Bull Elk In Arizona Unit 3B I will pay a guide to help me..


pro hunter (Guest)

I was Drawn For the Limited oppertunity for bull elk in Arizona in Hunt Area 3B. And I was JUst wondering If anybody can help me out and tell me were the big bulls roam if there are any guides out there i am willing to pay 3,000 dollars for a trophy elk. I just want to get my hands on one of those big bulls...

Pro Hunter
December for bull elk? What the F#%*? I'll take you out with a spotlight!!!!
There are some 'limited entry' hunts listed. They are kind of hidden in there....

I pondered one of these this year, but passed. I'll be curious to see what the success % is on some of these hunts.

Sorry, I have no info on 3B. Good luck!


Nice name-

Pro hunter. I like these guys that have money and no brains. Other people go out and find their animals, all they do is pull the trigger. Hell they probably don't even gut it. That isn't even hunting. Prime example, the people doyle moss takes out. Go out and learn the area, and learn the animals by yourself. No matter the size, if you take one after all your hard work, it will be a trophy. Trophies are earned, not bought.
As for the fact that trophies are earned not bought, obviously you have'nt seen the hundreds of videos that are out!Also check out the Govenors tag in AZ this year, yeah you could say that one was bought!Its the unfortunate sign of the times.Anyone that actually earns there trophy should be really proud. Somebody should start a magazine dedicated to Trophys taken on PUBLIC land and with out a GUIDE!!As for prohunter next time have a guide put you in,maybe you'll draw a better tag.
Are you guys for real? The guy asks for help in an area where he has a tag, and it turns into a bashing session? So what if he is willing to pay a guide?

Check the elk forum for 3B info. Might be able to find info there...


Most guides are booked up with late deer, but holler at Duwane Adams 520-385-4995 and he may hook you up with someone. He knows his stuff...... Allen Taylor......

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