Bush Shocked!

He hadn't heard about the $4 a gallon gas that's predicted?

The rest of what he said was right on! Make the tax cuts permanent, build more refineries, and find more oil at home, along with alternative sources of energy.

The Dems won't let him do any of that. That's OK. It looks like they may get their shot at running the show.
Hey Eelgrass, sounds like you have given up hope. If I wasn't concerned about him sucking up votes to help the other party win, I would be tempted to vote for Nader(?)
All I get in the video is a bunch of Palestinians pulling bodies out of the rubble.

Was Bush Bush shocked playing with his Easy Bake Oven in the bath tub again?
What a *ooshbag! People paying high gas prices is a big reason we are headed for a recession. They can't afford to buy anything else. Being an oil monger himself, he's too busy counting his profits. Can't wait for November.....if we can survive that long.

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