Burning Man Festival in NV


Looks like a bunch of MM people are attending the annual Meet out there in the NW corner of NV.....if I knew better I would say that the "big guy" on the right side in his "coloriful suit" looks like D13er...maybe his "twin".


lol...that is me, and that hooter queen with the shaggy boots liked to sucked me dry.......

>OK, so serious question. Who has
>gone and who would like
>...........thereby confirming that you are a burned out drug turd, without a real life.
Uh Huh.....and they told there wives and or girlfriends they were going to Nevada to Chukar Hunt....Yeh Right...
Wow, nickman, nothing like open mindedness. I actually know a number of people who have gone and honestly, I can't think of one of them who would fall into the category of "drug turd". One guy I know who is a regular attendee, is close to your age and probably has never used an illegal drug in his life.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-10 AT 09:56PM (MST)[p]OK.........I have an aquaintence who runs a water truck and a shower service at that event. Money is not used on the site, so everything is barter......EVERY DRUG KNOWN TO MANKIND is available there.

The retards scatter their crap all the way through my county on their way back to LA. They swin and bath in our creeks and canals, because it is the first "free" water they come to entering California.

You may know some good people who attend, for whatever reason, but I see the jerks and "drug turds".........They can sue me if I'm not tolerant enough for "Burning Man".

I am SERIOUSLY considering a stealth mission to light the "Man" on fire a day early next year.
>I am SERIOUSLY considering a stealth mission to
> light the "Man" on fire a day
>early next year

Old news nickman, already been done.

>scatter their crap all the way
>through my county on their way back to LA.

Doesn't that happen just about every weekend down there though?
There are a few people from the base, NAS Fallon, where I work that go. Cant' say for the civilians, but the military get random drug tests. Not likely they will even come close to experimenting.

I hate the traffic involved. I had to go to Reno three times this week. Buncha dirty, dusty cars. Reminded me of what a gay day parade might looke like.

Some guy driving a toyota PU, camper shell, stuff tied on to the camper shell was a good 6 ft or higher above the shell.

Two days earlier, I was taking a friend to Reno. Started to pass a guy from WA. He sped up, wouldn't let me pass. Until the guy with me showed him his badge. Next guy, again from WA, wasn't so lucky. He did the same #####, only this time my pal phoned ahead. He got ticketed.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
With this acronym crazy society I'm surprised this hasn't been dubbed the BM Festival or maybe just the BMF ...... Terry
>feddoc, you're at NAS Fallon? Civil
>service? Active duty? Contract? Do
>I know you?

Yup, GS now. I don't think we know each other.

Where do you live?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Can any of you local guys tell me what was happening north of Fernley last weekend. I was on my through Reno/Sparks/Fernley last Sunday and all the way to Sacramento I was seeing dusty vehicles with old bicycles (decorated) in the back of their vehicles. I thought maybe it could have been burning man.

>POLAR BEAR....is from Washington State....maybe it
>was him??

Who do you think brought miss fuzzy boots in white?


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>....you wouldn't believe how that dust
>sticks to snail tracks

Yep, like dusting for fingerprints....Good way to get caught..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Didn't go but I was in the neighborhood and saw many a dirty car. And a few cartoon buses.
You Fallon boys go to the Cantaloupe festival? I was a little dissapointed, but we did get some damn good cantaloupe. Just finished the last of it tonight.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
Well, I dont want to get pounced on here but I have been. Its really not as bad as you all think. Sure, there are some drug crazed lunatics out there. but there are drug crazed lunatics walking through anytown USA too. They just dont dress like morons until they get to the playa.

However, there plenty of people who simply drink or abstain all together. Infact I know many people who just go out there to live for a week and people watch. Dont knock it until you try it. its a lot of fun. And the event does a great job of cleaning the playa up. As far as getting trash from the event dumped on route to LA... no better place for the sh!t in my opinions. Leave it all in southern california. infact lets turn LA into the USA's largest landfill. it halfway there already.
>Well, I dont want to get
>pounced on here but I
>have been. Its really
>not as bad as you
>all think. Sure, there
>are some drug crazed lunatics
>out there. but there
>are drug crazed lunatics walking
>through anytown USA too. They
>just dont dress like morons
>until they get to the
>However, there plenty of people who
>simply drink or abstain all
>together. Infact I know
>many people who just go
>out there to live for
>a week and people watch.
> Dont knock it until
>you try it. its
>a lot of fun.
>And the event does a
>great job of cleaning the
>playa up. As far
>as getting trash from the
>event dumped on route to
>LA... no better place
>for the sh!t in my
>opinions. Leave it all
>in southern california. infact lets
>turn LA into the USA's
>largest landfill. it halfway
>there already.
....................Well thank you Brandon! Nice comment, you think it's OK to trash someones' community? Next time I come to Reno, I'll bring some Owens Valley trash to your house! Now I REALLY hate you BURNING MAN drug turds!.....you retard!

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