Bush says we're not headed into a recession



Bush siad today no more stimulus was needed and we're not headed into recession. at least he didn't have a mission accomplished banner behind him this time when he made a dumb claim.

I can't gripe at all, myself ag is doing great and all is well but I have freinds who are contractors, loggers and mill workers who might don't agree with Bush on this one. I think we're already in a recession we just don't know how bad or how long it's going to be.

This is the number one issue with voters today and will be a major topic in the elections. for the sake of lots of good hard working people I hope there is a fix sooner rather than later, I know a few people operating at a loss just to keep their employees on but they can only do that so long . admitting we have a problem is the first step, I don't know where we go from there.
So, as Bush said, how do we know this stimulus package wont work? Why can't we give it a chance before all hell breaks loose? Things take time. If it doesn't have the results expected, then come up with something else.

It's Bush's fault!!!
did Dumb Dumb's keepers let him out to talk to the media again, I can just imagine being on his staff, those guys must work like they are the EMS of political talk. . .
It's like something straight out of the grapes of wrath to see all the soup kitchens with lines that go for miles. The sooner we can raise the tax burden on those greedy small buisness owners dude knows that are operating at a loss that should stimulate things. Fear not, help is on the way, soon we will again have a chicken in every pot. And remember, a vote for Obama is a vote for the future, because the past is behind us, and the present is now, but the future is yet to come, so vote for Oboma, its a vote for change, because the past is so yesterday.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
four years of Obama and all we'll have left is change.....a pocket full of change.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-08 AT 02:28PM (MST)[p]I beleive that this so-called economic downturn is, in large part, media engineered hysteria. If people would get it through there heads that the economy has always been cyclical, I think that we wouldn't be seeing this particular anomaly.
Lets think about this fella's how is it possible to spend anymore than Bush spent in his 8 years. We will be out of the war, good or bad huge cost gone. We are already giving billions in aid to many of the countries in Africa. Are we somehow going to give more. We fund the governments of Pakistan, Afghanistan as well hundreds of millions of aid to other Asian countries. Hell to spend more we actually might have to give some of the money to our own citizens what a novel idea. I don't know what Bush got in economics at Yale but I know he got a "C-" in history and I can't believe his economics grade was much higher. So I don't know if I would consider his assessment an accurate opinion.

All the Sub Prime mortgage defaults are probably all just media induced hysteria. And the decline of housing startups deffinitely is just media hysteria. The strength of the dollar on the world market really isn't as weak as it looks. Say all this 10 times and you will start to believe it.
Nobody has to say it ten times. Just listen to the drones at the Certainly Not News network and they will do the brainwashing for you. P.S., Albert Einstein was a high school drop out and we all know he was an idiot. Gotta go now, the line for the food rations is getting long.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
Now the recession is the media's fault too? this site is just too good, I love it.
It amazes me that all this economic BS is supposedly so bad that none of us will be able to buy bread by the end of the year.

How many people do you know that are making $30 an hour....seen many motorhomes towing Jeeps lately; what does it look like on any weekend at the mini mart-gas station, on the highway to the ski lifts; what does it look like when hunting season is a couple of days away; how many cars and trucks did you see this week with paper license plates on them.

Gas and diesel are almost $4 a gallon, but every recreational venue, from siking to Nascar is playing to sellout crowds. Somebody didn't tell all these people that we are in a recession...

Who, exactly, is it that is in this supposed recession?

The media wnats to hang every littlle thing on George "Boogeyman" Bush...like he dosen't have a Cabinet, directors, economists, and any number of advisors.....all making tons of special interest money....with a real solid interest in making sure the economy won't fail.

You guys talk about what an idiot HE is.....you think he just whips all this dumb assed crap out of his own ass, with no input from others? How much credit are you going to give one man?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-29-08 AT 09:05AM (MST)[p]

Get a grip, some of you guys just are among the crowed of humans that participate in what I call the social willful denial of truth. It means you see something right before your eyes, but because your "believers" you ignore it or pretend it's not real, or that it's fake. Just like when last we had a stock market crash. Everyone thought that if we just kept "believing" it all would be okay. . . Wrong, the chicken came home to roost and so will it again. . .

