Bush does it again!!!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-07 AT 10:13AM (MST)[p]

How desperate can you get? Great question and I might even ask you the same thing.

What date did this "chat" occur? Also do you believe that any president has a chat with anybody that isn't scripted?

I will give you a hint, listen to the entire clip and the reporter goes on to say this takes place all the time and what was unusual was the access CNN had to "pull back the curtain".

Also I will give you another hint this Chat occured on Oct. 13, 2005. If you think this is the smoking gun to beat GWB up some more then it has been out there since that date. If you are that desperate to bash the President why not do even a little bit of work and find something a little more current. I am sure there is plenty of material but I guess it is easier to just cut and paste a link from something that was widely reported at the time and happend almost two years ago.

The only thing more unbelievable then the administration is the lengths idiots will go to bash them simply for no other reason then blind hatred.

Also just FYI Scott McClellan, the press Secretary in this piece, resigned on April 26, 2006. Almost a year and a half ago.


Don't believe me on the dates look at the real sources.

"The only thing more unbelievable then the administration is the lengths idiots will go to bash them simply for no other reason then blind hatred."

Ditto NeMont.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
"What date did this "chat" occur? Also do you believe that any president has a chat with anybody that isn't scripted?"



You guys crack me up......the lengths you will go to to try and justify bushy. Too funny!

I especially like the spin when talking about the troops.

I am not justifying anything for anybody. Do you watch the friggin news? This story was all over the news when it happened. It happened two years ago and you a crowing like it took place yesterday and is somehow "news". Anyone with more then two firing brain cells can figure out that it was a non event because the media only got one news cycle out of it.

If this was the smoking gun to bring down Bush it would have been all over the news every day since it took place. You don't even take the time to listen to entire clip.

If you want to hate Bush then fine hate him but don't post drivel and pretend like it was an earth shattering event. You go to such lenghts because you are driven by blind hatred without a shred of thought put forth.

Couple of words of advice watch the news at least weekly and read from other souces then the mainstream media and your skills are arguing your points would improve.

You still don't answer the question of if you think any president has a televised "chat" with anyone that isn't scripted?

since when has it become hateful to point out something interesting about a person? I never have understood that attitude. I dont believe anyone really hates all to often. I've used it but only since it became Bill Orielly's favorite saying. . . Really, im serious, who are the haters, i dont think i've ever read anything on this board that even comes close to hateful of bush. most things are about how horrible he's lead the war and how poorly things are going domestically, why is that hate?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-07 AT 12:56PM (MST)[p]If it isn't hate for GWB then why post a 2 year old video on a subject that was widely reported on and debated at the time and act as if it is news? If it wasn't simple hate then why not spend an ounce of time researching the topic prior to posting it.

Do you think there are a few current issues regarding GWB that have far more relevance to our nation then an assistant Press Secretary telling the troops what is going to happen in an "chat"?

Zigga wasn't pointing anything new out, doesn't care about the context, the timeline, the actual event nor saying anything newsworthy about GWB and his administration. He is simply driven by hate of the president. He didn't even bother to listen to the entire clip where the reporter says we know this happen every day but it is unusual to get to see it.

It has nothing to with O'Reilly or anyone else.

The anti GWB crowd is as bad as anything they accuse the GWB supporters of being. You cannot disagree with anything a guy like Zigga says or call him a hater because he is right all the time!?. Sound familar? If anyone says they support the president on anything then they are accused of being a right wing lunatic that is out to destroy the constitution and all this country stands for. It is exactly the same thing that other side is accused of doing.

Hate is hate whether from the left or the right. Zigga pulled a 2 year old item out of @ss simply because he hates the president and administration. It is his right but doesn't mean it is right.


At least Jon Stewart has a sense of humor about.
Obviously you went off half-cocked Zigga. But keep up the 'good fight' in trying to cut Little George down to size, it's fun to watch. :)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-07 AT 01:06PM (MST)[p]I don't care how old it is, it was on CNN TODAY. Therefore I am pointing it out TODAY! GET IT???

I'm pretty sure I was doing some kind of hunting in October of 2005 so I can't couch potato like some of you apparently.

I don't hate anybody but this country has been in full speed reverse since 2000 and it's hard not to get sick of it.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-07 AT 01:15PM (MST)[p]Cutting little george down is tooooooo easy. Easy like Sunday mornings.

"At least Jon Stewart has a sense of humor about.

Thanks Nemont! This reconfirms my thoughts on the pres..........friggin hilarious. THANKS AGAIN!!!

ROTFLMMFAO!!!!!! Looks like they weren't sitting on the couch in October 2005 either. That was added Sept.4, 2007.

It was loaded on that site yesterday but go look at the clip. Look at the ticker going on in the bottom of the shot. At least do a 30 second google search. The chat didn't take place yesterday.

