all the time and i figure that if i do draw, the info i've been getting might dry up, i'll be hunting them on my own, and that can be a tough hunt for an ol boy that don't get around like he once could.

The sheep tag? One can dream! Somebody has to draw it though, might as well be ME!! LOL

Best of luck to all the guys in the draw!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"

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