Bronco's suck!


LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-07 AT 07:27PM (MST)[p]What the heck has happened to my team, they got stomped by the Chargers in their own house!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
"Broncos suck!"


They've been playing bad teams all season and barley winning, now when they play a good team their true colors shine. Get used to it theres plenty more where that came from.
Yeah, they sure suck. I have Cutler as my fantasy QB, and he has really sucked lately. Starting to wonder about Brandon Marshall too. He's helping me, but not as much as I'd hoped. Of course, if Cutler was performing like he should, Marshall would be too.

D'Backs in 6!

Anyone, Anytime!
I miss the glory days of the Elway squad, offense, defense...they had it all!!

And yes, at least Denver has a baseball team...."Go D-Backs!!"

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Watching the Donkeys get rolled at home by a ONE win team was 'epic'! The only reason they still have a shot at the playoffs is because they are in the WORST division in the NFL.

Go D-backs.


That does it, I am no longer considering using my jet boat to drop you down river in unit 40...

Just Kidding, The broncs really sucked.

Go Rockies.

>That does it, I am no
>longer considering using my jet
>boat to drop you down
>river in unit 40...
>Just Kidding, The broncs really sucked.
>Go Rockies.

Damn it! Hey, I really love the Broncos and think Elway is the greatest of all....PUCK, I can't do it, even for a ride on your jet boat down the river. I can NOT stand the donkeys, sorry brother. Just keeping it real. Can I still get a ride? Please?

LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-07 AT 02:16PM (MST)[p]I'm glad Colorado has the Rockies this year or I wouldn't even admit to being a colorado native!

Than again, I've been a Cowboys fan all my life so yes, BRONCOS DO SUCK! So does Elway! hahahaa!!


" Man who excels at putting worm on hook is Master Baiter"
Cut me open - my blood is still orange and blue - through the good and the bad.

There will never be another Elway though!

Give us a few years with Cutler and lets see where he takes us. As long as we beat the Raiders everything will be all right in the world.

GO ROCKIES! Game 1 tonight! It's going to be great to have team from the Mountain West in the WS! Can't wait to see which one it will be. I want the Rockies, but if the D-Backs win then GO D-BACKS!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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