Buying antelope points


Very Active Member
With antelope in most Wyoming units,who thinks it is worth buying and accumalating pref points for antelope?Several units you can draw with no points.
I am buying points for my wife to hunt the Shirley basin as I took a nice buck there a few years ago and she wants to hunt there one time.After that we will hunt under subscribed areas.
As long as it take some points where I want to hunt I'll buy them and either shoot does or a cow elk in the other years
LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-12 AT 06:34PM (MST)[p]>As long as it take some
>points where I want to
>hunt I'll buy them and
>either shoot does or a
>cow elk in the other

We want to hunt unit 47 or 32 again maybe next year.That is why I bought the wife a point again this year,I will be happy to hunt a doe.But for this year it is unit 23.I read some of your posts on 23 ,looks rough going in the western parts.
After our Shirley Basin hunt we will not be buying points for antelope and hunt under subscribed units and probably leftover tags.
If you hunt over there in 23, it is some some rougher country compared to a lot of what people refer to as typical antelope habitat, but IMO it's also a very neat area to hunt goats doing spot/stalk on foot, which to me is the only fun way to hunt them.
I think its definitely worth buying points. Every 2 or 3 years you can have a quality hunt on public land with a long season and a reasonable chance to take a good goat. Yeah, yeah, I know someones cousins uncle shot an 87 incher on a leftover tag. Yes, it happens but in general terms the quality of hunts in preference point units is much greater than leftover units. As TG says, the years in between you can hunt leftovers, cows, does, etc...
I have bought points as a NR for several years. I now have 7. I am trying to draw a very tough unit. I bought points up until last year because thats when I had the least chance of drawing other tags in other states. Hopefully next year will be the ticket!

I say that it is worth it.

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