Business owners are stupid!



Who are the dumbest people on earth???? Business owners! Who on earth would apply for a high paying job when the job description read, you will live with a phone plugged to your ear, if you ever take that phone out of your ear and your boss calls you will loose a half a months salary. You will work 24 hrs a day 3 to 4 days out of the week and the remainder of the time not during normal business hours you will be on call with the cell phone that was surgically implanted into your ear. You will be responsible for the work of everyone else even when they are doing the work. That means you do it twice. You do not get weekends off. You do not get vacation. If you want vacation you must give up 2 months salary and pray to god we don't replace you while your gone. If you do take vacation we(the company) will find you. We will remind you that you are not free and that you will never be able to relax and enjoy yourself. In addition you will work every chistmas, thanksgiving, birthday, easter, hanaka, mormon day, whatever cuz the employees under you will rebell on these days and walk off the job and again you are responsible for their work. You may not have sex with your wife cuz we will call. You may not take a crap cuz we will call. If you are sick we will fire you. You do not get sick leave, you may not have maternity/new baby leave. By accepting this job you are signing your life over to the company and selling your soul to whomever hires it.

I think anyone self employeed is completely stupid. If you have a good job and get to enjoy family time on the weekends and your kids actually know your name and your under the age of 40 and dont have a solid head of grey hair consider yourself blessed and stay right where your at.

Self employed people are dilusional and need serious help.

That is all!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Hey Stinky how is your week going, From a stupid business owner

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I have been self employed in real estate for 8 years now. My wife has been self employed in cosmetology for 19 years. We both make our own schedules and decide who we want as clients. If one particular couple is rude or flat out unrealistic, I let them know that I am not the agent for them. Same as my wife...she choses who her clients are. If anyone bounces checks or is a constant pain, bye-bye! I wouldn't have it any other way. We go on vacation when we want. I can work from home. I can stay home with a sick kid. We can go on field trips. It's great. The one down fall is that when it's slow, I have to work that much harder. Sometimes there's no money for a couple of months. Some months are as great. My wife is steady. Always booked 3 weeks out. I love being self employed. Don't have to worry about calling in sick or being late. We do what we want...when we want. Sorry stinky....but I'm an idiot!! :)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-10 AT 07:33AM (MST)[p]"Hey Stinky how is your week going, From a stupid business owner"

+1 Gator LOL

I had to come in Sunday and do a little paper work myself.

Stink just remember if it was easy everyone would be doing it!
That mean you been having to 'Earn' your money lately?
Don't worry bout QTPie,she's got my number if she gets lonely & needs somebody to talk to.
I can relate to what you are saying. I once owned a business when I was about 10 years old. some problems I faced,,,

1- Finding customers
2- Hiring an employee who was up to the challenge.
3- The overhead cost for snow shovels was not to bad, got them on sale in the spring. I guess that was the only plus.
4- Last but not least I remember sitting on my porch just waiting for the snow to fall.

Now looking back I would do things different. My mistake was waiting for the shovels to go on sale. By the time spring came around I could not talk anyone into signing a contract for snow removal..

Business owners can be real dumb. I have learned that the hard way.
Jason- I was waiting for a punchline like you were never able to stay busy due to the lack of snow in San Diego or something witty like that. The thing with being a business owner is that your success depends on your ability to bring in business. I'd be a whole lot busier if I was a "salesman".....meaning pushy. I'm not becuase I don't like pushy people. If you can push what you are selling and make the potential buyers see value in what you are selling, they'll buy it. In this economy though, it must have a big value or they won't need it. Have a great day all you 9-5 ers! I'm in shorts and a t-shirt waiting for my 7th grader to get picked up for school. Then I may take a nap....I'm beat from all this business talk!!

Having a tough week Stinky ? Hang in there Buddy. Nobody at MM thinks your Stupid .
And to top it all off, I hate taking September off. It sucks.

Slef meplyed iddiott.

>This post is about as stupid
>as the a$$hole that posted

i totalaly agree, and for the record im not stupid
Jason- I was waiting for a punchline like you were never able to stay busy due to the lack of snow in San Diego or something witty like that.

Steve,, lmao !! I have several friends and family members who are self employed both as there primary or secondary income. I do see the pro's and con's of being self employed. You point out some great advantages and sounds like your doing well. I do wish the best for all you who are working hard to stay busy. The economy has been rough and times look to be improving. Take care, Jason
Sure makes me glad I won the lottery!! You working ALL the time must be why I read on here that you can't shoot very straight!
stupid? whats so stupid about making money while you sleep, even on vacation and I can take as many days off as I want whenever I want and still make money, I make money while gone hunting or fishing, I get up and make some coffee then sit at the ole desk and only have to work till noon, I eat breakfast at my desk, get just about every tax write off there is, don't have to answer the phone if I don't want to, don't even own a cell phone, have no employees, no one to answer to, can take off any day I damn well please, it doesn't matter if I'm sick or not I still make money, and I can do the wife whenever I feel like it!

Can you do that while working for the Man stinky? If it wasn't for conventional business owners, which I'm not, you'd be out of a job!!
sounds like i need some bidness lessons from 3 blade. can u teach me to do ur wife while u make money? i wanna be like u! rofl. seriously though. seems like the more money i make the less money president monkey allows me to keep. the more i make the poorer i get. kinda messed up.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
>sounds like i need some bidness
>lessons from 3 blade. can
>u teach me to do
>ur wife while u make
>money? i wanna be like
>u! rofl. seriously though. seems
>like the more money i
>make the less money president
>monkey allows me to keep.
>the more i make the
>poorer i get. kinda messed

I am

u do your own wife, that is while u have time, haha
I'll settle this little dispute boys. I'll do both of your wives at the same time while you two......I guess I really don't care what you do! I'm hittin' two woman at the same time! Deal?

now wiz startin to catch on. with an internet webcam and wiz we dont even have to lift a finger on our wives and can make money off viewers. however with wiz as one of the stars we may loose our audience and actually get fined for airing crap like that.


ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Stinky- that's harsh! You obviously don't know how hot the ladies think I am! I've been told I look like Brad Pitt, McSteamy from one of the primetime ER shows, and Travis Tritt. One woman even told me I resembled Dirk Diggler....well not my face but my........


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