You can't be that stupid.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-07 AT 03:08PM (MST)[p]

Zigga you are making yourself look kind of simple in the minded. Again look at the ticker going in the bottom of the shot.

This did not run on CNN today, period. It was covered in depth when it actually happened in 2005.

Pay special attention to the ticker when it says "today is Thursday, Oct. 13th the 286th day of the year; there are only 79 days left in 2005"

I know facts are confusing but try to keep up. Something did in fact come out of your ass and that is claiming this ran on CNN today. If you took even a little objectivity into the issue you would have known that.


Well, that explains why you and I can't see eye to eye.:)

Brahma >>>------>
Take thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison. And make me savoury meat, such as I love. Genesis 27
Am I missing something? Back in 2005 the President had a chat with some military people and it was "discovered" that the questions were rehearsed ahead of time?

And Zigga, you find that disgusting. Or I guess "amazing" and "desperate" in your words.

I guess I still don't get what the big deal is, or was. Sounds prudent to me. Republican or Democrat.

Zigga, I think what they're getting at is when you have a retarded leader such as Bush it's against the rules to make fun of him more than one time, and that must be withing the 7 day time limit. anything outside those limits is viewed as cruel, kind of like teasing Wal Mart employees when they spell their name wrong.

Clinton on the other hand is fair game, he can be blamed for anything and made fun of 7 years after leaving office. I'm not sure if it's because he has full mental capacity or because he's a democrat, but those are the rules.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-07 AT 01:35PM (MST)[p]

Or could there be more current and pressing problems brought on by the Bush White House that have real impact on our future rather then crowing about an event that took place two years ago. Or could it be the Zigga outright lied and said he watched this on CNN yesterday and now has no creditability.

I didn't mention Clinton once in this nor do I believe that after 7 plus years out of office Clinton has much relevance to anything going on today.

I find it funny that you guys do exactly what you accuse the other side of. Also this is what happens when you post something prior to reviewing it and then lie about when it was aired. Any idiot could have taken the time to listen to the entire thing and easily have seen when it took place rather they lying about it.

Do you think that any president has unscripted chats with anyone that are televised? If you do then you need to review how the POTUS is treated. If Zigga just wants to be a partisan hack then fine but he should expect to brought to task for outright lying.

Outright lying?.........good one. I was reading CNN online YESTERDAY, 9/5/2007 and pasted it on the original post. Y.E.S.T.E.R.D.A.Y.......I repeat.....YESTERDAY. If that is a lie than please show me.



Oh yeah,
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-07 AT 10:18AM (MST)[p]


Look I know you want to do all in your power to point out the President is a bad guy. Why dig a hole for yourself trying to say this clip was on CNN online yesterday? It isn't even in CNN online's archives.


CNN online doesn't archive videos from almost two years ago. Just admit you took the bait of who ever posted the video onto liveleak.com, which I don't beleive has anything to do with CNN online.

The lie was that you saw it run on CNN, no you didn't, you saw it on liveleak.com. Then you lied and said that it was just posted on liveleak.com so it just happened. If you had taken the 3:05 it took for the clip to run you would have seen that it was from Oct. 13, 2005. Then you said you saw it on CNN not on CNN Online, no you didn't do either.

Why did you change your story three times, accuse people of being couch potatoes and yet you did not even bother to watch or listen to the entire clip? Also why not answer the questions?

Like I said be a partisan hack if you want. You are as guilty of blindly following the left as you accuse GWB supporters of being by following him.

Anyone else remember when Hillary was scheduled to appear on Leno and discovered ahead of time that he was planning on giving her a quiz on several things going on in America, one question I remember was what is the price of a gallon of milk, and she then refused to make the appearance until Leno gave her staff all the questions ahead of time.

Seriously a stupid thread!
Boy Nemont, you are pathetic.
What in the hell do I have to gain about lieing? Seriously. Do you sleep with a picture of little george??? You sure have a lot of energy to defend him but when someone rants about Clinton from 1998 it's no big deal. Too funny.
Zigga how do we know the dems aren't paying you off? MM is Bush's last stronghold, bring him down here and his approval rating goes to zero. those dems are crafy devils I tell you.
You always bring things into perspective Hdude. Thanks.

To those of you that are interested, I am making wallet sized photos of little george that fit conveniently under your pillow so you can roll over at night and snuggle with it. I'm hoping to get into the pillow case making business where the pillow case is actually a photo of little george so it will feel like he is with you all the time. I'll start them off at $100 each. Good night my little angels.
>Boy Nemont, you are pathetic.
>What in the hell do I
>have to gain about lieing?
> Seriously. Do you
>sleep with a picture of
>little george??? You sure
>have a lot of energy
>to defend him but when
>someone rants about Clinton from
>1998 it's no big deal.
> Too funny.

