Butt shot!

What's funny about someone getting shot in a hunting accident? Obviously they weren't following gun safety rules but funny, not really.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-12 AT 09:15PM (MST)[p]I apologize. I typed this up too quickly. You are all correct. Nothing is funny about someone getting shot. I was referring to the comments after the article. Primarily the assumption that all hunters are drunks. Granted some hunters do drink. It just irritates me when people assume that ALL hunters are drunks and that it is unsafe for people to be in the woods during hunting season.
No apology needed who doesn't type something too quickly certainly not me. People in cities do often have some rather odd ideas about hunters. My sons girlfriend an LA girl had no clue about hunting now she is a diehard hunter after being introduced to it.
I agree that the comments may have been "funny"... Some idiot saying all hunters are drunks... takes one to know one I'd say...

I'm glad the girl is okay... I can't even imagine accidentally shooting a family member, especially not the woman that I vowed to cherish and protect for all eternity...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

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