

Very Active Member
Fellas, I need your help. My sis had to put down one of her 15-year old dogs. My 6 year old niece is completely distraught! We talked a lot yesterday, but I just ended up crying with her, it just makes me bawl to hear a little kid sob like that.

I thought about sitting down with her and putting together a memorial book or something?


pred, Nothing mends a broken heart of a lost old dog like a new puppy, i lost 6 dogs when i was her age in a 3 year period due to cars, parvo, etc nothing dries the tears faster than a new friend to lick your face. Im sorry to hear of her loss !

I'm with longshooter. I went through the same thing last summer when I had to put down my 12 year old Chow. My youngest took it really hard. A new puppy worked out pretty good for us/him

Plus, a puppy might do good for other older dogs.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
So sad LP.

Ya know me and PL are of no help after what we went thru with our 13 1/2 year old Great Pyrenesse--Nicia.........we still haven't gotten a new pup.

Hope it gets better for ya and the family.

Robb & PL
Ya a new little pup will help, and you don't have time to be sad cause your chasing the new pain in the butt around!

Dogs are great friends and cannot be replaced, but there's room in her heart for a new friend.

+1 86. i after much nagging and whinning i bought my wife a pomeranian puppy she has been pinning for. what a pain in the a$$ that little devil is. no one is safe except the cat as he can sit above ground. like the tasmanian devil on crank ! cute though but i wanted a brittny.....maybe next year
I read your post at work but couldn't answer it there so I hurried home to respond. No need. Sounds like everyone feels the same way. Must be good advise. Lt her pick herself out a new friend!

Sounds like we are all on the same page. Nothing like a puppy to mend a broken heart.... However after about three days with a new pup everyone will be screaming "WHAT THE HELL WAS WE THINKING"

Does however take your mind off the loss <smile>

As everyone said a new puppy will do the trick. We are getting a black lab puppy on Saturday, last Saturday we went and picked out which puppy we wanted with our 4 and 2 year olds and just looking at the sparkle and excitement in their eyes will make you realize a puppy will fix anything for a child. They wanted to cry when we told them the puppy had to stay with mom one more week and we weren't taking it home right then.
There's some children's books out that deal with losing a pet. Maybe pick one of them out and sit down and read it with her. That's a tough one to explain to a little one.
Sorry to hear of your loss! It is a devastating loss to a grown up let alone a child! Continue to talk with her, and be there for her. If you do get a new puppy, get a Jack Russell. There will be no time to think, only react. It is also fun to love on him, while your ringing his neck! Good luck, and keep us informed!
So sad for your neice. My heart goes out to her. Let her know that her dog will be with her for ever and ever. Because there is a special place in her heart for her dog. Ya can't take that away. And a new puppy sounds fun for her.
Now will you tell me the part again about the bucking horses with your wyo bull. I really liked that part.
I couldn't read it fast enough. Wanted to say what a great story.

Sorry to hear of the loss of her dog. We recently had to put my 5 year old dog down, due to someone poisoning her. My wife and kids were real emotional. Up until about a week ago, when my wifes sister got a new puppy. Now they are always over at her house playing with the pup. So I would have to agree with everyone else. Get her a pup.
Man, two years ago I'd have made fun of all you guys for being such big boobs about your dogs. But the little woman and I was talking about how bad we'd feel if our Kimber was to die. Broke my heart just thinking about it. I can't believe how much you can love a dog. We decided if Kimber bit the big one we'd get another puppy. I'd bet you niece would be comforted with a new puppy too.
I think I'm going to hug my dog.

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My suggestion is a cute little female black lab puppy!! They are the cutest little buggers in the world. Mine is 10 years old now and I have loved every minute with her in the field, next to my chair, in my truck, etc....Great companion.
I agree with everyone else...but it is important to explain that a new pup is not to replace her old dog, but to easy the pain of loosing a dog that could never be "replaced". Its a sad thing loosing a pet, but i think it is also good for kids to learn about life and death cuz lets face it, death is a part of life. I can totally sympathize with you though, hearing a kid sob due to a broken heart is the toughest thing ever. Time heals all wounds though.

And if you get a pup, i suggest a bulldog (since everyone else is making suggestions)They are totally worthless but I love my Pork Chop, and hes so ugly he's cute...even all "grown up"!

