BUBBA'S Orocopia Ram.....


This is a ram we had seen prior to the hunt in the Orocopias. We knew that he was busted off about 12" on his left side and that he was a very old ram, at least 13-14 yrs old. He was having a difficult time getting around and I don't think he would have made it through the winter. We told the hunter about this ram and he wanted to look at him first. Prior to getting on this ram,he passed on 5 other rams two of which would possibly make book. We later located this ram and once he took a look at him there was no question he wanted to take him...his right side is well...look for yourself!! We new he wouldn't score because of his left side but I would have pulled the trigger if it were my tag. Made a great 300+ yd shot and he was aged between 15- 16 yrs old....super ram!!
This info is from the head Guide for Dry Creek Outfitters here in Kali. Ram was taken on Dec. 18th in the Orocopia Mtn's here in Kali. Congrats to BUBBA for deciding to take this old Ram, quite impressive to say the least.

WOW!!!!!! I would love to have had an opportunity to just see that ram alive. It's amazing he made to be 15+ yrs. If I ever get a Kali tag I'll be calling the Dry Creek boy's thats for sure. Congrats to all of you on such a great trophy.

Way to hold out on such an awesome trophy. I would have shot him in a heart beat. Congrats to all involved.
That is possibly one of the finest old trophy rams I have ever seen! I personally love it when guys take 10+ year old rams but this one is truly exceptional! A dream ram to be sure and who cares if he's busted off on one side...congratulations to the Dry Creek boys! I've talked to Tim for years about desert sheep and he is one heck of a great guy! Can't wait to hunt with them one of these years.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-09 AT 07:08PM (MST)[p]I met Tim this year via telephone and he is a super guy. It would my honor to be in sheep camp with him one day.
Great ram!What was his DFG green score? Looks like mine is out of contention for the patriarch award this year. I hunted with Terry Anderson's San Gorgonio Wilderness Outfitters and was very impressed. He knows sheep and didn't come across like a used car salesman like the other guys mentioned in this post.

That thing isn't a desert sheep, it's a Gobi Argali! I'd love to know what that ram scored, and the right horn seperate from the left. That right side is gigantic!

Years ago, before we ever had a sheep season in California, I had the pleasure of spending some time with ##### Weaver talking about desert sheep. For those who have never met #####, he was the DFG biologist who probably did more, along with Vern Bleich, to enable us to have a sheep season. ##### told me, and this was back in the mid-1980s, that the Orocopias had some of the biggest rams he ever saw in any of our mountain ranges. They've never taken any really big rams from that range....until now! That ram, if you doubled his right horn, would have to be one of the largest, if not the largest ever, rams taken in California. Of course, they've taken a few monster now in the White Mountains, but this ram is one of the biggest I've ever seen from our state.

Congratulations to one very lucky hunter!!!!!!
. I
>hunted with Terry Anderson's San
>Gorgonio Wilderness Outfitters and was
>very impressed. He knows sheep
>and didn't come across like
>a used car salesman like
>the other guys mentioned in
>this post.

Dry Creeks record speaks for itself. Tim also guided the Arther Dubbs ram which scored 197 or 198(the largest desert killed by a hunter.) and to boot they have ram after ram on their web site.

I think it's insulting the way you referred to "the other guy's mentioned in this post". They have no reason come across like a used car saleman.

This post is about one of the greatest desert rams to come out of Kali and the people involved. You had your post and nobody slammed your outfitter or talked about how well their hunt went with another outfitter.

Looks like you went with Terry because he gives a discount price. He's kinda like the Walmart of sheep outfitters.
Without all the sheep guide drama... that is one helluva ram. I would have loved to see him alive too.
Wow! sorry to strike a nerve here. No offense to the hunter either. The desert bighorn is one of the greatest trophy's in North America. I knew nothing of either of these outfitters prior to drawing the tag. The used car analogy was referring to the varying sales tactics used by the two. I work at an auto dealership and used that out of habit. Didn't mean to offend you salesmen out there! Have been on many guided hunts and have never ever been as impressed with animal and habitat knowledge as on this hunt. Can assure you that I missed the bluelight special too. No discount, no regrets, would do the hunt again in a heartbeat! The hunting experience I had with San Gorgonio would make me pleased to be a reference for them. By the way they are up to 111 deserts's now!
Does anyone know what this ram scored? It's stated in the above reply as one of the greatest California rams so it's 180" or so???? DFG does it within 48 hours of the kill so those #'s must be available. Anxious to hear!

