Bulls are Rubbing


Long Time Member
Bulls are starting to rub the fuzzy stuff off, my buddy has 5 bulls on trail cam that are rubbing starting on the 10th.
Heck, I hope to have arrowed my elk before mid September
Yeah I’ve killed Um the first week of September more then once and packed them out in 90 degree heat. Not my idea of fun anymore. I just wait, season only gets better and I can take as much time as I want so I take the second half off. I see it every year guys saying “bulls are screaming!!” Last week of august. Doesn’t mean there rutting. I’ve got them to bugle in June before. Rubbed velvet and bulls rolling in mud isn’t rutting. Lot of guys blow there load early then talk about how the rut this year just wasn’t right. More empty woods for me around the 25th I suppose

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