Buffalo pics


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A rancher here in CO raises buffalo and every year I go out and shoot one for the meat, usually a young cow. This year they didn't have enough water to support their herd so they sold most of them off and didn't have any for people to come harvest. Last week the rancher called me to tell me that he had a rogue bull that had gotten loose and he couldn't get him back because he got up in the cedars on national forest. So he turned me loose on him. This bull was definately not wanting anything to do with going back or us. When he caught our wind he was getting out of Dodge. I would've never thought that an 1800 lb. animal could disappear on you but with those thick cedars he was like a ghost. Finally after chasing him for quite awhile he gave me a 55 yard shot through the trees and I saw my arrow bury in the crease of his shoulder about 1/3 the way up. Perfect.....he won't go far. WRONG!! He busted through those cedars like they weren't even there leaving no blood and too many tracks through there to figure out which ones were the new ones. We spread out in search of him and ended up finding him again about 500 yards away still on his feet. I crept around the ridge while he focused on my friend and got another arrow in him from 30 yards right in the same spot. He ran again another 500 yards now leaving a blood trail that looked like someone had walked through the cedars with a red paint bucket, jumping a 4 foot fence on the way. This time he made it out of the trees into the open. I ranged him at 76 yards quartering away from me and I again put another arrow through the ribs and into the off shoulder. Again he ran another 300 yards and all the while acting like he has never been hit. I crept over the next rise to see him standing there at 20 yards. I put another arrow in him that blew through the opposite side again through the crease in the shoulder. He finally staggered about 40 yards and fell over. I know this isn't considered by most a typical wild buffalo hunt but what a freakin' rush and some good eats.


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Ranch raised or not, that is a beautiful buffalo. Hard to believe what the Native Americans were able to do with a hand made bow and wood arrow isn't it. My guess it wasn't as easy as ride by one on horseback and running an arrow through them like we hear stories about for the old historic authors.

Regardless, thanks for sharing the fun and picture. Hope the meat's a good at the story!!

The whole time we were chasing him after the first arrow I kept saying to my friend, "How did the indians do this with a stick flipper and a sharpened rock for a broadhead?" Unbelievably tough animal that will make you shake in your boots when he's close, wounded, and pissed off.

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That actually sounds like a hunt I'd love to do. It's about as good as ranch buff hunting gets.
He's a beaut marley! Congrats on the exciting times and the table fare.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-11 AT 01:54PM (MST)[p]I was using the ram cat broad heads. Its my new favorite. Hit the bull perfect out to 76 yards, fly just like my field points and makes nasty holes and even at 76 yards the entire arrow was inside of him and out of the 4 arrows they were all at least fletch deep. I shoot 63 lbs with a 425 grain arrow.

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Cool. Congrats again! I've thought about your indian reference all day and it is really crazy how they did it from a horse, crude bow and crude arrows with a rock tied to the end... Sounds like a hell of a time!

These animals only get bigger when you walk up to them. It took all 4 of us just to push him up to his belly for the pics. It took 3 of us to pick up the head to put it in the truck. I can't imagine packing one out of anywhere even in quarters. Luckily he died close to a little two track road in the bottom of the ravine.
The favorite way the Indians killed buffalo was to stampede then over a bluff and the fall killed them. That way the whole tribe was able to get their meat and buffalo robes.

Thanks guys. I will be doing a pedestal mount and I'll be sure to throw up some pics of it when it gets done.
That was awesome! I would have loved to do what you did. Buffs are awesome and I'll kill anything with my bob.

"You'll never get a big one if you shoot a little one"
What ranch was this on if ya don't mind me asking? A place my dad worked raised buffalo and had one that got lose on national forest. We saw it once from the main road and when it saw us it took off full speed back into the brush. The ranch manager told us it had been loose for like 10 years or something crazy like that. We were also elk hunting later that year and saw some guys who said it had come into their camp trying to rip stuff up. It was a crazy big bull and i sure wouldn't want to run into it when it was mad in the trees.
Lot of Bull Fun times eh? Sure love buff meat. I have been on 7 wild hunts and did pack one out all by my self. Won't happen again.

The ranch is up in Hartsel, CO. He definately didn't act like he was going back to the pen anytime soon. He had been loose for 4 days before we got up there.

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Awewsome bull and adventure, Brent. I saw your fb post and wondered about the hunt.
I'm looking forward to doing my first hunt for 'em but haven't been able to put it together yet. I'll get 'er done oneday.

That'll be an impressive mount. Can't wait to see it.
What an awesome opportunity. Good job on a great hunt - that is just way too cool.


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I see. Not the ranch my dad worked at. The place he worked was like 50,000 acres and those buffalo were all crazy just like they were wild. I wouldn't want to make one mad. Like you said its basically impossible to get them back into the pens. We use to process them all once a year and had to use trucks to push them because the managers said they could run down and flip a horse up in the air.
Are you done hunting for this year yet?! Holy cow, you've killed about every North American species there is! Nice buff and sounds like a fun hunt. Congrats

It's always an adventure!!!

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