Bronco's & Steelers


Put 'em up boys, place your bets!!

Denver by 3.........

denver will get behind, then make a last minute drive to win by 4.
i thought we had an "at best" 4-5 win season when josh mcdanials came in and cleaned house. i also thought he would have been run outta town already. man was i wrong! he has put a great team together, and it's nice to se him so envolved on the side line. he's like watching a little kid.
Denver has to go through the Ravens first, then Pitt.
Let's hope no crucial dudes go down against the Baltimorons!
I got Broncos by whatever over the Stoolers!!!

steelers over 10...
colts and steelers are by far superior over Denver! Denver is just OK and in a very weak division!
just my 2 cents..

After watching the Ravens DESTROY the Broncos I doubt the donkeys will be able to even compete with the Steelers they are too good. Steelers -9.
The Ravens sure took it to my Bronco's yesterday. I think we'll play better next week but I'm not going to bet the ranch (if I had one) on them.
I'm with BeanMan a little on this one. But I still think they will win by 5.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
How many 'Donkey' players does it take to change a Flat Tire?


Unless it is a BLOWOUT and then they all show up!

Finally they play a decent team.......BLOWOUT-----go figure.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-09 AT 09:45PM (MST)[p]>How many 'Donkey' players does it
>take to change a Flat
>Unless it is a BLOWOUT and
>then they all show up!
>Finally they play a decent team.......BLOWOUT-----go

i think the patriots are a " decent " team last i remembered, cowboys sure get some hype. i never thought they'd go undefeated, but they are better than they played this week. hopefully they needed that loss to fix some weeknesess. they're still a strong playoff team that no one would be excited to play.
I got my tickets for the Thanksgiving day game against the Giants, my first NFL game!!!!!!
Is it legal to drink beer in that town?? Lol

Denver by 13. Steelers are going to get lazy thinking they will roll over us and the Denver D will put us ahead.
How did this work out....jajajajajajajaja
I'm a bit late getting back to this thread.

I was in the ER all night because i slit my wrists after the game and did some push ups in saltwater......

Not quite sure I've ever seen a grown man show as much fear as Orton did. Showed why he won't be the starting QB next year. The first half was fun to watch.
Broncos will be very lucky to go 4-4 the next 8 games. Someone put Slammy on life support, he's going to need it
on a side note.....
my Saints still rocking!
colts and steelers are by far superior over Denver! Denver is just OK and in a very weak division!
just my 2 cents..



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