Buying, Selling, or...


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-11 AT 11:58AM (MST)[p]Happy where you're at?

My family has a house for sale in the Bay Area that i have 1/3 interest in. Nothing is selling though and ours is listed at 1/2 what it was worth 5 years ago.

I want to buy a little place where i live and pay cash for it with my portion of the proceeds.

Are you guys out there wanting to sell, looking to buy, or happy where you're at?

I want to live in Evanston WY!! I could drive to the cabin to scout deer anytime within a half hour, be to school in SLC once a week within an hour, drink real beer anytime I want...except my kid lives and goes to school here and I take him to and from school gotta stay here. But I'd go to WY if I could...

I'd definitely buy a 4 wheeler too, just to park by BLM no shed hunting areas each winter so we could hear the locals freak out on here :)[/IMG] ~Z~
Trying to sell, my house hasnt lost too much value I should be able to get out of it. If work gets their crap together they can just buy it and I wont have to worry about it. Just gotta see what natural gas prices are going to do....

Always dreamed of owning a home on a small parcel of land outside of Durango, Colorado. Perhaps some day.

Joey, what ever your looking to buy should be about half price as well with a lower tax assesment to boot. Right now we are trying to split a piece off my grandfathers ranch for my mom...its a long process but once we do my brother and I are going to help her build a new home. I'm burried in my house I have in town but I can rent it for more than my payment. If I can find a nice place in the country 5ac or more...and I can legally shoot my guns on it I will buy it right now.....Its definatley a buyers//investors market.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Currently live in Snohomish Washington and love it. We are planning to sell the house in about 8 years and travel in a motorhome and buy a small place to come home too. We want to follow the sun year round until I'm too damn old to do it anymore...Then die!
>I want to live in Evanston
>WY!! I could drive to
>the cabin to scout deer
>anytime within a half hour,
>be to school in SLC
>once a week within an
>hour, drink real beer anytime
>I want...except my kid lives
>and goes to school here
>and I take him to
>and from school gotta
>stay here. But I'd go
>to WY if I could...
>I'd definitely buy a 4 wheeler
>too, just to park by
>BLM no shed hunting areas
>each winter so we could
>hear the locals freak out
>on here :)
>[/IMG] ~Z~

Are you off your rocker lol....
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-11 AT 03:30PM (MST)[p]I'm originally from West Jordan, Utah (Salt Lake suburb) but have been down in the southern part of the state for 6 years (St George) and have really enjoyed it. I just got a job offer in West Jordan that I can't pass up. Closing on a home in W.J. the first week of May and pretty excited about it. All of my family and all of our friends are in that area so we are excited to be closer to them again.

I'm happy to live in western Colorado. When we retire in a few years we intend to spend part of our winter in New Zealand. there is no season on red deer and elk as well as Tahr so I could hunt as much as I wanted, or maybe just fish and drink beer.
Eldo, Durango would not disappoint you. I live 40 minutes South of Durango and find myself spending quite a bit of time up that way. I live in Farmington, NM and love it. I dont plan on leaving the state (gf wants me to move to Santa Fe), I played a little college baseball in SE Kansas and couldn't stand being that far from the mountains. I'll never make that mistake again.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
I'm one year away from being eligible to retire . Originally I wanted to get away from Salt Lake in search for some property that was still some what close to a city , but still had some elbow room where I could shoot at home and be able to ride the ponies up in the hills from a back gate .

I was going to use the equity from my place to build , but with home prices in Salt lake the way the are , it looks like my plan might be a few years off . There is now way I'm giving my house away with all the work I have done and with the current house prices .

Wish I had some extra money just laying around with all the good real estate and property deals out there .
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-11 AT 05:58PM (MST)[p]Right now we feel pretty content. We cashed in nearly everything we had and moved from Iowa to NW Colorado a few years ago and bought a small cabin type home in a small community. We moved into, what we feel is the hunting mecka part of the USA with Utah and Wyoming just a short drive away and some of the rockies best deer and elk hunting right in our back yard. Then comes the fishing. Pretty impressive to say the least. We have found 2 of the best bluegill and perch lakes we have ever experienced within an hours drive and also an outstanding catfish fishery running right through town with a few more lakes we hope to add to the list soon. My wife and I are fortunate to have good stable jobs which help fund our playtime. The best has to be the freedoms we are able to experience with the vastness of the public lands so readily available. We feel blessed...
Thanks for the replies Folks Doesn't sound as if many of you are needing to sell a home, as we are, and that's a good thing.

