bull ridin


Long Time Member
About 10 years ago I lost a cousin to leukemia. He was 19 when he lost the battle. Since then I have had it in my head to live life to the fullest and take every chance you get to do something not many people can or have done. Since then I have been sky diving, bungee jumping, white water rafting, repeling, rock climbing, scuba diving, snorkeling, swam with whales and dolfins and a small shark. Caught a ride from a manta ray. To name a few.
I'm trying to do the ones that might hurt while I'm still young and can recover a little faster.

The latest is bull riding. My wife said your dumb but I will come watch. I went to a friends that raises amateur rodeo stock to give it a try he got me all setup with the facemask and helmet chest protector glove chaps, and the hat can't forget the hat!

We go out to the arena and he runs a bull into the chute. Give me a very basic run through of what is going to happen and what I need to try to do. We get everything setup and I am on the bull. He starts lunging forward and back and side to side smashing the krap out of my knees. I'm am shaking so bad I don't know if I can hold on!
I nod my head and he rips the gate open. First jump I am holding on good and think this isn't bad so I try to pick my arm up in the air. 2nd jump I start to lose my balance and come down and smash my boys really really bad from leaning too far forward. 3rd jump he spins and kicks and off I go. I was in the air long enough to get a couple phrases of what I think of him out before I hit the ground head first. Tweeqe my neck my back bends the wrong way. Slide with my face through a fresh cow pie and break 2 fingers somewhere in this 2 second ride.

Well I can check that off my list and never do it again but I will say I had fun!

Next I think I will try saddle broncs.
your bucket list eh...well now that i'm 53 i like to walk and wipe my own arse .... so no thanks!
I always thought I wanted to try bull riding but now maybe not, I'm getting old enough it would probably hurt way too bad!

Success is failure that tried one more time
"I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu-Manchu!"

HA HA! Great story! Hilarious and inspiring. Congrats to you for having the courage to go through with it. Remember to remember your buddy as you go through your list.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-09 AT 12:49PM (MST)[p]I'm 23 and it hurt like hell!

I have had a blast doing this and I can guarantee I would not have done most of this if it wasn't for Ryan!

I still have a lot of stuff I want to do!
Allrighty now,started breaking horse for the old man and my uncle at11,did that till i was about 14 or so,then my uncle took my cousin and i to a bullriding on a saturday afternoon one day and one time on a bull was enough for me.you got to be a half a bubble off to do that.broncs are a kick in the ass,have a good time.
I have been on some rank horses(not by choice)and have ridden some fat show steers in the pen when no one was looking with a neck rope as my riggin, I am sure they did not buck that that bull you got on:)

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