BYU making a statement!



How you guys like them apples. Looks like BYU was a little upset w/ all the stuff floating around about last weeks win. And then they turn around a put a serious hurting on UCLA. Not to mention another blocked fg attempt. I think the Y is the real deal. The offensive, and defensive lines are amazing, and Max Hall is in the running for the Heismann if he keeps these kind of performances' up.
That ass whooping was a thing of beauty. I have not seen a game that complete for a long time from any team (USC was close saturday night)
After watching Utah against USU and Michigan, in my opinion they are the real deal as well. It would be amazing if both teams run the table until the showdown in SLC.
I agree, Utah made quite a showing as well. I'm definitely an all teams of Utah fan, but when it comes down to the showdown you can believe I'll be done up in blue. Did you guys hear the Heisman buzz? I wonder if they'd really give it to Hall, even if he continued the way he is going.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-08 AT 10:31AM (MST)[p]BYU has a good fooball team. So far they haven't beat anyone that is any good. Beat USC then you can brag.
I'd say thats a petty narrow minded comment considering how early it is in the season, and judging by the poles, which I believe this week is #11. I rest my case.
Based on what I'm seeing out of the Pac 10 this year, when the season is done, I'm not sure that USC (a really good team)will be able to say that they've beat anyone that is any good either... ;-)
I thought someone might use OSU to counter my point. Let's see what OSU's record ends up being this year without Beenie. So far, it's one and one, with the one win being a not too impressive display against Ohio, and the one loss being a not too impressive display against USC...

It's still too early to tell, but in head to head, MWC owns PAC this year. I'd say that it currently appears that BYU's SOS is stronger than USC's... :)

Does that mean that I think that BYU is better than USC? No. Like BYU, USC can only control how good it is, not how good its opponents are. But it's fun for at least one year to be able to throw the SOS argument back at the BC$.
I hate BYU! back in 74 or 75, i was the starting louie linebacker for Arizona. We lost 2 games all season. One of them i had the best game a guy could ever ask for cause we shut down the run to like nada. They had a QB, Shidy? That guy tore our secondary apart throwing 15-20yd darts to some good wide outs and cause of that only, beat us! Back then, only one team in the WAC was allowed to go to a bowl game, guess who went? I hate BYU!!

They do look awful good though, It'll be interesting!

Tony, yeah, that's the guy. I had real mixed emotions that game. I was real happy with all the hits and plays, some big ones, made that stopped them cold...then he would complete a 20 yard comp for a first down. This went on all game. Seemed to me that we won every facet of the game except his, Sheide's, mid depth passes, he was grooving them, and in the end... they scored more than we did, they won. Was a very hard fought game, tough loss to accept, looking back, maybe the toughest ever in my college career.

Hey ropinfool, do you remember going at it with berryblaster a few weeks ago because he said that at least part of your name fits? Well, I have thought about the things you post, and what berry told you, and have come to the conclusion that berry is correct in his ussumptions about you.

Now you are obviousely allowed to have your own oppinions about the BYU football team, but with the nations longest winning streak, a number 11 ranking in the national polls, one of the nations most prolific offences, and a decent defence, I would say that your oppinion is a little off base.

And one more thing, Ohio State does not look to be the powerhouse they have been in the past. Usc will lose their number one ranking within the next couple of weeks.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-08 AT 02:13PM (MST)[p]"Usc will lose their number one ranking within the next couple of weeks."

maybe.....but not to byu.

you one of dingleberries classmates? prophetic. So much for USC, if the Utes knock of the Beavs next...think I'm all the sudden a Ute fan... ;-)
Hey fool looks like once again intelligence prevailed and your left lookin like an idiot! Your right SC didnt lose the ranking to The Y, they lost it to a piss poor 1-2 Oregon state team. So here is how it goes this week SC falls to 12 or 13th Bama beats a horrible georgia offense with a couple of TD's and they fall to 9th or so The Y moves up to either 10th or 8th in a bye week and, this all could be even better if TCU walks in and upsets Oklahoma, not holdin my breath tho. Basically it comes down to two undeafted teams in SLC in November and im thinkin the Y walks away with another W and into the BCS championship as the second ranked team or a BCS bowl as the third ranked team in the nation behind Who?? Bama and OK close call there. btw before ya decide to make anymore unintelligent rants please, please find someone who knows, to do your talkin for ya cause your arguements and reasoning are pretty sad.

Wildlife population control specialist
Oh hell, I guess I should have said within a couple of days the Trojans would be kicked out of the number 1 ranking. LOL, that is awesome!
you one of dingleberries classmates?

Uh no, family bro. You dont ##### around with the family.
How far will the utes vault in the rankings if they beat the Beavers? I'm sure Utah had that date circled on their calander when the season began after losing all their starters and the game up there last year. What would it take to make the Moutain West a bcs confrence? We have dominated the regular season and bowl games against bcs confrences for a while now.

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