bulls in Mt Emily



I spent eight days this summer and nine day hunting in mt emily
seen alot of 280 to 310 six points. in eight days of scouting and nine of hunting never seen any thing over 330 for the people on here that brag up Mt Emily to have plenty of 330 to 360 bulls dont waste your points.I say maybe 1 in 50 six point bulls in Mt Emily will be 330 to 360
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-09 AT 10:53AM (MST)[p]The big one's were right over the next ridge! LOL just kidding...The only place in oregon that has bulls that big are on private or in the Weneha unit.

I hunted it for 13 days durring the archery season, saw 22 bulls 14 6pts and 4-5 that were at or over the 330 mark. So my numbers are just a bit better than what you saw. I worked one for 4 days that would go over 360! They are there but I saw a lot of hunters for the few tags they give out! Hold out for the better two units!
Wenaha or private land are not the only places that will hold a 360 bull in Oregon. There are some huge Roosevelts towards the coast as well as the cascade variety. Northeast Oregon has great elk numbers but it isn't exactly the only place you can find decent sized bulls.
show me pics of bulls killed over 360 in those area's that were on public land. Sure there are a few that have been taken way back and even a 41?" rosey a few yrs back that is still being discussed whether is was private of public. I know of many bulls taken under the 330 mark but 360???

Imnaha unit while we hunted there this season two bulls taken were a 365 and 346...both on private.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-09 AT 03:11PM (MST)[p]Everyone knows that OR is not a premier state for big bulls. However, do your research and I can assure you there are public land bulls over 360. Like true trophy mule deer spots, if your looking to see lots of elk, your looking in the wrong places. Tough hunting, but the payoff is huge.

Back to the topic: The more I hear and research Mt. Emily, the less interested I become. I'm starting to agree with some of the negative comments on the unit.
Mt. Emily sure is lossing my interest. Too many bigger bulls are coming out of the Wenaha. A few in other places like Imanaha and a couple in Snake and Sled. There might be a couple bulls in Mt. Emily that might push 350 to 370 but thats pushing it.
What big bulls have come out of the Wenaha this year? Did any bulls over 350 come out of either unit???
I have seen photographs of several bulls in the 350 or better class. The hunters would rather not discuss where they were killed on the internet.As I was told when I first started hunting. Big bucks and bulls are like gold nuggets, they are where you find them. IMHO JB
Big bulls are where you find them....I get that. I guess I was hoping to hear of confirmed bulls coming out of either unit that are bigger then 350ish... most people can't get tags in those units except once every 15 years or so now, so keeping what unit somebody killed a big bull in a secret is kinda silly in my opinion. Outfitters don't even get tags every year. I understand guides need to make a living and won't say where they hunt, but they will usually say which unit it is.....
There are a few good bulls killed in these units each year but not what it could be. For some reason it seems like there are a lot of bulls in the 300-330 range but it's hard to find many that get up to the next level. That's the frustrating part, the numbers of bulls are there but Oregon just won't do anything to managing for huge bulls. I have 12 points and can't get excited about putting in for any of the big 3 units. I'll just keep building points until something changes. I may never get the hunt I want in this state!
What exactly do you want to change? Wolves take over while you are waiting and you could have 15 pts and no elk to hunt.
Man if you are holding out for anything over 330 in Oregon GOOD LUCK! You guys crack me up. This isn't Utah. A 320 bull in ANY unit in OR is a good bull.

I love all this Mt Emily bashing trying to get the draw odds a little better for yourself. It is cracking me up.

Get a tag, hunt your arse off and take the best bull you can find. That's Oregon.
From what I have seen in those units until this year, holding out for 350+ was a good idea. After this year I'm not thinkin' so. I could draw Mt Emily next year but was pretty dissapointed in what I saw and was hoping I was wrong and some good bulls had been killed that I didn't hear about.....
Last year a friend did kill a 360 bull with a rifle in Wenaha. This year another friend killed a 340 bull 6X7 but had a broken off 21" G2. Archery, he didn't get the bigger bull.The 360 rifle bull was killed by the raffle tag winner who did spent time in the Walla Walla and Mt. Emily. His report was very positive for all three units. He just was alittle trigger happy for the 2nd day.I guess it is who you talk to, but I agree with many of the rebuttles regarding Mt. Emily. I pray I draw out soon in Utah 10 points or Nevada 9 points before I'm taking a dirt nap my self. IMHO JB
Well that's great to hear! I am keeping my hopes up. I am 2 years behind you in Utah and 4 years behind in Nevada so it's aways out there for me still anywhere else. Hopefully your dirt nap is not anytime soon....
I agree, my huntin buddys and I used to hunt in the starkey unit on private land, back in the early 80's. hunt the 2nd elk season, and stay the whole week. always saw lots of elk but few big bulls. shot quite a few spikes and raghorns. My friends dad sold the land, so cant hunt it now. Point is we didn't pass up smaller bulls if we wanted to bring something home, you got what you got, and that's it. always had a great time...
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