So, on the heals of dropping employment (as reported by the Bush's)and stagnant payrolls numbers, (unless you work for the us government than you get your raise and your COLA and your bonuses) record prices for all the "staples," If you have not noticed, staples are up 100%, gas, bread, milk, butter, cheese. Dining out now is up an average of 25-30%, the dollar is ower today than the luni, and the euro, many nations no longer are buying our cash and some are not even trading oil with the US dollar, we owe communist countries billions and billions of dollars, like corn said, we're paying for the world to live, and we've just made a 100 more promises to help rebuild the rest due to Bushes war in Iraq.

Boys, your heads are in the clouds (some of you may even be on drugs or think it's all okay because you also believe the world's coming to an end, youre living on wall street the rest of the nation lives on main.

Bush's policies have help to hoist the USA into a very very unstable global position. Dumb dumb Bush is the worst thing to happen to all of the americas. . .
I distinctly remember Bush patting himself on the back a couple years ago when the economy looked good. now that it's in big trouble it's " I didn't do it" and all you Bush bunnies suck it up , is he or is he not in charge? and no, I don't blame it all on him but he is in part at fault.

Our economy is in trouble no doubt about it, the problems will be down played as best possible until after the elections this fall to give McCain the best shot he can get. then this mess along with the one in Iraq will become the next presidents problem.

The feds say they may cut interest again, another cut or two and the fed rate will be zero then what are they going to do? if you don't have any money a cheaper interest rate isn't going to help you much. now talk about stagflation are growing, prices going up but nobody able to buy, and the dollar wil be worth about what a paso is as well. things will get better someday but I feel there's some tough times ahead, denial and media blame games aren't going to help.
T and dude, in a large part it is media hysteria. How many times in your storied lives have you seen the dollar drop and the fed drop interest? Gold and bonds go up, stocks go down?

If you don't take the initiative to manage your portfolios, then how is it the governemnts fault? My hard-earned retirement started taking a hit, so I shifted some stuff around, now its safe and making money again. When the market goes bull again, I shift again.

Refi your house, lower interest payments save money that way, reinvest that money in your house, pay off the prinicipal faster.

WTF. Its not a big deal.

Seriously, you guys just want Uncle Sugar to care for you.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-29-08 AT 09:12AM (MST)[p]No, some of us believe that we are one nation under God and that we are a family that should lend a hand to our brothers.
This isn't you garden variety down turn this time. we have huge consumer debt, $103 oil, a morgage crisis like we've never seen, an incredible national debt, a dollar worth less than recent history, a huge exportation of American jobs and more world competition than ever before.

This is not all Bush's fault nobody says it is. the point is it's not the media's fault that's stupid, and Bush shouldn't deny how serious it is. if I had the answers to this situation my time would be too valuble to waste talking to you guys, I'm just saying we have a problem here that needs more attention than a $600 per tax payer national debt increase.
Then by all means come up with that solution, present it to your congressman, and pull us out of this worlds going to end life. These things happen. It has happened all throughout history. It will get better then happen again. When the media shows only one side of an event, how can you say its not influenced by them? How many stories do you need to read about housing? oil? other costs? It gets very old and all the stories say the same thing. Its no different then some of the arguements that get beat to death on this website. Its all the same thing all the time. Move on. If the media were to ever do stories other than the same old doom and gloom, you would see a big difference in the American people.

It's Bush's fault!!!

The advice JimNv gave is something that would benifit any responsible person. Also how can you be so sure that Jim is not giving his share in other ways too like tiths and charitable donations?

LAST EDITED ON Feb-29-08 AT 02:51PM (MST)[p]which media? I think, overall, it's relatively balanced. If you want you narrow mind stroked, you can watch fox, if you want mostly reality, you can watch john stuart and the cobert report. . .

As per what jim does, i cant say, but I can imagine that he's a big enough boy to speek for himself. . .

your favorite hero, Hillary, is qouted as saying that Fox news has been the most fair to all the candidates running for office over the other mainstream news agencies. It seems you liberals have a difference of opinion, or who is lying here.

I think the old saying is that if a my neighbor loses his job that is a recession but if I lose mine that is a depression.

I think whether or not we are in a recession remains be seen. I do believe we face some very difficult economic times ahead but that we will weather the storm.

The housing market had to take a break and even decline as it was over valued in many, many areas. Look at the speculation in flipping homes.

Unemployment remains low, the dollar is going to make exports especially our ag products much more attractive to foreign buyers.

