Bronco's 5-0!

That game was was intense!!!!!!
5-0 baby...superbowl bound!! ;-)

Problem is, eventually they are going to have to play the Colts. Not an easy task. But hell, they beat that pansy Brady and the Pats, Nice work Broncos!!
>Problem is, eventually they are going
>to have to play the
>Colts. Not an easy
>task. But hell, they
>beat that pansy Brady and
>the Pats, Nice work Broncos!!

Colts are looking damn good this year! Gotta love the local ties with Austin Collie, he had 2 more TD's tonight.

And to think all the "professionals" said that they would be 3-13 at seasons end!!!!!

I have had faith in McDaniels all along and the new Defense is STUDLY!!!!!!!!!

Super Bowl.........NO....but it is going to be a nice year!!!!

If they can beat the Charges and the CHUMP Phillip Rivers......that will make me a VERY happy boy! I hate the Chargers worse than the Raiders.
They are making me a believer! It is still early though and still have a tough road ahead, San Diego, Baltimore, Pittsburg, Washington, San Diego, NY Giants, Kansas City, then Indy and at Philly on Dec. 27th.

I give them wins over San Diego (2) either Baltimore or Pittsburg, Washington, Kansas City (2) Oakland and Philly - for 7 more wins. a 12 and 4 season would be AWESOME. It looks like they are going to win the AFC West for sure though.

But I am with you, as long as they beat the chumps from San Diego KC and Oakland then the season will be a success no matter what happens!

I would say Superbowl for sure if I had any confidence whatsoever in Kyle Orton. He played well though and is managing the game, not making a lot of mistakes, which is really good for him. I'll take one INT for every 7 TD's.

The D looks freaking awesome!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I didn't know that Brady had a kid? Or is that just Kyle Orton's beard he is holding?



Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
The Broncos defense is outstanding. Glad they are my fantasy football defense!

I guess all you people who wanted McDaniels head over trading Cutler for Orton have calmed down a little, huh?
I still wish we had Cutler but I am glad Shanahan is gone and McD is here. Sometimes a person gets stale if they stay too long.

Bronco are looking good, but here is the problem. 7 of there remaining 11 games are going to be really hard.
they play
San Diego Chargers twice
Pittsburg Steelers
NY Giants
Baltimore Ravens
Indianapolis Colts
Philly Eagles
Well I was OK with the Cutler trade - he is a big egotistical baby if you ask me, but a heck of a QB. I am just not OK with McDaniels trading him for Kyle Orton - I thought we took a big hit with that one there. But it seems to be working out pretty well so far. That and it looked like he was going to send Marshall packing too without equal value in return. The house didn't seem to be in order. But things are working out!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
RE: Bronco's 6-0 now!

Yeah baby!! It is always sweet to beat San Diego!!! 6-0! HECK YEAH!!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
RE: Bronco's 6-0 now!

Iv'e been a Broncos fan since....well, a long time. I never even dreamed they would win six games this year, let alone be
6-0 at this point. Schedule doesn't look so bad. Indy, Baltimore, Pittsburgh...tough games.

Always liked Orton, good control type passer, but, never dreamed he would be so effective.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
RE: Bronco's 6-0 now!

Broncos got the bye--tough to win there-- but so do the Baltimorons. Ravens may have their junk together in two weeks, defensively, but I doubt it when Denver hits them.
Then Pissburgh comes to Denver after their bye week. Steelers may have their junk together defensively by then, but I doubt it when Denver hits them.

Good job McDaniels and Nolan and Players!

RE: Bronco's 6-0 now!

Oh, yeah, I'm thinkin' number 92--Doomerville!-- May have plans to turn Flacco into Flatto a couple of Sundays from now.

RE: Bronco's 6-0 now!

Yeah where has Doomer been hanging out the last couple of years. Somebody gave him a purpose this season.

?Life is like a ten speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use!?
RE: Bronco's 6-0 now!

Where have they all been hanging out the last couple of years?
Someone and something has given them all a sense of purpose.
NFL--Not For Long, right?


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