bullet for a 300 RUM



what weight bullets are you guyus shooting out of your 300 ultra mags? why?
just curious if the majority shoot under 200 grain bullets or if more people shoot bigger bullets. thanks
We shoot 180gr Accubonds... They are accurate and they perform well on anything we shoot at... Gophers to Elk... :)


It's all about the good times...

What game will you be hunting ? Any quality bullet should work for you. Make sure you shoot them and your rifle likes them. I have been really happy with the Barnes. Have been shooting MRX 165 grain and TTST 168 grain. Soon to try out there new LRX Long range hunting bullet 175 grain and 200 grain .
I use the 168 gr TTSX barnes (at the recommendation of Randy Brooks). They are very accurate in my rifle, have a good BC and great speed. I use Retumbo and the loads chronograph right at 3365 fps.
Simply deadly on anything up to elk size animals.

The other posters are using some great bullets too. The key is using a premium bullet so it will hold together and penetrate big critters.

Good luck,
200 Grain Accubond going 3200 fps with a very high ballistic coefficient. The gun can push it so why not use it?
180 grain accubond works great in my gun. I have shot everything from antelope to elk with it.
180 accubond. Mixed results on several big game animals.. All ended up dead, but the bullet did not perform as I expected it to on all of the critters. Particularly on shots less than 200-300 yards.

The best bullet I have ever shot out of it is the 180 or 200 Tropy Bonded Bear Claw. I whish we could get componets for reloading that newer Tropy Bonded Tipped Bullet, that thing looks like it was designed for the 300 RUM.
180 or 200gr accubond. Choose your poison. One of the best all around hunting bullets out there.
165gr accubond. Very accurate. I shot it through a chronograph yesterday. 5 shots between 3450 and 3500. For me why punish yourself shooting the heavier bullets. My scope is only good for 700 yards. The bigger bullets don't outperform the 165 until after that.
>200 Grain Accubond going 3200 fps
>with a very high ballistic
>coefficient. The gun can
>push it so why not
>use it?

How do you get them to reach that velocity?
What components are you using?

I'm not trying to call you out but would like to know what you're doing so I can get 3200 fps with a 200 gr bullet.

First off I'm using a 26" benchmark barrel on my rifle. What length barrel are you shooting Zeke? My load is 95.5 grains of Retumbo (this is max load so work up). I've shot it through two different chronos both showing 3200-3210 fps.
185 berger vld's. Used to shoot barnes 168's but switched to bergers and don't plan on looking back. Killed two bulls last year; one at 671 and the other at 300 yards. Both were 1 shot kills. Really impressed with the performance of the bullet and they way they group.
We shoot a 190 Berger VLD. Were getting around 3250 to 3300 FPS. Its always done a great job for us.
I use a 26" Kreiger barrel. Every barrel/chamber will produce different velocities/pressure but I can't get up to those speeds with a 200 gr AB in MY gun. I'm closer to the "norm" 3050 fps.

Like I said, not calling you out, just wanted to know what you were using.

I use 101 grs Retumbo (I've been to 103 grs), Fed 215GM, Rem case, with the 168 TTSX for 3365 fps. (neck-turned, trimmed, flash-holed, chamferred)

I've shot 2 groups in a 100 yd indoor tunnel, one group in the high 2's and one in the mid 3's. I'm pretty happy! Outdoors I can usually keep it in the 7's or so. I just looked at my 600 yd group that was 7", 5 shot. I'm thrilled with the performance.

Thanks for the info on your load. Maybe I'll try to work up again.

I shot the accubonds and Barnes with decent results. I now shoot the 190 Berger Vld's and have for three years now and I love them. By far the best bullet for getting the job done quickly!
>Zeke....sent you a PM so I
>don't hijack this thread.

Thanks Marley,
Interesting stuff. I'll need to keep an eye on barrel life.

Thanks for teaching an old dog how to access his PM's!

What kind of groups are you guys shooting VLD's getting at 100 yds. I've been interested in trying some at 190 grn's. I'm shooting a 180 grn Accubond at 3325 fps with 5/8" groups. However, I'm not sure it would be worth the hassle to only get a 1/8" - 3/16" improvement over what I'm already getting...
i just put 12 210gr bergers in a hole the size of my thumb nail at 100. 92g of retumbo at 3050. w/ a bc of .631 im expecting some stellar long range accuracy. knocked down my bull last year at 610yds with a 185 berger and had no complaints. i shot 180 sciroccos for 7 or 8 years, they fly good, but come apart if you hit bone...not an ideal elk bullet IMO. In fact i hit a whitetail square in the shoulder at 350 and the bullet didnt penetrate the rib cage...needed a second shot.
My buddy and I have shot 200 grain Accubonds, right around 3100fps give or take..we've found them extremely accurate with the best groups being 1/2 inch at 300 yards.
i can shoot 1/2 groups at 400 yards with my open site .25-35 win. one shot one hole ! :) this thread is starting to look like a drunken fishing story
>i can shoot 1/2 groups at
>400 yards with my open
>site .25-35 win. one
>shot one hole ! :)
> this thread is starting
>to look like a drunken
>fishing story

LMAO Now that's funny!

