Heck Bess I thought you got in a shootout with the DEA over your plantation?Eel probably has though. How do you think he got to retire at such a young age:)
Ill be watching

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have
some good ideas!
206.?? mph whew eeee

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have
some good ideas!
Them PUKE Plates SUCK!

Just like they've always have!

Pull the Plates & This could be interesting!:D

These bad boys could easily be running Indy Car Speeds if NASCAR would let them!

Might as well put a Speed limiter on each Car,there wouldn't be much difference!
2 by 2 racing. Gawd I hate the restrictor plate races.

Hendrick all over the front row. Can anybody step up and knock Johnson off the championship this year ? Please!!! Anybody ?

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