Ask yourself this question how many people do you know, personally, who will not take their vacations, will not go on their hunts, and will change their lifestyles? The people I know are still driving 100's of miles to watch basketball games, they are still going to Vegas, they are still buying vehicles. If this is what a recession is like then we can survive it okay.

There is definately some people who are having a tough time of making it but there were people struggling even in the late 90's during the run in the stock market bubble.

I guess it depends on whether you believe everything you hear or if you go look at the fundamentals in the economy. I am not saying GWB should be confused with a brilliant economist, we need stop spending like drunken sailors, but it is not 1929 out there either.

I heard it was so bad in the 30's many could not afford to register their quads or jet skis. Many were forced to sit for hours and hours surfing the internet when they weren't out on rubber drives. The great depression pales in comparison to this economic disaster.

On a serious note though, lets keep those borders open and keep importing our Walmart goods to save a buck, destroy internal industry and manufacturing, and build our economy on check city and subway franchises. Always amazing to see the ''union yes'' bumper sticker on someone driving an import car. We all want top dollar jobs but will short sheet American products if we can save a nickle on an import.

TMoneyshot would have you believe this is a one person, one party problem. I would argue that the vast majority of politicians have done nothing to address any of these problems that have been going on for years. We have had domestic policy for decades that basically driven the steel mills out of the country. Our industry and manufacturing cannot survive the competition against unregulated industry in foreign countries who don't have the same eviornmental and workforce standards. Furthermore, I'd say the average joe consumer is a sell out to him/herself and country being so anxious to buy foreign products. Everyone wants it both ways few are willing to pay for it.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
"No, some of us believe that we are one nation under God and that we are a family that should lend a hand to our brothers."

Thats all touchy-feely there T. If you want to give your time and money to helping others, power to ya. Thats a good tenet, but let me decide what and where I want to put my coin, OK? I don't need a party of socialists telling me what do with it. I work hard for it, and aside from a few essential taxes to maintain "my operating area" re my locale, township, et. al. It should be mine to dispense with as needed. Charitable or otherwise. (I like you, probably spend an inordinate amount for habitat conservation and wildlife). I shouldn't be made to pony up $$$ for the irresponsible.

Call it the virtue of selfishness if you will. I worry about me and mine, you worry about yours, everybody maintains and takes responsibility for themselves. Some won't, but most will if they have too.

I've got no earthly desire to help someone who is lazy and malfeasant or addicted or whom otherwise cannot or will not take responsibility, and exists soley but for the slow exanguination of those whose efforts and hard work are then pilloried by these same succubusses.

Selflishly, it is not my job, nor should it be yours. A team works best when all members do their assignments. In big-boy world, its taking care of our own first, not having to worry if our neighbor is pulling their freight or not.
1911 I agree with you on something at last, I ALWAYS buy American first, and Chinese last when I have a choice . maybe I don't make a difference by doing it and sure I pay a little more but I'm getting top quality and I'm not helping America's real worst enemy. besides it makes me feel better knowing Joe Blow got the money rather than Hop Sing.
Ever try to buy American made "T" posts? Good luck, we even import those damn things! I tried to buy some made in American posts last year and all I got were blank stares from the hardware store. . .

Can you imagine that it is cheaper for the USA to import from china almost raw steel than it is to punch out our own? Heck, china does not even have ore. . .
It's amazing what you can do with 10 cent an hour labor and no regulations. yet we're supposed to compete with them.
That is one place they can freely tax all they want and I'd be fine with it. IMPORTED MANUFACTURED GOODS!!!!

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
>AT 09:12?AM (MST)

>No, some of us believe that
>we are one nation under
>God and that we are
>a family that should lend
>a hand to our brothers.

What about all the brothers with their hands out?


>That is one place they can
>freely tax all they want
>and I'd be fine with
>Government does not solve problems; it
>subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan

Have ever read the history of one of the causes of the Great Depression?

We are addicted to cheap goods made in China. We have proven that the majority vote with their pocketbooks.

This is true, but I've found cheap isn't always cheapest in the end. the loss of American jobs, the trade deficit and the fact we're helping China get stronger may outweigh the money we save on their crap.

Not to mention the fact that half the junk you buy from them is so bad it's not even usable, a lot of it is total junk. you just waste your money on crap and have to go buy a quality product in the end anyway.