The score was not that good due to this statement: busted off about 12" on his left side

He didn't care what it would score and the guide himself said he would have taken it too if he had the tag. It's not always the score, just the character of the Ram.

Thanks for the reply Brian. Any bighorn is a trophy! I agree that the character is more important than the numbers. Mine also had great character but only grossed 162+ due to the wear and big deduct for sinusitis. The post I replied to said it was one of the greatest rams ever killed in California so I thought the numbers were outstanding. That person must have been unaware of the 12" lost or the small bases. Nugentfan
Great ram. What do you all believe this ram will score??

Well, here are the measurements:

Length- 35 0/8
1st quarter- 12 4/8
2nd quarter- 12 0/8
3rd quarter- 12 0/8
4th quarter- 9 6/8
TOTAL 81 2/8 on his LONG HORN

Not the giant scoring ram we all thought the picture showed.
Thank you for answering the question Maxwell! Not quite what some of the others lead me to believe. Nice looking ram from that side none the less. Would like to see the whole picture!
He is still one of the greatest sheep to come from California.
It's not always about the score IMO..It's age and charactor. I was aware of his measurements when I posted earlier.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-09 AT 08:54AM (MST)[p]He sure looks to be in good shape for a 16 year old ram, despite not being able to get around very well! And if I had to wear blinders on my head like that I would be busting both sides so I could see all the mountain lions that Kali is famous for! That is an awesome ram and who cares what he scores? He is a beast! Congratulations to all involved.
I'd never would have shot him.....I'd have shot over him, under him and all around him. Then I'd have to shoot everone with me who seen me miss him so many times.. Dandy impressive ram...Good job
Maxwell, I don't know where you got those numbers or what your agenda is, but there is no way those are accurate numbers for the right side horn. First of all, that horn drops well below the jab line, and the hole is large. Those are characteristics of a long ram, before you even consider how far up the tip goes above his nose. Now take circumferences. You've listed numbers that make sense for a thinhorn sheep (Dall or Stone if you don't know what I mean) but this ram has very good mass even for a desert. I don't doubt that his base is pushing 16" and the 2nd and 3rd quarters are huge.

This is an exceptional ram. You're numbers suggest a 162" +/- ram, and there is no way this ram is that size. Maybe when he was 5 or 6, but not when he was killed.
I did not mean to @#$$ on your fire, but those numbers I provided are from the California Fish and Game score sheet as it was scored by the biologist. I agree it looks much larger, and this is a great case where score is not everything. It is an absolute PIG of a ram!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-09 AT 12:30PM (MST)[p]CAelk, keep in mind I am not taking anything away from hunter or ram. But that is not a very open curl, looks pretty tight to me. It's just a number anyway so what does it matter! Either way that is a damn nice sheep...........
>I did not mean to @#$$
>on your fire, but those
>numbers I provided are from
>the California Fish and Game
>score sheet as it was
>scored by the biologist. I
>agree it looks much larger,
>and this is a great
>case where score is not
>everything. It is an absolute
>PIG of a ram!!!

Hey do you know if you can get a copy of your own score sheet from DFG? I should have asked Andy when he scored my ram. Wonder what some of those measurements were and my head is at the taxidermists.

Bubba's sheep is an incredible animal and from my understanding that left horn can be repaired to better than new by a taxidermist if he wants it done. Heck I'd just hoped to see what the other side looked like. Figured there'd be more pictures posted for this ram. There were only 21 draw tags in California this year so an ultra rare opportunity. Any other of these rams pictures out there?
Like the original post states...This ram wasn't taken for the score. This hunter obviously knew what he wanted and harvested a ram that is a whopper!! Congrats to everyone involved..I would love to see more pics of this ram. If I ever draw a kali tag I'm booking w/ those guys....w penn
nugfan I'm sure the left side looks like the right side but with 12 inches missing.

+1 3relkslayer

It's to bad some folks here have to try and find fault with other peoples trophies.
>nugfan I'm sure the left side
>looks like the right side
>but with 12 inches missing.
>+1 3relkslayer
>It's to bad some folks here
>have to try and find
>fault with other peoples trophies.

Yes bet you are correct. He's such a beautiful ram I 'd like to see some pictures of him. My question was for my own sheep. Will dfg forward the score sheet? Does one just need to call Andy?

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