First when did I bring Clinton up and second this clip did not air on CNN except for the date that the ticker on the bottom says. Explain why it is not in the CNN online archive nor was it on telecast in recent times. I didn't say those things you did.

Show me once where I defended GWB all I said was it is old news.

also FYI I don't care what you think of me. Your opinion is meaningless to me so if you think I am pathetic or great it doesn't alter anything in my world. And I am not the one who lied about seeing it on CNN or then maybe it was CNN online. Just a suggestion tell one story and don't change it.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 08:30AM (MST)[p]Zigga,

Maybe your tin foil hat is just too tight. I could fill this page up with idiot things GWB has said in front of a camera. There are websites dedicated to Bushism's.

So if you believe in conspiracy theories then you are going to love the 2009 election. Especially if a Republican some how manages to win the White House. Not saying it is very likely at this point but with Osama bin Laden praying to Allah for a Democratic Party victory there may be a surprise or two on the way. At least you have Osama on your side in this one.

Why not admit that the first clip didn't run on any an national news broadcast such as CNN last week and was a clip from Oct. of 2005? That is all I was pointing out to you that it was old news and if it were the smoking gun you want it to be then your liberal friends at CBS, NBC, ABC et al would have played it 24/7.

Whether this guy is a liar or not is up to you decide not me. I think anyone who consider GWB to be the biggest idiot to ever tie a pair of tennis shoes and yet is convinced he successful orchestrated the events of 9/11 has some serious problem with being consistent.

Good luck with the internet and please find the quote where I blamed Clinton and defended Bush on this. Thanks.
Sorry Nemo. I don't have the time to look for your comments on Clinton. Maybe I was just lumping you in the "I love bush" category with a few others. People that defend bush so proudly get thrown in that category really quick. But they also get a free pillow case. Just send me your address and I'll overnight it. So is he a liar or not. Just curious. I never mentioned a conspiracy did I?
I don't think the guy is lying but it wouldn't be the first case of GWB forgetting events from the past or being unable to recall them correctly.

Do you think GWB orchestrated the 9/11 attacks?


You caught zigga with his panties around his ankles, squatting in the woods and the stinking crap on his hands, where he wiped his own butt, but you will never get his kind to admit that they got caught slinging crap. Might as well give up, and just put him in that arena of persons to never take any thing he says without a big grain of salt.
Oh! I forgot, you do not have to be PC on this forum, all right, you caught him lying though his teeth.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 10:37AM (MST)[p]"but you will never get his kind to admit that they got caught slinging crap."

What about the tens of millions of taxpayer dollars it took to show that Clinton got a bj? Now THAT is slinging crap and all you guys loved every second of it. Now when somebody says anything about our current pres you guys start crying your eyes out. HILARIOUS! Keep it coming. No I don't think bush had anything to do with 911. How about we all take anything he says with a grain of salt. But let me get this straight. Bush says he watched the first plane hit the tower and I say I saw a clip on CNN and you are calling me the liar. WOW, you've got some free time on your hands don't you?

You are hung up on me saying this was new news. Did I say that?? I'm too lazy to look so can you do that for me?


p.s. I can only send one pillow case per person. There will be no hoarding them, please. Good night my little angels.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 11:19AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 10:58?AM (MST)

>You are hung up on me
>saying this was new news.
> Did I say that??
> I'm too lazy to
>look so can you do
>that for me?

Since you don't have the 30 seconds needed to review what you have posted here it is.

Zigga (1502 posts)
Sep-05-07, 01:04 PM (MST)
8. "RE: Bush does it again!!!"
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-07 AT 01:06 PM (MST)
I don't care how old it is, it was on CNN TODAY. Therefore I am pointing it out TODAY! GET IT???

Zigga (1502 posts)
Sep-06-07, 09:04 AM (MST)
16. "RE: Bush does it again!!!"
Outright lying?.........good one. I was reading CNN online YESTERDAY, 9/5/2007 and pasted it on the original post. Y.E.S.T.E.R.D.A.Y.......I repeat.....YESTERDAY. If that is a lie than please show me.

Actually Zigga I am more hung up on you saying first that you saw it run on CNN last week, then you said you saw it on CNN/Online. If you took half a minute to watch the clip it clearly shows the date it ran on CNN. CNN doesn't do reruns of the news nor do they archive video on their site for two years.

Why can't you just admit that you found this vid on Live leak and couldn't wait to put a link up. You thought it was "new" news because of the title of the thread. Nobody will think less of you for admitting the truth.

If I put up the Vid of Osama saying that after we pulled out of Somalia he knew that our country would never stand up to losing life in battle or the vid of him declaring that the Clinton Administration was the reason for his hatred of the U.S. you would lose your mind. Especially if I did it without regard to date or context and claiming I just saw it on CNN.

