brother getting deployed


Active Member
well we just got home from dropping my baby brother off at the airport he has been home on leave for the last 30 days so we got to spend some fun time together he has to deploy on june 17 to go to iraq which also happens to be his 21st birthday we bought him a new laptop for his b-day so he can keep in touch while he is gone man this is going to be the longest year of our lives waiting for him to come home wish him well and pray for his safe return
I've felt what your feeling today. Thankfully my son came home safely and I have to say it scared the daylight out of all of us, including him. I hope he never has to go thought anything like that again but you know, it was also a great and growing experience for him. He learned to love the Iragi people and while not all of them deserve the freedom we are attempting to help them secure, most do and were willing to put their lives on the line right along with our young men and women. The is no greater gift we can give someone than their freedom. I can't even image a life without it but so many around the world have never know anything but oppression.

Please tell your brother we love and appreciate his sacrifice, as well as the rest of your family. Make no mistake, a world where people are free to choose there own government is worth fighting for, regardless where in the world we live.

Just one last comment. Our son took computers, cameras, leathermen, dvds, ipods,tooth paste, etc, etc, etc. The one thing he said he valued more than anything he took was a LED headlap that he used every night whether it was to find his way to the head, look for a lost piece of gear, read a book, write a letter etc, etc. If your brother doesn't have one, please PM his address and I'll be thrilled and privileged to send him one.

lumpy everything you said x1...i take it your son is a marine if he is going to the head.....understand your brother wont be the same person as when he left, could be for the better could be for the worse.. even though he will be 21 he will come back a far older person...If he needs anyone to talk to about anything there are a few of us here that have been to the sandbox...The first deployment is the worst it gets easier.


has anyone seen my kittie
I know how you feel!

My brother has served twice in Iraq as a convey comander.

He hates our news media more than he hates the Iraq people!

Archery is a year round commitment!!
Tell your brother we say ,thank you!!! One of my sons is deploying for his third tour in sept. Things have calmed down alot over there, it is still very dangerous but nothing like when he was there in 04 Best of luck to your brother I hope he comes home safe, god bless....
The worse part for me was anytime the new came on about the area he was in I couldn't get anything done until after hearing what was going on. Watching and hoping he be ok, He's home and out of the army now, But I feel for all those who are going to go thru what we did. I have alot of former wrestlers in both places so I still worry.
Lord keep them all safe.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

I feel your pain, I know nothing about what the young men and women are going thru today.

A mix of fear and pride, is what I feel every time a young person leaves. I can't change the current situation you face, but am willing to talk, and most important listen.

Some times you need a person to yell and scream at. Myself or any of these good folks ,I'm sure, are ready and willing to help you out.

Steve Cheuvront
LAST EDITED ON May-28-09 AT 10:18AM (MST)[p]God bless him,thank him for his service and our protection and also tell him to kill em all!!!
i just read an article of a family out of oklahoma has all 4 sons deployed...imagine the mother and father... I wanna know other things besides media....what was bad for you parents? i wont know until one my kids decides military life is for them...


has anyone seen my kittie

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