Bucks in the flowers


Active Member

Hope this works, thanks to DW for his help

These two young bucks were in my back yard eating my wife's flowers this afternoon - there is a real nice non-typical in town, haven't gotten a picture yet - he might not survive bow season.

Glad ya got it figured aceman, and thanx for sharein the pics. Hard to argue human encroachment is a factor in the decline of mule deer when u look at those pics. They're as adaptable as whitetails.
Shortest drag I ever saw. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
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Let us know when they hang themselves up for butchering too... :)

Couple of cool bucks to have runnin around in your yard for sure. Thanks for sharing.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Wife and I purchased this home over 25 years ago and we seldom ever saw any deer in town. Not sure what has happened since then but deer have set up permanent residence, you see them on Main street and they love hanging out on the golf course. Are other towns experiencing the same problem? With the exception of Russian sage bushes and spruce trees, you have to fence in other plants - they love roses and tomatoes.

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