Buck Hunters Pudding


Long Time Member
I'll take the heat off Manny for a short time with my uncles beer pudding recipe. My youngest uncle, now departed, loved beer and chocolate pudding. Very easy to prepare. I box instant pudding mix, 12 pack of beer, bowl, a spoon or broken branch and your camp ice chest. Substitute the beer for the liquid on the instructions. Stir and place in your ice chest. Drink the remaining 11 cans of beer while the pudding sets up. It usually takes all 11 remaining cans to make this crap taste good.

An exhausted hunter staggers into camp after dark.
His worried hunting companion says to him with relief, "Bill you look near death, you are covered in dirt, sweat and you appear to be half frozen.
looks like you need to find the Lord!

Al goes back into his duffel bag and brings Bill a fifth of Lord Calvert whiskey.

Bill...."Amen brother", "Amen".


Lord Calvert.........That's gotta be terrible. I'm cheap but not that cheap. Anything in a plastic bottle can't be very good IMO.

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