"Notice also Scott McClellan evading and spinning around the journalist's question and shifting the blame onto the troops."

This was the problem I had with the clip. I guess I blame bush because it's his administration that pulls this crap.

Here's what I like about you Nemo,
"If I put up the Vid of Osama saying that after we pulled out of Somalia he knew that our country would never stand up to losing life in battle or the vid of him declaring that the Clinton Administration was the reason for his hatred of the U.S. you would lose your mind."

So are you blaming Clinton for the mess we are in??? hmmmmmm? We can run around forever and get nowhere. bushy was in power for 9 months when 911 happened but you still want to blame Clinton. Go ahead, I don't care. But please give me some credit for NEVER visiting one of the hundreds of bush bashing websites.

Is bush a liar?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 11:56AM (MST)[p]I didn't blame Clinton for anyhthing I said that if I did put up a vid like that without time, date or context you would lose your mind. Kind of like you did.

In my mind it does no good at this point in time to blame Clinton for anything. The time has come and gone for Clinton and shortly it will end for GWB as well.

My only request would be this: You hold the next administration to the same standard. Democrat or Republican you hold them to the same standard as this one. Don't just blindly follow the left as you accuse others of blindly following the right.

This president lost me on too much spending, on creating a huge new bureaucracy with the Dept of Homeland Security, on the No Child left behind act and on the Medicare Prescription drug benefit. As for the war I have had a brother, brother in law and two of my nieces deployed. My brother has been there twice and is scheduled to rotate back to the sandbox in November. In addition many of the guys I served with in the first Gulf War are senior NCO's and Officers now and everyone of them says the same thing. We have spent too much blood and effort to leave just as success appears to be on the horizon. I will ##### backwards down the troops necks by supporting ending this just as the gains are being made.

You have an opinion that this war is all wrong well just like you I have opinion as well. It does not make me a mindless drone that supports everything out of Washington. Your opinion matters no less then mine but it matters no more either.

" Just as gains are being made " ? if any gains are being made it's just because they're waiting for us to leave. you don't think the radicals are all dead or took up a new hobby do you? yeah, they got tired of waiting so they took up needle point and stamp collecting.

why do you think we propped Saddam up in the first place? surely you don't think Iraq will ever be pro USA? and if they aren't going to be then just excactly what will we gain by a slow pull out vs a faster one? maybe give Iran more time to assume an orderly transfer of power? you think the Shiite majority of Iraq will buddy up with the US and our best buds Israel to fight terrorism rather than side with their Iranian Shiite brothers? we can't tell them who they can talk to or what they can do now can we? not if we set up a democracy and independent government as we say we have. gains, good one.
So no gains have been made in Iraq?

I don't know why you are now worried about fighting terrorist because I think in another thread you said the only terrorist in the world is in the White House.

Even the democrats that know the score are not calling for an immediate and quick pull out from Iraq.

You remember the that opinion thing. You have one and so do I and neither matter much in this case. We are bound to Israel by treaty and they are out client in the Middle East. We won't end our relationship with Israel nor will we stop arming them so that is not an option. You might as well accept that fact and so should the Arabs in the region. We also have heavily armed the Saudi's and used to arm Iran. So we have played both sides and look at what it got us.

Iran is having interal problems and the government's focus will have to be to take care of those or risk having bigger problems.

I didn't say everything was rosy in Iraq just that it has gotten better. It is still a cluster and will remain a cluster until there is some kind of political solution. It still does not negate the fact that there have been gains in Iraq.

Dude your negativity is getting old. A stable Iraq is best for the entire world. Especially for Iran, Syria, Jordan, Afganastan, Saudi's and Israel. Ye of little faith. This will work out just not on your Ritalin induced time table.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Ignorance gets old faster than negativity, you still think Iraq will be our bud when this is over, not. When did I say we should cut all ties with Israel? I did say Israel is the major reason we are in this conflict but I didn't say we can end our relationship with them. what I did say was Iraq will never be our buddy, and with Israel by our side that is even more impossible. look at the facts and get off this crap about the deems being the only problem in the world. Iraq will never be pro USA ever, ever, ever, and it doesn't matter how long we stay, if we win or who's president. unless you know what you're fighting for you can't make an intellegent decision if it's worth the cost, your expectations of the pay off are far higher than most experts on middle east politics.

We have no choice but to pull troop numbers down, the only decision is how fast it gets done. Bush said himself he wants to hand this to the next president so he'll keep as many troops there as he can to the last second, nice gift. you dreamers better get your Iraq vacation plans figured out before the rush starts, what a wonderful place it will be, you have fun now you hear.

I am most happy that you have so much insight into the future. In 1945 the same thing was said about the Japanese and the Germans. Crawl back under your rock and put your dunce cap back on and thing of something that has merit for a true discussion.


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