By Baggs



I've got 4 days to bow hunt this year and I want to make the best I can out of it. I'm looking at going kind of east of Baggs and going in with a deer and elk tag. Heres my questions is there a good over lap of deer and elk? I'm going to just pack in a sleeping bag and tarp has anyone had any problems with lions or black bears there?

Thanks for any replies,
Interesting I haven't seen anything on the WY G&F website and when I talked with one of the biologist over there a few weeks ago he didn't say a dang thing about that. Guess I'll have to wait for the accual season dates to come out, a few of the area's I'm looking at would put me in that unit for deer. I guess I'll be Elk hunting most of the time or all of the time.
Did the biologist mention anything about deer units 78 thru 81 going to individual limited quota this year?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-13 AT 09:59AM (MST)[p]82 is open under the Region W tag along with 100 for at least 3 point antlered mulies on one side with the season opener being on 10/1. The separate LQ season for 82 was the one that was closed/eliminated this year.
My bad . . . You should be able to hunt early October for both . . . I think it would have made more sense to close the gen. hunt there?
The rifle season for deer in area 82 and rifle elk in 21 do not overlap. The archery seasons through the month of September for both overlap.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-13 AT 01:50PM (MST)[p]He IS asking about bow hunting (says he has 4 days to bowhunt)and the way I understood his question is where the animals overlap and not the seasons for them because he knows both are open in September. Anyway, hopefully things are on the right track now and maybe I'm wrong.

Murphy---Not quite sure what you're asking/stating in reference to deer units 78-81, but they are now all LQ units if you look on the G&F website deer map that is part of the online application booklet.
Topgun is correct just wondering if there is a good overlap of deer and elk or if I should just focus on one tag, and I will be there in September bow hunting.
If you have the money to buy both tags, go for it, especially if you have any chance to get back to hunt one or both later during the rifle seasons. If you only have an elk tag for the rut, you'll probably have the biggest mulie right under your nose and no tag if you have my kind of luck!
But remember the best place to pack into is the wilderness area and you can't go there without a guide or a resident who acts as your guide. There are soem good places, and it is a great time of year. Good luck on your hunt.
I will be a Resident in about 3 months so I'll have a general tag for both and will be able to use them in the rifle season. One of the area's I am really looking at going is in the wilderness area.
You must domocile for one full year to be a resident in Wyoming.Not sure if the wilderness/outitter law pertains here,but that might be something you would want to check into.For sure you must live here for one full year before buying resident licenses.
I'll try starting over. I will be a Res. in July of 2013 I moved here in July of 2012 and have lived here the entire time. I have looked at maps quite a bit and have found a few area's I want to hunt during the bow season in September, I'm just wondering if there is a good over lap of deer and elk or if I should just focus on one? I plan on just taking a sleeping bag and a tarp so I can move around rather easy so I'm not stuckin one spot for 4 days has anyone had problems with lions or bears up there?
There are areas with an overlap of elk and deer.

That area can have heavy snow fall during sept. so be prepared if you go. Tire chains, a tent with wood stove or propane wouldn't be a bad idea.

There are a lot of both Mt. Lions and Black Bears in the area.

Don't worry too much about the Mt. Lions.

The Black Bears can be another subject though. If you keep a clean camp you should be fine. If you leave garbage and food laying around, you could be inviting them in.

As far as when hunting, I wouldn't worry about either. They will both be more likely to see you before you see them. Especially in close encounters.


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