Tailchaser, Sounds like every bodies dream!

Overton, Well yes, no, pretty much but i'm not sure, why do you say that? Is it because you doubt that i can pay cash for a little cabin type home on 1/3 the proceeds of a nice paid for Bay area home? chect this out. Westwood is like 10 miles from Chester.

My needs require nothing fancy.

I'm pretty happy where I'm at.
I have a modest 2 story home on a few acres in the country that's paid for.
As I type from my computer I watch the creek flow behind the house and often watch blacktail deer, turkeys & quail in the yard.
I have a huge lake less than five minutes away with bass, trout & catfish being abundant.
I have exclusive hunting rights on several thousand acres of private property just a couple miles from my front door that offers very good hunting for columbian blacktail deer, turkey & predators.
Great steelhead fishing up north a few hours away if I want to drive and things look promising for a good salmon season again this year finally.
Work has been steady for over 30 years for my wife & I which is important in this new world and is a 30 minute commute down the mountain.
I've been able to raise my son in a country atmosphere with a sportsman's values.

The only negative?
It's California.


Hey Joey- is there much need for rentals up your way?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I thought you already owned a parcel up there Joey? Maybe you could do a pre manufactured home?

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-11 AT 09:48PM (MST)[p]Wiz, not really, many are/have been sitting empty. With a good local manager and great locations on the water or around the lake, you can make good money with weekly rentals in the summer. The lower end places like i'm looking at though, up to maybe 65K or so, though draw a different clientele and they can be more trouble than they are worth, if you know what i mean.

Hardway, Yes, i own a nice lot here in town, 175 feet of riverfront on the Feather River. The problem is i can buy a home ready to move into, have it paid for, a lot cheaper than i can build the home on the river that i already have the plans for. I plan to keep the lot, there are few like it, as an investment for later years.



I meant you seem to be going stir crazy from the long snowy winter. LOL cabin fever is when you have been cooped up far too long.
OK, i can see that. I'm always feeling my best when i'm busy. 3 weeks now and not one call for even service work and the snow is still piling up as i put this down. In that respect, yes, i could be doing better!

I wouldn't say 'happy where I'm at', I would say 'stuck where I'm at'.
Can't complain though, the wife and I both have good jobs and 3 rentals. We were looking to buy a 4th but uncle sam was not too generous with the taxes this year. Too bad, there are some smokin deals out there right now.
We are looking at Nevada or Utah for retirement, but that's a ways off. Wish there was some way I could speed it up. Can't wait to get out of Cali.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
Joey, hang in there. As soon as those vacation cabin owners return in the spring, will be late spring this year, and find all the damage done by the cold & snow, you will be wanting days off to rest up.

As for me, the wife and I will stay where we are at. Home was payed for when I retired, both sons and families 45 minutes away. No damn sigal lights. Great hunting and fishing on three nearby rivers and about 5-6 lakes.

We thought about buying a vacation home on the Oregon coast, but nixed that idea as it confines you to going to the same place year after year. The first time each year would be to take care of things that happen to a vacant home. Instead we just hook up the RV trailer and go where we please and stay as long as we want.

Happy where I'm at but always wishing I was somewhere else. For 36 years I've on the Monroe Elk unit in Utah, 5 miles from the Pahvant unit, 6 miles from the Fish Lake unit, 21 miles from the Beaver unit, 16 miles from the Manti unit, and 45 miles from the Boulder unit. Elk paradise. Yes? But I moved here and struggled to stay here because 36 years ago this area was mule deer heaven. Time has chanced all that in a big way. I like elk, killed a bunch of them, don't care if I ever kill another unless its for meat. Ate a cow tag last fall cause I just couldn't bring myself to remove another cow off the Fish Lake. Never even went out for a look.

Man, I miss those muleys though, if I was 20 years younger I'd have a hard time being happy here for that reason alone. Colorado seems to have mule deer figured out so I would be looking east if I was 45 and going anywhere.

