Buddies sled dog race from last night (pic)


Long Time Member
I've been following the Iditirod race a little bit and ran across this article. Lance Mackey has won the last two years, and has the lead as of today.


I wonder where he keeps his duck call?


Mackey Has Lead, But Can His Dogs Keep It?

"Tired, week, feeling achy and beat up, Mackey is working to stay mentally focused and follow Iditarod rules: He's not smoking pot and he's not taking the alternative Marinol, for which he has a prescription. Mackey suspects he's feeling the effects of cutting those pain relievers out of his routine, but wonders if the new rule targeting marijuana use may also be inspiring his hard-driving run up the coast."
Imagine that! Marijuana used as a performance enhancing drug! If anything i'd of thought he'd be going too slow, plugging up the trails, shiteating grin, and singing old Stones songs. :)

Sage you got it all wrong. The Mary Jane is not used by the driver, you feed it to the dogs. They run like he!! to get to the nearest Quick Trip for beggin strips.
Thanks Jabali! Congratulations to Lance!!! He really is quite a story, with his fight with cancer and all. He's a great champion.


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