Buying Mounts?


HHG (Guest)

I've read, heard, or seen advertisements for buying mounted animals for large sums of money. I can somewhat understand Cabela's and other companies for there stores, or a world record animal. But why do people pay for trophy animals they did not harvest? Isn't the point of having a mount in you're house to remind you of an awesome "experience, week, or moment", while going about our normal unadventurous life? Or is it like buying a nice painting to some?
Ya' know, I never really understod that either, hope you get some good replies so I can find out as well. Thnaks for bringing up an interesting question.
I suppose its for the fun of building a collection and then upgrading each piece. I personally would want to harvest the animals myself but to each his own. I know its fun to shed hunt and collect horns even though you didnt harvest them by weapon, you hunted them down but just buying them for me would not get me going........... Allen Taylor......
LAST EDITED ON Feb-29-04 AT 06:46PM (MST)[p] I admit I am obsessed with Trophy Big Game animals!
In my trophy room I have plenty of real good stuff that I took myself,but I do have a few things that I didn't take.
I have a few reproduction animals,that are AWE inspiring!
I have a 46in muley,a 217" typical Kansas King(213 is the World Record!) whitey,a 237" nt MASSIVE whitey,and a 279"TYPICAL yes TYPICAL whitey that was a creation of sorts.
These mounts were done by a superb taxidermist and are total jawdroppers!!!! I also have a lifesize lynx that looks alive,that one a friend trapped in Alaska and was so beautiful that I wanted him in my room.
I DO look at quality taxidermy as fine art!(I mean SUPERB Taxidermy) To me mankind will NEVER EVER be able to produce the beauty found in Nature!
These Monster repros to me, are no different than hanging up the "Kings Calendar" but on a larger scale.
Same way a guy hangs up a pinup girl poster!
I will certainly NEVER take a worlds record buck,but when I look at these monsters I am always blown away at "what could be"!
I know it aint' for everyone,but who cares!!! I like em'
They certainly don't hold the sentimental value of the hard earned trophies that I have worked so hard for,but it is fun to see company freak out when they see 'em.
The world would be a prety boring place if we all liked the same damn thing!
I know down here in south Texas alot of oilfield companies, banks, doctors, and lawyers buy mounts to put in their office. They look at mounts like a piece of art or a conversation piece. I personally dont want somebody elses mount in my trophy room or office, but alot of people do and there willing to spend lots of $$$ to do so. Each to their own.

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