Buy a Wolf Tag


Long Time Member
wolf tags go on sale

Idaho Fish and Game has started selling wolf tags - $11.50 for resident hunters and $186 for nonresidents, vendor fees included.

Tags are available at license vendors and Fish and Game offices. A valid 2011 Idaho hunting license is required to buy a tag.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Thursday, May 5, published the rule that removed wolves in Idaho from the endangered species list. The rule took effect upon publishing.

Gray wolves are now under state management and considered a big game animal.

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will set seasons, rules and limits later in the summer.

To buy a hunting license or tags online go to:
$340.75 for a non-resident to hunt a wolf is just plain crazy!!

I hope the residents can thin a few out! Best of luck this fall.
$340.75 isn't SO bad if you go into town and buy the tag AFTER one is on the ground. This payment plan is only allowed for wolves :)
>$340.75 for a non-resident to hunt
>a wolf is just plain

Gotta start the bidding somewhere.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
>$340.75 for a non-resident to hunt
>a wolf is just plain
>I hope the residents can thin
>a few out! Best
>of luck this fall.

That will be the best $340.75 I will ever spend on hunting! I can't wait.

Traditional >>>------->
The tag fee isn't particularly cheap, but if you already own the hunting license (a prerequisite for applying for limited tags) it isn't prohibitive, either. I'd rather see a cheaper tag to encourage participation, but it won't deter those really interested.
It would seem to me that if certain F&G depts were more interested in controlling wolves, than making extra $$$$$$$$, the tags would be a bit cheaper.
It's still cheaper than going to shoot one in the "great white north", I guess.
I think they should slip a wolf tag into the envelope of everyone who gets a tag in Id this year just to ensure the "wolf control" actually happens.

I'll probably go hunt one anyway just to say I did. I have no idea how to hunt them.


Great point Zeke.....So I have to ask, how exactly do you hunt wolves? Bait? Spot & stalk? Call them in like Coyotes? Getting a tag doesn't sound like much of a problem, but once you've got one then what? What's the best MO for hunting wolves?
LAST EDITED ON May-09-11 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]Well that price sucks! I am going to be on the border hunting moose in WY unit 20. Would be cool to do my part to help thin the packs if I tagged out early, but $340 definitely priced me out of the market. Go get'em Idahoans.
LAST EDITED ON May-09-11 AT 03:40PM (MST)[p]>Idaho should PAY anyone who kills
>a wolf. Someday they will,
>you watch.

My thoughts too, Eel


Edit: damn spelling
Its a "wait and see" type of thing for the state. see how many hunters pick up and tag and how many tags get filled. Did they put a cap on the tags/licenses or a limit?

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Say what you want, but charging a non-ressy 16.2 times more for a wolf tag ($186 vs 11) is asinine! If the Id F&G really wanted to see some relief from wolf predation, they would have made a more reasonable fee for the non-residents (say twice the price @ $25).

I can understand the difference in price structure for big game. But a wolf? Come on.
Tags should be free and the state should pay a bounty on dead wolves, maybe $100 or maybe even $500.
cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
Yes, the price of the tag for nonresident sucks, quit bitchin. You were the same ones bitchin about the wolves being in Idaho!
Either buy a tag and hunt or don't.

Traditional >>>------->
Be happy there's a season on these suckers. Wasn't to long ago they were on the endangered species list. Remember? How about looking at it as another success of hunters bringing a species back that was on the verge of extinction and know we have a huntable population that we can also manage and hunt along with the management of our deer and elk herds. We get crazy and shoot um all or to many and we'll be right back to where we came from with no wolf hunting at all with the potiential of them being relisted again. Many eyes are watching so we need to do this right and I think we can.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
They are the same price as other predator tags (bear and cougar). That seems reasonable, but in the real problem areas (Sawtooth and Lolo) they should have Reduced non-resident tags like they do for bear and cougar.

Happy hunting, I am going to get my tag tonight!
Feel free to not come to Idaho to hunt at all if you aren't willing to commit to the cause here. I don't see any other states giving discounts.
Thinking about it... the tag would be a good investment. Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't the tag for 'radio collared' wolves only? Meaning you get to shoot and bury any that don't have a collar (and wouldn't be missed by those tracking the wolves). Sounds good to me!
LAST EDITED ON May-11-11 AT 10:31AM (MST)[p]>I'm sure the residents will do
>a good job of thinning
>those suckers out.

+1 The locals know more about the wolves than any NR.
Hunting alone will not make a dint in you problem areas. Up here we don't even need a tag and in much of the province we have no bag limit with the season only closed for a month and a half in the entire year. With all that, the hunter harvest isn't very high. The trappers are the ones that seem to fare better and even at that we have wolf pops that are growing by leaps and bounds. I can tell you from first hand experience, once they wise up when they are hunted, they aren't an easy target. Good luck in your battle.
This ain't BC BADGEBOY!

Guaranteed,TARDS can make any Species Extinct!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
They outta throw in a wolf tag free when you buy an elk or deer tag. If they were serious about the issue they wouldn't charge so much. I guess when they eat everything else they can charge 6 or 7 hundred dollars a tag cause that's all that'll be left to hunt.

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