I have 15 months of work left before I turn in my retirement papers. 48 years of 8 to 5 is enough. I moved to Utah in 75 from Brooks, Alberta. Got a bunch of friends and a sister that still remember me there. Bought the 5th wheel RV last summer and the boat last week. July of 2012 we'll be heading back to Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan for the summers. Winters, we have a son that has a taxidermy business in Las Cruses, New Mexico, we'll divide the winters between Las Cruses, here in Glenwood and in Logan, Utah where there's another house full of grandkids.

The winters in New Zealand have started to catch my attention too so that could happen at least once or twice.

We own a small cabin, like Joey's talking about, 2 miles from Fish Lake (35 miles from our home) and we'll spend some fall and early spring days there too.

Figure on slipping up to Alaska a time our two, while we're in northern BC. Got two old buddies from high school that live in Whitehouse, Yukon Territory, one is a retired Mounty, the other one retired after serving as the head of the Yukon Department of Fish and Game. The Mounty now trains shed dogs for entertainment so that could prove to be an interesting visit on the way to Fairbanks. I want to drive the Dempster Highway to Inuvik and fish for char in the Arctic Ocean, at least once. I'd like to float the Yukon River to Dawson and see the Klondike one time as well. Might even dip a pan in a sand bar just to see if I can turn any color, just so's I can say, "I done it".

So, ya, I love it here but they'ers a lot of fantastic places I haven't prowled through yet. So Joey, for me and Mrs. DC, we're going to invest ours in the mobile-cabin and a few thousand gallons of diesel fuel. You better reconsider too, from your posts I can tell you like to get out of town, I don't figure you for one that'll be happy too long without putting some highway behind you pretty regular.

When I get tried of that, I'm going to have to think up something else to entertain myself. Maybe you'll give some new ideas.

Good luck Sage, in where-ever the wind blows that old Stetson you've been looking out from under.

Thanks RELH,

As tight as things are, i could be doing worse. This winter hasn't brought on the bumbed out feelings that i have/get from year to year. I come here to talk of the outdoors, something that i gave up a decent life in the Bay area to live to it's fullest. Yes, i could have stayed "down there", the Bay area, and built up my pension in the CAL PERS but i got to hating the thieves and crooks, nobody caring of each other, and every person for themselves. I moved up here to the small town mountain life in 83-84 and hardly ever look back.

Since day one in these pages, my life is pretty much a open book for all to read if they care to. Sometimes, like right now, i might talk of things others would never care or even think to express. Sometimes i get repetitious, for that i apologise, but i am one to tell of my experiences, help whoever when i can, and write of that which is on my mind. A lot of that has to do with the hunting and shooting of Muley and Blacktail bucks, along with some spectacular fishing, my life's passion.

Thanks for the responses guys!! All good stuff. There is room for more, lets hear it. My hunting pard owes $250K more on his house than he can sell it for...not good!

Joey, you must have a good idea who the spring/summer residents are...what you need to do now is go break a few pipes on the ones you're sure of so you can better plan on your schedule this spring :)

Don't worry about getting caught either cuz...well it's kinda like stabbing someone to death with an icicle, all the evidence melts away!! }>[/IMG] ~Z~
Lumpy, Sounds great! That's a long time to be doing what you did, my hat's off to you! Also, thanks for the thoughts, good ones that i'll be thinking on!

N_C, lol, honestly, the though never entered my mind. I do though, don't feel so bad when my customers come calling with major plumbing problems. Trouble is, i often don't charge near what i could. Hey, Thanks for that link you sent me today...well thought out piece!

I have it pretty dang good but lately I've been fighting a strong wanderlust. I'm in E. Oregon on 160 acres with a mile of river. We get 2 landowner deer tags. Walking or taking 4 wheelers from the house I've taken nice bull elk, some good muley bucks and passed on bear. Great bird hunting. Going from the house I get lots of chukar,huns and quail and occasionally pheasant,blue,ruff and sage grouse. I've lost access to some of that due to landowner changes.Good waterfowl on the river at times. I've been pretty much able to retire from the concrete business and make a living guiding fishermen a few miles from home. But it is Oregon with Oregon politics.I like Wyoming but the wife doesn't like the long winters. And Joey, she's a Westwood girl. I'd like to live somewhere with longer big game seasons,fewer people and not so cutthroat. If I was younger I'd be in Wyoming for sure.

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