Burning Sheep Points on EWE tag



I have 3 MT sheep points and have been considering hunting w/ an ewe tag - probably 680 Breaks. Here's my line of thinking: That tag with three points is near 100% odds. It will burn my points BUT I can begin reapplying next year. My boy is 1 1/2 yrs old, so I think if I drew ram in the next 3-5 years I would be doing a "quicky sheep hunt", not exactly what I'd like to do with a coveted tag. However, if I burn points for the ewe, then I have 5 to 8 years of points building again which puts him on the hunt with me. Plus, it gives me an ewe on the wall with a reseverved spot right beside it for the ram. Thoughts?

There's a very good chance you'll never draw a ram tag, even if you keep putting in with the points you have. I'd say that if you ever want to hunt a ram, you better keep your name in the hat as many years as you can. Worry about the time you have to hunt after you draw.
Why shoot a ewe? I think most people by now have 10 pts for sheep. If you start over your chances become even less. I thought of putting in for an easier draw area for sheep and having a chance at a lesser ram but why? In my opinion, go big or go broke. Good luck in what ever you decide.
The odds are so dismal, that burning your points on a ewe tag aren't really that big of a deal. Statistically, you wouldn't be out much. MT points aren't weighted or squared, so they aren't worth much. You could hunt a ewe, and still have a VERY SLIM chance again next year at a ram tag. Like was stated above: you could apply your entire lifetime and never draw a ram tag in MT.

I have max points, and I seriously considered doing the same thing as you (too many irons in the fire for this fall). Probably will try next year.
If you look at the odds, even the max points holders are around 1% draw odds for most units in MT.
The draw odds will decrease even further in 2011 when you figure in the die-offs in several other prominent areas. Those applicants will have to move to other open units.
The odds will be a lot worse this year with area 213 and those areas shutting down due to disease. Spread out all of the people who put into those draw areas and things just got a lot worse.
If you NEED to hunt only a ram, then by-all-means keep applying for a ram ONLY. But, with that said, you may have to wait 110 years instead of 100 years to draw a ram tag if you draw a ewe first. Catch my drift?

With 40 years (I only have 60 years more to go at 1% odds) of sheep applications, I can tell you that you will probably NEVER draw a ram tag in MT. Those are simply the odds which are stacked against you (us). Sad for all, yet true!

If you think a ewe would make a fun hunt, and scratch an itch, then go hunt one..... I might just do it to say I did! (I've never done it before) If I hunted one I would never post it on this site. Too many "experts" would take exception to hunting a ewe.

Zeke -
"If you think a ewe would make a fun hunt, and scratch an itch, then go hunt one..... I might just do it to say I did! (I've never done it before) If I hunted one I would never post it on this site. Too many "experts" would take exception to hunting a ewe."

Yep- I think it would be a blast - and I also think I'd consider it a trophy - a hornless trophy, especially with a bow. I'd probably only do it once (an ewe) - but I'd hang it on the wall right next to my Alaska moose - at the "just legal" 53"! I doubt I could ever match that trophy, only cause it was a 100% DIY hunt for 2 PA guys in AK - we killed 2 bulls 2 minutes apart and doubt we could ever top that. I think an ewe with a bow would be along those lines.

Like others have said - it won't really affect my odds for a ram tag (about the same as buying 3 lottery tickets vs 30 lottery tickets. We'll see, I only have a day or 2 left to decide, and it's not gauranteed at that either.

Keep the opinions coming and thanks.


Congrats on the successful moose hunt! That's a tough hunt too!

We might be coming from a little different place. When I was in your shoes (I don't really know where you've been) the last thing I would have done is apply for a ewe tag.

BUT.... having shot a few rams..... I... well.

Some would say I've had my share of ram tags. So for me to harverst a ewe MIGHT be a bit different.... who knows?

I read a story about an archery ewe hunt, a few years ago, and actually got excited. But I get excited about all forms of hunting and all sorts of "trophies".

Go for it, I'll be one who will cheer you on!

If you want to go on a ewe hunt then go for it!
If you just want to go on a sheep hunt in your lifetime then go for it!
As everyone mentioned, you have extremely poor odds of EVER drawing a NR ram tag even with max points. It is easier to burn your points now with only a few points than years down the road when you have 10 plus points. 10 years from now it really won't matter all that much if you have 9 points or 13 points - it will still take a small miracle.
If you love "the hunt" and the high mountain experience and being able to hunt a sheep, go for it. You may never be able to hunt a ram. Then hope for luck and your number comes up.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
If I were to take a year off the MT draw, I'd try an unlimited ram hunt. You will likely die before drawing a MT ram tag, and there are other states with better draw odds. I feel that you either have to hope to beat the long draw odds for the best hunt, or beat the tough odds of finding a ram in an unlimited hunt to make the best of MT's sheep hunt offerings. Just my opinion...And nothing wrong with trying for a ewe. Might be your only sheep hunt and sheep hunting is better than not:)
It depends totally on your way of thinking. If you just want to spend some time in the breaks and look at some big rams you can do that without a tag. I would not waste one year of a chance to draw that Montana ram tag. It might be your lucky year! As most have already said most of us will never draw that tag.
The real odds for drawing a sheep tag. If you are a non res. IF you have 10 family members who had max points and put in their whole lives, you would still be lucky to draw a MT sheep tag. You will not draw if you don't apply. Good luck. If you just want to hunt sheep and the experience, hunt a ewe.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-11 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]Like I said before, prime Rocky ewes are delicious! There is certainy no shame in a making a hunt for one, as a few here have mentioned. Quite the opposite, to my mind anyway...any time out with wild sheep is time well spent indeed!

From the journals of one Osborne Russell, who could well be considered the West's first great sheep hunter:

"It is an exercise which gives vigor of health and appetite to a Hunter to shoulder his rifle at daybreak on a clear cold morning and wind his way up a rugged mountain over rocks and crags, at length killing a fat old Ewe and taking the meat to camp on his back: this kind of exercise gives him an appetite for his breakfast..." February 1839

"I went round the rock down to where she fell, butchered her and hung the meat in a tree, then pursued and killed the other (ewe). After butchering the last I took some of the meat for my supper and started up the mountain and arrived at the place where I had slept about an hour after dark. I soon had a fire blazing and a side of ribs roasting...by the time supper was over it was late in the night and I lay down and slept until morning. At sunrise I started on foot to get my meat..." February 1842

Well, whatever you decide to do, Good Luck!

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