Budweiser sells out!


Ok, what's the matter with America???

First Winchester sells out to the Japanese, the Chinese are in OUR waters drilling OUR oil, and now Anheiser Busch sells out to the Germans, WTF!!

The falling dollar is making "our" assets very actractive to foreign investors... Look on the bright side. Maybe they'll actually make beer now...
I am more of a "micro brew" type of guy anyway, nuttin like a good cold small town pale ale in my book.

Between Winchester and Anheiser Busch, maybe we should look into selling the New York Yankee's to the Russian's. Lol

(actually i'm all for that move!!)

Here here Slam! Portneuf Valley Brewing!!! Irish Gold!!!

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-08 AT 11:49AM (MST)[p]BHWR-
Send me down some of that "Irish gold"!!

My roots are from Coeur D'Alene, we can be friends, right?? Lol

LAST EDITED ON Jul-14-08 AT 02:05PM (MST)[p]Winchester is owned by a Belgium company!
Budweiser was bought by a Belgium Co.
Not a good deal! I was working for Miller when we were bought out by South Africa Brewing (S.A.B.) and they closed our plant. Now it seems the all of the major U.S. brewers are owned by foreign companies. S.A.B./Miller is in the works to by Coors. By the end of the year just about every "American" mass produced beer will be foreign controlled. It sucks big time! U.S. breweries will be shut down in the name of "efficiency". All, or most of the exported beer will be made in other countries to save labor and transportation costs which means lost U.S. jobs.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Well, it's still not a done deal though. There is still alot of red tape to go through.

However, I was born and raised in St. Louis, and all my family lives there. Let's just say, people aren't too happy round those parts!!!
>Not a good deal! I
>was working for Miller when
>we were bought out by
>South Africa Brewing (S.A.B.) and
>they closed our plant.
>Now it seems the all
>of the major U.S. brewers
>are owned by foreign companies.
> S.A.B./Miller is in the
>works to by Coors.
>By the end of the
>year just about every "American"
>mass produced beer will be
>foreign controlled. It sucks
>big time! U.S. breweries
>will be shut down in
>the name of "efficiency".
>All, or most of the
>exported beer will be made
>in other countries to save
>labor and transportation costs which
>means lost U.S. jobs.

> Ultra liberal, wolf loving,
>illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on
>crack piss me off!!!!

no chit...! Ditto!
I smell a conspiracy. The foreigners are buying our breweries so they can up the alcohol content, get us drunk and stupid, then steal our country. Oh wait, they already own it.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-08 AT 09:11AM (MST)[p]by the time they close all our banks, all they'll have to do is walk right in sit right down, in the whith house that is!
>by the time they close all
>our banks, all they'll have
>to do is walk right
>in site right down, in
>the whith house that is!

WTF does that say????....or mean?

D- can't you see the writing on the wall?, don't you watch Glen Beck??

Foreigners own most of our banks, business?s properties, ect: our country owes China so much friggen money if they wanted it back today, there?d be nothing left of this country, no need for a conspiracy theory here it's a fact they are planning our demise as we speak, how the same way America has done it to some of them, manipulating our economy?.

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