Buckspy's Desert Ram



Here is a picture of Buckspy's ram. What a great looking ram and a picture that is equally nice looking... aside from your ugly mug :) Congrats on a once in a lifetimer Mike!
Way to go Mike, looks like a dandy. Doesn't look like the easiest of country too, way to stick with it.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Big congrat's Mr. 1/2 slam. Beautiful country and a beautiful ram. Great job !
Looks like from the photo it is pretty obvious you were road hunting, eh? ;-)

Congrats on a ram of a lifetime!!!
congrats you lucky bastard!! Only reason i called you that is your a friend of DK
Nice picture!, yes definitly a road hunter...
Congrats on a great looking ram! Real nice pic too... suprise. :) Cant wait to hear the story.
COngratulations on an AWESOME Ram. That is a sweet looking picture as well. Can't wait to hear the story behind this hunt!!

Congrats Mike!

Beautiful Ram and a Fantastic picture. That is some tough looking country. Savor the smell and the feeling of a great accomplishment. Way to go!
Thanks for the props fellas, and Jeff for the posting. He is a 7 year old ram without any flair and looks the best from the side. We looked at a few in the same class as him but were never able to find any older rams(or any sign in the fresh snow)

It doesn't look very cold in the photo but it was about 10 degrees when I shot him. -5 that morning. The hunt wasn't really a difficult physical hunt, especially for a group of hard core mulie hunters. Damn fun though, especially with some great friends along.

Thanks to all for their help, advice, encouragement etc. Especially Curtis Broughton, AKA "BLUEHAIR". I'm glad you drink the cheap stuff!
Friggin' AWESOME!!!
Story please, details please, more pictures please!
Congrats on a great ram (even if you did shoot him from your truck)! :)

Mike, great ram and great picture. Glad your hunt went well....... Allen Taylor......
I think thats a pretty good desert ram for around these parts. I'm glad you got him. Another guy cursed with the obligatory slam quest. ;-)

>Thanks to all for their help,
>advice, encouragement etc. Especially
>Curtis Broughton, AKA "BLUEHAIR".
>I'm glad you drink the
>cheap stuff!

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I didn't do chit. BS and his pals don't need any help, well.....maybe a little medical help. My fee for not doing chit is a 190 buck......I know you know where dozens of them live. LOL
168? Lay off the Bud this early in the day PC. Its a Colorado sheep.

I've got all kinds of 190 bucks located Bluehair. They are a dime a dozen on public land. Just ask Jeff.
Great ram BUCKSPY. I sent you a private message. Sorry I took so long to get back to you.
Buckspy , congrats on the beautiful ram . Don't you wish you could do it again next year ? The desert can get real cold .
Nice work Buckspy! Great looking ram, and a great backdrop for the photo. Congrats again-
W/ DK's help I was able to find the post (pic). CONGRATS Mike! I look forward to the story and possibly a re-post of your BH sheep pics.

It was great to finally meet you personally this weekend! I should have figured it would be accidentally out in the field scouting deer vs. an arranged meeting at the pub or something! BTW, it was a 65 degree weather change from the high country to Denver... man it was cold up there this weekend (-15 degrees)!!!!!!

Theodore Roosevelt once said, "The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation, INCREASED and NOT IMPAIRED in value."
It was cold. My teeth were chattering after standing out there for 20 minutes BSing with you. Don't tell anyone our secrets, OK?

You guys will get a kick out of this. I went and had my ram checked plugged at the DOW office yesterday in Denver. They said my ram is 4 years old and is a half curl. :eek: I laughed and nodded and got out of there before I did said something to loose my hunting rights or something else. The incompetence scares me.
Here's another good one. My electrician buddy Dave, had a helper at my jobsite the other day and showed the helper, Matt, that sheep photo. Matt looked quizically at the photo and asked in all seriousness,"How did he get so close to the ram?" Dave said, "BECAUSE HE'S DEAD!"
>"How did he get
>so close to the ram?"
> Dave said, "BECAUSE HE'S

That's too funny! You must be a stealthy bastage. LMFAO
>You guys will get a kick >out of this. I
>went and had my ram checked plugged at the DOW
>office yesterday in Denver.
>They said my ram is 4 years old and is
>a half curl. :eek: I laughed and nodded and
>got out of there before I did said something to
>loose my hunting rights or something else. The incompetence
>scares me.

I thought you weren't going to get it checked in Durango? }>

Holy chit, I was hoping this kind of "science" was more isolated than it apparently is. :-(
OOOOPS! Buckspy, with the background I thought it was a desert ram. A thousand pardons. So, what does it score? In the 190's? PC
Congratulations BS! That is a nice ram. I was hopin' you had a picture with a big ol' scowl on your face.:) That pictures pretty darn nice though. Great job.
Great job! What unit did that come out of?

Like others above had stated, a story would be great. Not many of us will ever have the money nor the luck of drawing such a tag. Once again good job on making it count when making it count counted.
Congratulations on getting a great ram.
May need to get another wall at the rate your going smacking the big ones.
Thanks fellers. I didn't grow 'em. I just shot 'em. My taxidermy debt is going up this year. Desert pedastal to go next to my Rocky pedastal, my '04 buck, remount of a pretty darn good caribou from a few years back and just got back my '03 speed goat.
I used the same tape that most of the guys on the mule deer forum measure their deer with and came up with 188.
:) That's the one I use too. :) Come on now. Score doesn't matter but a guy likes to know these things for future reference.
Hey Mike,
Iv'e been gone for a while and want to wish you a belated congratulatiion!
I was keeping up with your progress and was sure hoping you would get your ram.
A friend of mine finally drew his desert permit and, after passing several decent rams, went home empty and slamless!
He has multiples of the others and he is sick to this day for not shooting a legal desert sheep.
Ya did real good kid!

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