Building an archway.


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-10 AT 10:12PM (MST)[p]I've always wanted to put an archway over my driveway so as to put Christmas lights on it or my family name sign or a big elk deadhead or something. I think they are cool and add a little Western culture. So this summer me and a friend dug 6' holes and I concreted some telephone poles in them. Then put another telephone pole accross the top. Today I finally got my support straps on to support the top pole. No Christmass lights yet but I thought I'd share some pictures with you guys.
These first two photo's were taken in November.


Today's picture.

It was 9 degrees today and I was glad to finish her up.
The railroad ties beside the poles will be stair stepped down to the fence or will be cut at a continuous angle from the top of the fence up into the pole. What do you guys think would look better? fatrooster.
Looks nice, I'd stair step em and stick a good ole iron wagon wheel right in the middle. Sweet set up ya got started there.
I would put a level on the top....Left side looks a little tall to me.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-10 AT 04:25AM (MST)[p]Lookin' Good!

Be careful on that alum. ladder with all the wet and snow!

Looks way good dude!! When you finish her up you're more than welcome to rebuild the arch going into my cabin...I'm not looking forward to replacing it but it's in need. Good job and make sure you post final pics once you line those poles with all the sheds your dog has found :)

Nice, looks good! Wish I had the property to do something like that.

2 summers ago my buddy in Cheyenne was putting up something similar but much bigger scale, I was there to watch. He had the two 'up' post carved by some artist into standing bears, one on top of another on top of another. I think 5-6 bears in all for each post. Safe to say he spent a bit of money. He hired a big crane to lift and secure the top post. The rigging got caught on one of the 'up' posts.... snapped it right off about 4 feet above the ground. The crane operator probably lost a lot of money that day.
Its level but I know what you mean. Optical illusion I guess. I might have to fix it.
Ladder is fiberglass.
Thanks eelgrass, I'll show that to my wife and she'll get a kick out of it. But I don't think she's gonna go along with "Fatrooster Ranch." Lol. fatrooster.
How about "Fatrooster and Skinny Hen Ranch" that has got a ring to it.
Where is are Horns that go on the crossBeam.
Looks good.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I have always wanted one of those at my house. Where do you get the poles from? Looks like you have nice piece of property out there. How's the view?
Gator, I don't think she's gonna like that either, ha ha.
Nvnative, I bought those poles from the TS Powerplant in Dunphy. It took me a long time to even find some that didn't cost an arm and a leg and when I did find them I got 6 and made two archways. The other archway is at the top of the driveway going out the back of my property on BLM and you can see it in the first picture. I went back to buy more poles but they were sold out. I'll keep my ears open and let you know if I find some. Sometimes you can get them from ranchers. fatrooster.
Looks good Drew and word of caution, I hope that ladder was tired off when you were up there doing your thing. Even when you untie the ladder be careful...I found out the hard way back in '95 and fell almost as far up as you were and landed on my back and knocked out. No one to help me careful.

How about the Chicken Scratch Ranch.....has a nice ring to it! LOL

I like it. Great start. During Christmas time you have a place to hang Rudolph, outlined in lights of coarse...LOL.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Now that it's up... DO WE GET TO GO LOOK AT BUCKS???!!!!! lol Glad you did not kill yourself.

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
Looks like you did a great job. I helped my Grandpa put one up in Idaho a few years ago and it sure wasn't easy.

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