BrokeBack Mtn Star Dead.

It is sad........feel real bad for the family.

That being said, I guess I'll never understand what could be so bad about this world, that any of these people with, everything in the world at their feet, would want to check out of it. Stupid.

Wonder if I could get an insurance policy on some celeb like Brittany.....she will be gone soon.

All they had to do was call me, and for a nominal fee, I would show them the world WE MM'rs live in.

My premise on the theory that "money won't buy happiness", is have obviously never took me shoppin'!!!!!

And by the way, I nominate Keith Richards as the toughest SOB in the world. Look at how many celebrities he has outlived, using more drugs than any 10 pro sports teams.....
Odd how celebrity and fame appears to attract a lot of tragedy and sadness. My wife just saw the previews for the new Batman where he portrays the Joker. She said he was made for the role.
Despite his choice of roles he was a good actor. Tragic.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I also heard there is no evidence showing his intention was suicide but then again who knows.
>you're in an olson twins bed............I
>can see why you'd end
>it all.

But they're so teeny tiny, JB. You could fold one up and put her in your pocket....carry her around in a lil' one of those purse dogs. LOL

I agree with Roy...whatever the circumstances...Tragic.

Here's a soldier's reaction. This guy went to Iraq and came home wounded and with a Purple Heart. My friend told me this in an IM....

"this is a myspace bulletin from one of my classmates that went to Iraq.....

"If I get one more f*cking post about Heath Ledger I'm going to shoot myself in the face. Do you people know how many of your own country's soldiers are killed each day? Do you know there is a war going on while you sit home fishing for comments on myspace?


I agree, that is profound! Who gives a sH it about these left wingnut jobs and the medias that portray them as icons and tycoons.
I have to agree with TripleK on this one. Ever since the news of this unfortunate death hit the news, all we've been hearing is about him. What about truly heroic people who've died way too young? We don't hear much about them. There are soldiers, cops, firefighters, and others who serve in different ways who've left this world way too soon. I agree that it is unfortunate that this young man has died so early, but to put him up on a pedestal as so many have, is simply offensive to anyone who thinks about it very long. He was just a freaking actor, for crying out loud. THAT doesn't make him heroic in any capacity, unless possibly you're gay and admire him for a movie role he played.

It is ridiculous that the media spends any time noting him at this point. The guy died, probably of a self-inflicted method. That's too bad, but there are other people way more deserving of media attention than this fellow.
And while I'm at it, Beanman, what the heck does your stupid poster have to do with the topic at hand? Your dislike of the current administration doesn't have a lot to do with this thread.

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