I feel the export of American jobs is at the top of our list of dumb tricks, it's short sighted and is already biting us in the butt.
You are seeing the results of the environmental movement that we have had slowly shoved down our throats the last 30 years! Manufacturing jobs are leaving here because environmental regulations,higher wages,taxes,etc. make for no profits to share holders. Don't get me wrong here, nobody wants to destroy our environment,but we need smart economic-environmental balance. You can't sacrifice the elk to save the deer if you know what i mean. As far as the media is concerned,until they quit reporting the sky is falling everyone pinches their money a little tighter. No money being circulated, slow economy. High energy costs are killing every thing also.All these alternative bio fuels are a joke. It will just drive up the cost of our food supply. Alternative fuel sources must be developed but corn and soybean ain't it folks! You will never produce enough of it cheap enough to serve our daily thirst for energy. If you think one politician is responsible for the state of our economy or fixing the problem you are on drugs!!! It took 30 plus years to get here,it's gonna take several more to go the other way. Remember,all politicians are scumbags and they don't give a sh#! about anything but their own ego!!!!!!!

"The advice JimNv gave is something that would benifit any responsible person."

Any responsible person? You mean like BUSH! Too frickin funny! Thanks for the laugh.


Are you responsible Zig, or do you believe that the government should engage in wealth redistribution? Bush has nothing to do with individual responsibility here, which was my point. Your point, if there is one, has surely flown over some of our heads.


It could be inferred that you are giving Zigga too much credit!!!

I assume 1911 you are a fan of the gun, right?
If you vote for Obama all you'll have left is that 1911 'handle'!
I dont understand why anyone would vote for a gungrabbing liberal!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-03-08 AT 08:29AM (MST)[p]Warren Buffett said today we're in a recession, oil is hitting all time highs and the stock market keeps dropping . I can't wait to see how the whitehouse spins this.

Now some experts are saying the only hope is to cut interest rates to nothing and refinance the housing debacle. they may be right but that could increase inflation and lower the dollar even closer to the value of a paso it would seem. more bad news is expected on Wall Street this week, I hope they're wrong.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-08 AT 07:12AM (MST)[p]Thought this thread needed a boost since it's been only a few days since Bush ran his stupid mouth and now it's pretty much agreed we are in a recession. . . I think Bush is just like Wall Street, "consumer confidence" is key, Bush and other's think that we can just "believe" our way out of this, just like wall street thinks about stocks, all we have to do is believe in our investments and everything will be okay. I think I learned in college that there has to be real tangible assets for there to be value.

So where's all Bush lovers now? $111 oil, over $1000 gold, gas at $4 bucks, milk at $5 and bread at $4, fuel surcharges on the mail, and the Administration talking about more interest rate cuts - come on now boyz, if it walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, it must be a duck. . . even Bush can understand that. The more he and his idiot friends try to do to prop of their mess the worse off we as a nation will be for it. . . dumb dumb cant even get out of his own way fast enough in my view. . .
Yep, cause we all know that Bush has a hand and can push his little magic button to make oil go up, and now make gold go up. Here's a story that nobody has seen. It was only written a couple days ago.

Economists see US avoiding recession

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The U.S. economy will suffer as the slumping housing market eats away at job creation and consumer spending, but the nation should avoid slipping into a recession this year, according to a new economic report.

A recession could still happen though, if the credit crisis that has stifled the housing market deepens, preventing consumers from buying big-ticket items like cars and businesses from spending on equipment, according to the quarterly Anderson Forecast by the University of California at Los Angeles.

"We don't see that happening," said Edward Leamer, director and co-author of the forecast released Tuesday. "This is a tough call, but I will be very surprised if this thing actually precipitates into recession."

The forecast anticipates job growth remaining sluggish in 2008, with the U.S. unemployment rate rising to 5.5 percent by the end of the year. The February rate was 4.8 percent.

The forecast expects the economy to post gross domestic product growth of about 1.5 percent this year, rising to about 3 percent growth in 2009. GDP grew 2.2 percent in 2007, the weakest showing in five years.

The no-recession forecast runs counter to the outlook among many economists and financial pundits, who contend the economy has already started to shrink amid rising unemployment, job losses, record oil prices, and the lingering effects of the housing and credit crises.

The U.S. lost 63,000 payroll jobs last month, the second consecutive month of job losses. The last time the U.S. posted a two-month drop in payroll jobs was in 2003, when employers were still struggling through the aftermath of the 2001 recession.

