But, but, but....obama was supposed to appease the muslims


Long Time Member
Guess not.

CAIRO (AP) ? Osama bin Laden threatened Americans in a new audio tape Wednesday, saying President Barack Obama inflamed hatred toward the U.S. by ordering Pakistan to crack down on militants in Swat Valley and block Islamic law there.

Bin Laden claimed U.S. pressure led to a campaign of ?killing, fighting, bombing and destruction? that prompted the exodus of a million Muslims from Swat Valley in northwest Pakistan.

The message was broadcast for the first time on pan-Arab Al-Jazeera Television around the same time Obama touched down in Saudi Arabia at the start of a Mideast visit. He is trying repair relations with the Muslim world frayed under the previous Bush administration.

?Elderly people, children and women fled their homes and lived in tents as refugees after they have lived in dignity in their homes,? bin Laden said. ?Let the American people be ready to reap what the White House leaders have sown,? he added.

?Obama and his administration have sown new seeds to increase hatred and revenge on America,? bin Laden said. ?The number of these seeds is equal to the number of displaced people from Swat Valley.?

Pakistan?s military offensive to expel the Taliban from Swat Valley was launched in late April after the militants abandoned a peace deal with the government that gave them control of the region.

The offensive, strongly backed by Washington, is seen as a test of Pakistan?s resolve against militants in the northwestern border region near Afghanistan. Pakistanis tired of militant attacks in the country that have killed hundreds of civilians have also supported the campaign. But the fighting has uprooted some 3 million people.

Bin Laden focused entirely on Pakistan, claiming President Asif Ali Zardari was paid by the White House to start the crackdown.

Al-Jazeera aired excerpts of the tape and did not say how it was obtained. The authenticity of the tape could not be immediately verified.

Bin Laden, whose last message was released in mid-March, has been sparing in his criticism of Obama in the past. In January, he said only that the U.S. president had received a ?heavy inheritance? from his predecessor.

However, his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri has repeatedly condemned Obama, even using racial slurs.

Bin Laden?s message followed just hours after al-Zawahri criticized Obama?s upcoming speech on Thursday to the Islamic world in Cairo, saying it will not change the ?bloody messages? the U.S. military is sending Muslims in American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I think if Obama was to sit down and hold hands with Osama and apoligise for americans being greedy americans Osama would turn the other cheek and we would be done with this war.

Muslims are peace loving people and only want to look out for other peoples well being.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
"I think if Obama was to sit down and hold hands with Osama and apoligise for americans being greedy americans Osama would turn the other cheek and we would be done with this war.
Muslims are peace loving people and only want to look out for other peoples well being."

BS, if barry sits down with osama bin hidin, his throat would be slit in the first two minutes...
He may fool the sheeple here but to a terrorist, he's just another target of opportunity. And the hand holding only works if the cameras are on him.

Stop Global Whining
"BS, if barry sits down with osama bin hidin, his throat would be slit in the first two minutes..."

why would they do that they are a peasfull people.

I'm just mess'n with ya. The only way this war will end is when one side kills the other.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
You guys seem to have forgotten that Obama is going to catch Osama. Or is it Osama is going to catch Obama........ I forget who is who.
>You guys seem to have forgotten
>that Obama is going to
>catch Osama. Or is it
>Osama is going to catch
>Obama........ I forget who is

Does it really matter which is which????

I don't think so..
Well George and Cheney couldn't catch the man, that's history. I hope Obama can do better.
I thought that Obama was going to make peace with everyone, it was our terrible country that caused all of this, we must apoligize immediately. I am know so confused. I guess it must be Bush's and the republicans fault because it can't be Obama's.


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