Bullriding (The most dangerous 8 seconds....)



We have really started to enjoy watching bull riding over the last year. I'm amazed these guys will strap on and try to hold on for 8 seconds. I have to admit that I root for the bull. I love to see a good smashed arm or bloody face on these tough guys.

Have any of you ever rode bulls? Have sons or family that does?

I think the bulls are athletes themselves. Can anyone name these bulls: They are two of the best of all time. In their prime these two together would cost as much as a decent house.

The black bolly on the bottom caused the worst wreck I ever watched. Before he ever left the shoot, he reared forward and smashed the cowboy face first into the steal frames. Imagine having 2000 lbs smash you face first into 4 inch steel pipes. When the shoot opened the bull rolled out. The cowboy flopped to the ground and didn't move. He was out cold and had to leave in an ambulance. It was awesome!!!


I watch every now and then, those bulls look like Yellow Jacket and Hammer.

I got to ride a few but mainly did bull dogging and calf roping. I am too big of a guy for bull riding. Too much inertia. If you notice, most good bull riders are little guys. I go to rodeos to watch the events that actually take skill to do well in such as roping events. It is a good thing for me that the bull riding is held at the end, that way I can see the events that I like, leave when the bull riders star showing up and get out before the crowds. I did like the old "white wale" though. Bull riding bareback and saddle bronc mainly takes a good grip and knowing how to read the animal. It is a tough sport to be in no matter what event. My wife use to be a barrel racer and she got pissed when I said that it was nothing but a bunch of fat a$$ chicks riding around in cicles.
I ride bulls at amature rodeos in the summer. I never really do anygood cause i am a big guy, but i have so much fun doing it. Lane frost is My hero, along with Red Rock. One of the best outdoor rodeos in the world is near my home town. Chief Joseph days Rodeo of Joseph oregon. Its a blast, every year, all the awesome guys are there. Usually whover rides at CJD is in the NFR. Ty murray rode there, charles sampson, tuff hedeman, cody lambert, lane frost, rope myers, jim sharp, ted nuce, all the greats. even barrle racers like charmayne james. Lane forst is the best though, he rode there 3 times before he died.

This is my hero. I live to be half the man he was.

And I live to ride half the bull he was.
311 attempts and 309 buckoffs in his short career.
Lane frost was the only man to ever ride him! And he did it 4 times!

May Lane frost and Redrock rest in peace.
I really like to watch bull riding. I sure is amazing who an animal that big can move that fast and jump that high. One of the worst wreckes I have seen is when Tuff Hederman got his whole face broken by Bodacious. He broke every bone in his face and walked out of the arena. These guys sure are tough.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-04 AT 05:03PM (MST)[p]Those are amazing statistics for RedRock. I've never seen him perform. He must have been retired for a while. Is he dead, as your post would imply?

Thanks, oldoregon; you probably know the bulls above. Do you?
The red bull in the top picture is Little Yellow Jacket and the black and white bull is Dellinger. Here in Chino Valley we ride anything with hair on it. I tried to ride these things myself but like polarbear I am way too big(6'3 240) My buddy Leland was a natural but his riding was stopped short when his knee got stepped on and ruined. Two of my best friends are pro bullriders. I grew up with these guys and have seen them bust their head a time or two. My buddy is still recuperating from a severely broken right leg in Yuma last spring. It's funny because I was in a bad wreck a week later and broke my left leg. I'd limp to the right and he'd limp to the left. We should have eneterd some three legged races(kind of like the one legged man in an ass kicking contest!)
i have been riding bulls scince i was 8 years o;d and im now 15
ive broke many bones and been in the hospital a whole lot i also rope and bull dog
I tried the broncs a few times, but never tried my hand at bulls. I was raised on a ranch and know the damage these animals can do to anything they get upset with, anyone that would strap themselves to a bull has my respect (unless they are drunk). I have to say that Lane Frost is my favorite also, but mainly because he grew up in the same area and was in school with my sister, I met him several times. I will never forget the day he died, I was at work when they came on the radio to annouce his fatal ride. On the lighter side of things, actually the most dangerous rodeo event is barrel racing.......More people get hurt trying to get to the consessions and back to their seats during barrel racing than in any other event.
Now, bull riding is a extreme sport...but NASCAR.. round and round and round and round and round. Gawd its loud. Round and round and round and oops yellow flag. Round and round and round and checkered flag. One more round and wheres the champagne. Bore me to tears. Lets go hunt and whack, stack and pack!
I agree with ya whole heartedly! What is the big deal about driving 500 miles to the left? They are trying to put a Nascar track/stadium about 10 miles away from where I live here in Washington. Great, thats all I need is a bunch of liquored up white trash using my nice, remote driveway for a pissing stop on their way home from the "race". I am sure that it is different in other parts of the country but around here the average Nascar fans are the same guys that you see road hunting and kills nothing but cheap beer and spikes. (I am sure that I will catch hell for that!) Pro Rally racing, now that takes skill!
I just got done watching a news clip on BIG wave surfing with these guys basically surfing Tsunamis.(Thats a tidal wave for those of you who dropped out of high school early to become governor's tag deer guides). That has to be one of the craziest(ballsiest) things a guy or gal could do. Waves with 80 foot faces and thousands of tons of water bearing down on you.

I kind of looked at it like sending a bull rider out into those waves, or putting a surfer on a bull. Both rides are about 8 seconds. Who's your money on?

My guess is you couldn't pay a bull rider enough to go out in those waves but I bet a Hawaiian big wave surfer is going to hold on for atleast 3-4 seconds.
What really makes that dangerous, well there are a lot of things but one is, the water in front of the wave as it is coming in is only 3 or 4 feet deep. You wipe in there and you will be Tombstoning(thats when you look out and see a surf board standing on end, because the surfer is lying on the bottom and his tag line connected to his ankle pulling on the board causing it to stand in the water, clarification for you Governor Tag Guide Types) for sure.

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