Leamer said the nation may be experiencing negative economic growth in the current quarter. Economists generally look for at least two consecutive quarters of negative growth before they make a recession determination.

The biggest risk of recession comes from the credit crisis that emerged last year as home values began to tumble and the number of mortgage defaults and foreclosures soared, the economist said.

Major financial institutions were racked by credit losses as the value of securities backed by mortgages sank, causing the traditional outlet through which banks borrow money to seize up.

The credit woes have deepened the housing slump, making it harder for would-be homeowners to borrow money and for homeowners to refinance. But consumer spending, while weakened, hasn't declined severely due to credit problems, Leamer notes.

"Americans are not as wealthy as they thought they were, and that's going to factor into consumer spending going forward, but it doesn't cause a recession because consumers all realize their lack of wealth at different points in time," he said.

Another potential factor in a recession would be widespread job losses. Leamer, who has maintained a no-recession forecast in recent quarters, said that's not likely.

"So far the labor markets are slowing but not collapsing," he said.

The forecast calls for the nation's housing doldrums to continue "for a long time," Leamer said.

He expects housing starts, which fell from a high of 2.3 million units in January 2006 to 1 million units this January, to bottom out in the summer.

It's Bush's fault!!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-08 AT 09:30AM (MST)[p]you can post anything you want here. Fundamentally, for most americans there is far far less money to spend on wants, today, most americans are spending everything they have on needs. inflation is pervasive, our national debt is out of control, and our consumer credit is marginalized.

Use whatever you want as a measure, even quote selectively the people you want, but paralysis of the credit and financial institutions will kill us. JB Morgan now is bailing out Bear Sterns, and other lenders, stop sippen the coolaid, check reality, prices are at ALL TIME HIGHES, inflation is real, and incomes are down.

It is Bushes' fault, he's the self proclaimed Decider, or did you forget?

Okay, now you can start reminding us of 9/11 and the how scared we should be because the terrorists will get us if we dont watch out. . . Your hero GB and his idiot cronies are just trying to prop this card house up just long enough to watch it crumble as GB is sittin in his S.Texas palace sippen bourbon and twirling a pistole on his index finger while eating longhorn meat with the Binladen family. . . pull your head out of the sand and shake off the cob webs, GB has got you by the hair on the back of your head . . .
That story came from your left wing doom and gloom media. I'm not saying things don't cost a lot. What did you really expect in your life? Everything to stay the same? Everything continues to go up, always. Why does it have to be the fault of somebody else? Meaning, why can't people be responsible for their own bad financial decisions? They opened credit cards, applied for loans, etc. It is nobody's fault but there own.

It's Bush's fault!!!
I'm an amercian, I care about my brothers.

Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. James 1:23-24
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-08 AT 10:15AM (MST)[p]Bush was just asked about inflation in his speech, he started spewing at the mouth and then said, "I'm going to dodge the rest of the questions." So, in affect, he did NOT deal with inflation during his speech on the economy today. . . GWB = dumb dumb. . . .
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-08 AT 10:52AM (MST)[p]Here we go again, only GOOD things are Bush's fault.

Today the NBER's top man Martin Feldstein said we're in a bad recession and it could get much worse. he says it could be the worst since WWII,this year and next year will be very difficult at the very least.

Now before you blow him off as a media crack pot remember he's the head of the NBER, a Harvard economics professor and your god Ronald Reagan's former economics advisor.

Again I'll say I'm not sure what Bush can do to help but accepting the problem is a great start. if McCain plays the part of Bush jr II up until election time he's toast, right or wrong Bush economics aren't going to be playing well by November even with his groupies. we've got some tough times ahead, I hope it doesn't turn out as bad as Feldstein says it could.

Are you saying that only non Republicans care about their fellow Americans?

1 Timothy 5:8
If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

2 Thessalonians 3:10 (NIV)
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
not at all nemont, you know better - get real friend. In fact few things are black and white and I'm sure if youre a christan human you would have to put the bible right at the top of that list.

I'm suggesting that we need to be a little more considerate, and where we can help, and at the very least consider that not everyone as the same opportunities, and not everyone has the same motivation. Some people are really cut out to compete. I dont think we should run our nation like Darwin runs our earth. I think the constitution is set up to avoid the tirany of the majority. . . and the framers meant to help us prosper but they never intend for such a potentially rich nation to to just leave the poor behind. . .

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