
WOW! glad I ain't from Oklahoma tonight. I'm a Utah fan but you got to give the boy's credit. Nice cheerleaders too!


I couldn't believe that Max Hall didn't fold like a lawn chair at crunch time! I too am a Ute fan, but I was cheering for the Y tonight. Exciting game!
Cougar "D" was playing with literally everything they had in the tank tonite! Give the gameball to the D for their goal line stand, and to Clawson for beating up Bradford!!! Isn;t somebody on here related to Colby Claweson????


c'mon guys, i know 99% of you are from utah, but you cant honestly think BYU could have won that game, or even made it a game , if Bradford hadn't been hurt, can you??

and for all the UTE whinners, try putting more than 1 or 2 teams on your schedule that anybody in the USA has even heard of. then when you go undeafeated it might be something to brag about. last year if you would have been in the pac -10 or the SEC, there is no way you could have made it through the whole conference without getting beat............
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-09 AT 11:09PM (MST)[p]:) sorry , just stirring{sp?} the pot a little:)
>There is some days that the
>sun does shine on a
>dogs ass.

You should put sun screen on your face.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-09 AT 06:16AM (MST)[p]KILLERBEE - so tell me, other than Oklahoma, what other SEC, Big 12 or CRAP 10 team played anybody in the top 20. Hell for that matter the top 50?

Alabama and Oklahoma had the same mentality you've got. The reason Bradford went down is because BYU beat the shi+ out of him! He hit the dirt so many times with sacks and hurrys he thought he was still in Norman OK! If BYU's offense would have been firing on all cylinders the score would have been a lot worse. Bradford went out cause he's a wuss! Ok, I think you stirred the pot enough now.;-)

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-09 AT 06:50AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-09 AT 06:49?AM (MST)

>c'mon guys, i know 99% of
>you are from utah, but
>you cant honestly think BYU
>could have won that game,
>or even made it a
>game , if Bradford hadn't
>been hurt, can you??
>and for all the UTE whinners,
>try putting more than 1
>or 2 teams on your
>schedule that anybody in the
>USA has even heard of.
>then when you go undeafeated
>it might be something to
>brag about. last year
>if you would have been
>in the pac -10
>or the SEC, there is
>no way you could have
>made it through the whole
>conference without getting beat............


OK Killerbee since you have put your boot in your own mouth, let's analyze what you are saying. And let me preface this by saying that yes that while I am from Utah and do routinely cheer for both BYU and Utah, I live in Texas, attend the University of Texas at Austin and have taught and know many of the former and current Longhorn football players - so for now, that is where my loyalty lies. However aside from that, I am a student of the game and don't listen to the bullcrap hype that ESPN and ABC put out against the "small conferences". So what I am saying is based on logic and sound understanding of college football, so please hear me out.

First of all - yes - I think BYU would have won even if Bradford hadn't got hurt. And they WERE making it a game! (See - I don't think you were actually watching the game) It was 10-7 when he went down!! Give me a freaking break. The BYU defense stood up ALL DAY LONG, and the offense was moving the ball when they needed to, and guess what - QB's getting hurt is part of the game, you can't factor that out of the outcome. If a major college program like OU can't protect their QB any better than that and score more than 3 points in the second half with their #2 QB then they have no business being ranked #3. But don't worry - OU will look really good against Idaho State next weekend - yeah talk about tough non-conference schedule.

And as far as last year's schedule for Utah - you don't have a clue. They beat four ranked teams from some of the biggest conferences - Michigan (BIG 10), TCU (MWC), BYU (MWC), and Alabama (SEC) and an unranked Oregon State (PAC-10) who had previously beaten the CREAM of the PAC-10 crop, ABC and ESPN's California darlings USC - and looked REALLY REALLY good doing it!! That part of their schedule alone is just as hectic as any PAC-10 or SEC schedule from last year. So yeah, put them in the PAC-10 (please please please put them in the PAC-10 last year - I can't believe you are even trying to make this argument!) or even the SEC last year and I think you get the same result. But, you can't go back and do that, you can only play the schedule you have and they did, and they ran the table.

