Buddie looking for shed dog to breed his with



A friend of mine has an excellent shed finding dog. This dog is a male black lab. He is an amazing dog. He has a couple dogs picked out to breed with out here,but I just thought I'd check on here to see if anyone out there has another great lab that would breed her. Any stories or pics would be great.
I have a female black lab who is becoming a good shed hunter too. But she doesn't hold a candle to my wife's old chessy. That is the antler-findingest dog I've ever seen; easily trounces my finds in the field and always glad to have her along.

Funny thing, it wasn't like training her for bird hunting; she just goes with us everywhere and noticed us picking up sheds, so she started doing it. Have no idea how to train a dog to do this, though playing fetch with some fresh sheds and really encouraging our young lab when she finds one seems to be helping. I wish you luck in the breeding and developing that "shed-finding" gene.
I think this breeding for sheds is becoming a big deal. There are some law enforcement centers that are now training some drug dogs to be shed dogs. The website I looked at, you could buy one for $6,500!! I'll take my chances in training my own. Anyways, I'm hoping to get a good dog of my own. Don't know how the training will go, but there is actually a lot now a days to read on about shed dogs. I'm going to give it a try. I think you are right though about your dog just being good at it. I know of some dogs that just do it and weren't trained.
I would see if you could breed her with NVRENUF or WIDEONE. They seem to be the best shed findest sons of guns I ever do know.

Look at the latest issue of North American Whitetail magazine and there's a HUGE article in there about how to tell if a dog is worth a darn before you go through months of effort into training a dog that "doesn't have it in him" as the article says. It's a pretty good read if you guys are serious.

Josh Epperson

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