BYU -Utah game


Long Time Member

Did any of you catch one of the biggest rivalries yesterday.

I think all the Ute fans are seeing "blue" today.
It was another classic game between those two teams but, I still see red today as I did yesterday and I will again tomorrow. Congrats to that team down south.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-09 AT 03:59PM (MST)[p]It has fired up quite a few people, over 1200 posts on KSL.
Was what Max hall said after the game bad,or are people over reacting just a little.
This rivalry gets very, very heated but, he should have showed more restraint with his comments. It seems his coach forgot to teach him how to be humble and gracious in victory as well as in defeat. As a coach that should be high on the priority list. Maybe he is still sore from the beating he took last year? His comments IMO showed very poor sportsmanship. What happened to praising each others teams for a hard fought game? One person I know has family on both teams.
He should have showed more restraint because he is from BYU or because the Utes and their fans cant handle some truth when its thrown at them.

My question for you is if the table was turned, and it was a the Ute QB saying this would you feel the same way.

In the past far worse has been said/done by the opposing team and it was not turned into the big deal they are making this into.

Max Hall will probably regret his off the cuff comment but,at least he was honest:)

I'm just saying !!!

(disclaimer) I'm not attacking you just asking a question.
I'm with you Fireball, Ute fans are making a huge deal out of it because they lost. Had they won, they would laugh, call him a loser, and move on. But, being that they have dropped 3 out of the last 4 to BYU, they are bitter. He is just saying what nearly every other fan in thinking, and saying, just not with a microphone in their face.

With that said, I think he could have worded it differently, and still gotten his point across.

I agree, even if it was shocking and kinda funny.

For all you who didn't hear it, here it is.

"I don't like Utah. In fact, I hate them. I hate everything about them. I hate their program, their fans. I hate everything. It felt really good to send those guys home." - Max Hall
Let me say this I am Ute fan and I am not bitter about yesterdays loss. If a ute player said that I would still feel the same about comments like that. I just think sometimes the rivalry gets out of hand. I was not overly impressed with either team including Max Hall but, give him credit he did make the only play that really mattered.
I also think the fans from both shools get out of hand. Maybe it's because the two schools are so close together?
I read a lot of sports forums and I can attest there are a few classy Ute fans and a lot of idiot Ute fans. There are also a few Classy Y fans and a lot of idiot Y fans on the boards. This game was a flat out battle with each team winning 2 qtrs. Wynn missed a crap load of deep passes that could have killed BYU. Hall did every thing he could to not throw an interception. The Ute DB's were awesome against the Y's recievers. BYU could have salted the game away by pounding the ball to Unga but they just kept throwing, and let the U back in.

Hall was lucky to win this game, his defense saved him. He could have and should have showed more class.

Kruger said the same thing last year and nothing was made of it.

Wynn will be a great quarterback for the Utes.

First of all I'm a huge Ute fan. Byu deserved to win that game. They had more intensity than the utes could match, and made the plays when they counted.
That being said, I was angry with Hall's comments after the game. He only made them because it is the last time he'll face them. If they played again, he wouldn't finish the game. I guess I took it personally because he attacked what I considered all Ute fans. And it will be the same old story when Hall gets into the bowl game this year, he will lose it for them. I'm getting sick of byu not representing the confrence in a big game. ie. Arizona.
Max Hall showed his true colors after the game I guess, and all I can say is good riddence. Can't wait till next year in SLC! Thanks Max!
Like I said things get way out of hand. Both sides need to tone it down a bit players and fans.
That was a great great game. BYU earned the victory in OT, not in the 2nd half for sure. Ute fans learned that you can't kick field goals in OT and expect to win. You have to score touchdowns.

I like athletes who are a little too honest!

"Hall was asked if he felt personal redemption from this particular win, after a tough loss last season where he had six turnovers. Hall was pretty clear with his response:

"A little bit, yeah. I don't like Utah. In fact, I hate them. I hate everything about them. I hate their program, I hate their fans, I hate everything.

"So it felt really good to send those guys home. They didn't deserve it. It was our turn, and our turn to win. We deserved it. We played as hard as we could tonight. And it felt really good, again, to send them home, to get them out of here, and so it is a game I will always remember."

When asked why Hall had so much hate towards the Ute's, his answer was:

"I think the whole university, their fans, and their organization is classless. They threw beer on my family and stuff last year, and they did a whole bunch of nasty things, and I don't respect them, and they deserve to lose."

Hall's comments don't stop there as he discusses his feelings towards his own fans as well. He seems to like them. Well, most of them."
I'm from Idaho and not a fan of either team. However, I have a lifetime of competing (my kids, too) in HS and college say those things, about a RIVALRY game....just adds to the intensity and the fun! This isn't Campfire Sports.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I think I need a hug! I was crushed when Max Hall said he hated me and my family. I love Max. He has been very good to the Utes. I sure wish he had another year of elegibility. BYU fans that live in my area have been way harder on Max Hall than Utah fans. I'll be glad to see Unga go though because he is one tough runner. Great game until the last play.
Nevermind, I just got my hug! Max apologized, so it's all good again. His heat of the moment (an hour after the game that they won) comments were directed only at the people that threw beer and spit on his family last year. Max cracks me up.
I went to both schools; I worked at both schools. My dad worked at the U for 30+ years until he retired a couple years ago. My BIL currently works at the Y, and I have two kids currently enrolled there. I drove nearly 600 miles so that I could be at that game. Sat with my daughter in section that was about 60/40 blue-clad vs. red-clad fans. It was an incredibly intense game.

The U fans that I was sitting next to showed nothing but class as they cheered on their team, even in defeat, and Max Hall was wrong to label all U fans as classless.

Same with the BYU fans, who were gracious towards the U fans and complimented them for their team playing an outstanding game.

What irritates me to no end, however, is the panty-waisted media getting their collective panties all bunched together because Hall said some mean things in the heat of a very intense rivalry. What a bunch of whiney little boys and girls that all need to start acting their age. Why are they picking on Hall? Surely this ain't the first time that one side or the other has uttered something very similar. I hear similar things coming from opposing fans and teams on a weekly basis.

Man up media, and do what you expect the rest of us to do: just let it roll off ya...
Well said mozey that is typical of the media, they do that with most every thing not just an intense rivalry game. That game really does divide families at least for a day.
The best part about the uproar from ute fans over halls comments is that they forget Morgan Scalley saying basically the same thing about BYU. "I hate those p**sies" in the locker room infront of camera's.

Were either player right? nope they shouldn't have said but they did. oh well such is the nature of this rivalry
>I think I need a hug!
> I was crushed when
>Max Hall said he hated
>me and my family.
>I love Max. He
>has been very good to
>the Utes.
I sure
>wish he had another year
>of elegibility. BYU fans
>that live in my area
>have been way harder on
>Max Hall than Utah fans.
> I'll be glad to
>see Unga go though because
>he is one tough runner.
> Great game until the
>last play.

So being 2-1 in his career is being good to the Utes?

OK now that he apologized, the Ute fans can go to sleep tonight, and not have nightmares of his true words in their heads. LOL

And now the media can move on to the next story, that will probably be taken totally out of context as usual.

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