Thanks everyone, the kids still have two other dogs to play with, but Smoky was just one of those goofy ones that makes you wonder if his whole purpose was to make you laugh.

We talked a lot last night about life and death and Heaven. It is amazing how perceptive a little kid can be!

And I hug my fuzzy child several times a day, usually because she knocked me down to lick my face!
+1 QTPIE....

Replacing would be difficult 'cause the new pup would never the the exact smae.

I really think that is why we still have not otten a new soon as a comparison to Nicia.

But if Feleno ever calls and says his GP is having pups---I am all over one then!

My wife replaced my Brittany with an Australian Shepherd. The red merle (sp.??) variety. I was kind of like the kid in "Old Yeller" at first, but that changed quickly. They're smart, loveable, and loyal. I have totally fallen in love with her. She goes everywhere with me. Even took her on a fishing trip to Antimony, UT in August. We stayed at a pet friendly casino in Mesquite two nights. Anyway, I've totally spoiled her, and her me..pc

PS I will never forget my Brittany, though.
I dont know guys I called my wife on a sat phone while on my diy elk hunt this year. She told me my chow had been hit and she put him down. It ruined my hunt and I cant hardly look at another dog. I ever have a 2 year old lab that I love but its just not the same. It will be a while befor we get another dog.
I was just down in Florida and my 5 year old niece has 6 ugly puppies (they are hog hunting dogs with ridgebacks) and on Christmas three of them disappeared. This little girl lives with those puppies during daylight hours and smells like them all night even after every remedy known to man to kill bad oder. Then a few days later a neighbor found the puppies a mile away in a box. I have never seen a little girl so happy to have her puppies back.

When I lost my dog at that age my dad gave me a corndog which didn't help at all.

Sorry for your loss.
I must disagree with you all. Telling your kids their pet just died amounts to horrible parenting skills. Me and qtip fight about this one all the time. We lost a cat and a chinchilla last year.

I told my kids they ran away. As of today my kids have yet to loose a single pet but lots have ran away.

I just dread the day I have to explain why grandma ran away!
LMAO Stinky, that last line made me laugh! But its not a funny thing, just the way you said it was funny.
Good points, all! You can never replace the one that was lost, but it darn sure doesn't take long when a puppy (with puppy breath to boot) says "Hey, what about me? It's all about what I want now!" Hi, my name is Phil and I'm addicted to puppy breath. :)

Tougest time I ever had was losing my lab "Joey" when I was still in school (1974) and it still haunts me to this day. Had him outside for a poopy run before I caught the bus for school. It was slow motion watching him run back across the highway and getting hit by that car (a 69 Chevelle), then sliding to the side of the road. I've tried to put in my mind that it's the evolution of life, but it still doesn't cut it some 36-odd years later :( All we can do is enjoy them while we have them.

I was WD (without dog) for about 5 years after my Elhew Pointer (Elhew Damascus was his Dad) and my GWP Kizzy passed away. Took the plunge in the summer of 09 and got my best buddy, Baxter. Funny how the those dogs seem to get better over time LOL. His personality is something to see and he has teeth all the way back to his a$$ if you happen to be unescorted through the front door. If you come in "escorted" he'll love ya to death. He's a GWP out of Inverness kennels and the facial expression pretty much sums up what I have to "deal" with every day. Wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world.

My next worry on this subject is my fiancee's dog "Dozer", a 13 year old dachsund/chihooyahooya mix. WTF was my thought first time I saw that pooch, but he's cool as heck! It's hard to replace those mixed breeds....where am I gonna find a skinny sausage dog that stands 12" at the back with "Yoda" ears?

Anywho Predator, I feel your pain man. Your niece will know life goes's just hard for a 6 year old to understand that. With that said, here's a couple pics of my Baxterzzz... as Debbie calls him :) First one is the day I brought him home at about 6 weeks and the next one is about 8 months later. He's a great lookin dog, but that's Dad speakin LOL! Sorry guys, but I got this thang for my newest love of my life...I'm a happy man :)



Here's one of the "Yoda" doggie. Guess he got the "Dozer" name from plowing the blankets around. Never have been fond of ankle biters, but he's pretty cool :)

I think the memorial book is a great idea. Especially for a 6 year old. Or a special framed photo, if you have a good one.

We have a framed photo of our cat that died of old age. Every time our daughter comes home for a visit she runs over and says "Ahaaaaah....I miss Boo Boo Kitty"


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....


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