Well... we all point out the BEST groups etc!
I'll never tell anyone about the 1'(one foot) groups at 400 yds. Oops! I just did.

We all have our days.

deffinatly what i would have guessed, seems the average is about 180 gr. bullets??

keep em' coming. i'd like to hear from someone who shoots 225 or 250's.
but IMO, shooting 165's or 280's with a "great" bullet seems to be where it's at?
do yourself a favor and at least try the 200 accubond or 210 berger. a good chunk of the trajectory you lose due to the added weight comes back due to the higher ballistic coefficient at any significant distance. your groups will be tighter with the higher bc bullets. i shot 180s for 10 years and regret not trying a 200gr bullet from the get go.
Always comments from the peanut gallery...my previous comment wasn't to brag...it was just to show the capability of the 200 grain Accubond...not every hunting bullet is capable of that small a group at 300 yards...does the load always shoot 1/2 inch at 300 yards...no, normally 1/2 is the best and 1 inch is normally the largest group with the in-between the average. These are from custom heavy barrel hunting rifles at maximum velocity. From the previous post ditto on the 210 Bergers...also a very accurate bullet...there is no substitute for a high BC. The catridge was built for long range shooting...you dont buy a 300 RUM for under 300 yard hunting situation you buy it to be able to shoot 400-700 yards very comfortably.
300wbymann i know you've already got alot of information but my 2 cents on the 300 RUM and what bullet to shoot all depends on what you want to do with the rifle. Whats the use of it? a deer gun on the open prairie or a mulie / elk gun in the timber. It all depends on what you want. Maybe PM me or post another topic so other people can help too. I picked a 180 grain Barnes TSX after deciding what i was going to use the gun for. I forgot how much power i used i will have to look. I would like to get more peoples actual # so one of us needs to post something soon. Find the horn Goose!
LAST EDITED ON May-16-11 AT 07:34AM (MST)[p]It would look something like this...heavy barrel custom rifle...28 inch barrel (sometimes 30 inches)...high power scope etc. Defintely not off the shelf kind of stuff. This one is a 30 Hart by Bobby Hart of Pennsylvania...he's a 1000 yard benchrest guy that builds his own guns...and teaches the FBI snipers how to shoot long range.

Again as I stated before...it doesn't shoot 1/2 groups all the time, but it will shoot them in a string...say first 3 shot group may be .75, second 1.25, third .5, fourth .9, fifth .7 etc. The gun is capable of producing it if the conditions are ideal, I do my part, and the load (SD) does its part...lots of variables. The 1/2 groups are the best it prodcuces...def the low end minimum of the string.

I was proving the point that the 200 grain Accubonds are capable of match grade bullet accuracy, not bragging about the gun.

Mr. Hart
Are you telling us that these are 100 yard groups? (believable)
Or 300 yard groups? (unbelievable)
Groups in the 3's 4's & 5's ("tenths" FYI) at 300 yards?

LAST EDITED ON May-16-11 AT 08:44PM (MST)[p]Here we go again...please tell me where I said I have shot groups in the 3's and 4's (tenths) at 300 yards? Never have. I said the smallest groups I have ever shot at 300 yards with a specialized hunting rifle is in the .5s range. I've shot a lot in the .75 to 1.25 range. If you don't believe that than too bad...go back East and visit some of the benchrest guys that tour the circuit and ask them what their heavy barrel hunting rifles shoot...some just as good and many better than mine. That's where I grew up. My hunting rifles are hand made by one of those guys...Bobby Hart. If you don't know who he is, than you probably haven't spent that much time shooting at long distance.

Again, I was proving a point on the accuracy potential of a particular bullet...not every bullet made has the accuracy potential to go .25 or less at 100 yards or keep it at distance.

Funny, how guys on here can claim to shoot an elk at 600 to 775 yards and no one says a word, but the BS flag gets raised on my groups at 300 yards...do a search and see what the benchrest guys are shooting...I use the same equipment.
You're right 30hart, you never said you shoot in the 2's and 3's at 100 yds. I got a little carried away when I threw the "BS flag".
I have no doubt you have a nice rifle. Yes, I've heard of Bobby but have not had the pleasure of meeting him. You have, and good for you.
I still find it hard (not impossibly) to believe that your 300 yds groups don't exceed 1"! I'm old enough to know what some guys can do and what some guys can't. I shouldn't have singled you out when I tossed the BS flag into this thread.
One thing I will say; I would like to see a guy shoot a 5 shot group (with a hunting rifle regardless of origin) and always keep them between .5 & 1" at 300 yds. I know it's been done, I've just never seen it. I guess the average hunter "back East" is simply a better shot, but, I don't know, maybe there's no wind back there.
I guess having shot 10's of thousands of rounds still puts me in a position of mild skepticism.

Let's go shoot!


BTW; My daughter (an accomplished adult hunter) just drew a LE trophy elk tag so I'm feeling great.

Congrats on your daughter's tag!!! Mine drew a CWMU antelope last year so you're in for loads of fun this year...those make for special times. Thanks I appreciate your response.

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