As of right now, the Big Conference/Little Conference argument is just about as irrelevant as it is ever going to get. So please, (REALLY) next time you feel like making an argument like that, go find a quarter and buy yourself a clue before doing so. ;-)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm not a BYU fan and there "may" be something to Bradford's injury affecting the outcome, but in response to the question about what other big-time-ranked team dared to play a real team.....someone wearing green got POUNDED in Boise.

In reality guys, the best team in the country last year may have been TCU (several candidates). But whoever it was, the days of people who actually understand football/competition (rather than hype) believing that the BIG conference will automatically beat the "little" guys are OVER.

Would BSU, TCU, Utah or BYU go undefeated in the SEC or Big 12...probably not, but neither did Texas, Oklahoma, Florida or anyone else.

Would those schools win more than 1/2 their games? Without a doubt. Would they compete for the championship within a few often as anyone else does.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
HA:) c'mon, cant you guys take a good stabbing of sarcasm for what it is?

they played a good game, who knows what would've happened if bradford played the whole game.
look at 2 yrs ago when oregon was looking untouchable at the end of the year, then Dennise Dixon went down and they went from being the best team in the nation to not even worth being in a bowl game. loosing your starting QB is huge.

and honestly i do rute for the small teams boise st., even the utes last year.

but i knew i'd get a good rise outta all you by bringing up "the little guy" arguement:) i couldn't resist.

i did only see the highlights, but the guy on ESPN said " once bradford went down, BYU new they had a chance, and it PROBABLY cost them {OU}the game"

so cool down all you utahians, someday you'll get some respect for your big community colleges:)HAHA j/k
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-09 AT 01:53PM (MST)[p]>I like those pics of the
>BYU chicks where can
>more be found like those?????

On RUS's hard drive!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
People make it sound like Bradford was suspended or something. Like they just didn't let him play. He got hit hard on a blitz by a 240 linebacker and was knocked OUT of the game. BYU didn't play its best game either. BYU turned the ball over and had costly penalties. They dominated the line of scrimmage when Bradford was in the game. That was why they won the game. If BYU manages to run the table somehow they will have wins over 4 teams ranked in the top 25. Interesting link
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-09 AT 08:26PM (MST)[p]That's why the wink KILLER!;-) I think people forget one thing though. BYU's 1000 yard rusher never played a down in that game. Had he been in on some of those short yardage failures who knows what would have taken place. He is an absolute bulldozer!

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-09 AT 08:37PM (MST)[p]"I like those pics of the BYU chicks where can more be found like those?????"

Try Google "BYU Cheerleaders" Einstein!
That's why I can't stand the BYU cheerleaders,
their boobies are so tiny.

Good football game however :)
BFE, that closest girl, I suppose that some would find her attractive, but not me. She is ready for a carpenter, flat as a board. The one in back is nice looking but still flat. I agree w/you 100%.

I think they must have got some high school JV cheerleaders from somewhere (hs sophmores).
I agree with you AWB - but it is the slutty pose in the trashy car that really gets RUS going.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>I agree with you AWB -
>but it is the slutty
>pose in the trashy car
>that really gets RUS going.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Roy I cant believe you would stoop and put your loyalty down on the line for a bunch of sissies!! Let me help you up onto the Bandwagon....:) The Horns are next you watch!!! Leach is going to sneak in and beat UT at home this season. I am super happy to see OU get shut down though, I know an injury was part of the win and it would have been better to beat them with Bradford on the field, but....OU 0-1 I love it!! I fear for him this fall. The big boys plan on pounding that shoulder and side. He wont make the season.
"I agree with you AWB - but it is the slutty pose in the trashy car that really gets RUS going."

Roy and AWHOLELOTTABS. I'm hurt, I really am. I post up a picture of a couple of cute and wholesome BYU girls and you deviants try to drag them down to your level. Shame on you!

I thought those two were just two guys dressed up like chicks... Guess I was wrong.

Hunting is my way of life
Sgt. Petersen
+1 sneek, some of you guys need your heads examined, or atleast your vision checked!! looks like you might get something you could not scrape off with a wire brush from those two! [font size="22"]

slutty cheerleaders ........looks like a date(s) I had a week and a half ago!


well, then rack... you just might want to pay a visit to your dr. for some testing...[font size="22"]


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