Broke back mountain lion


Very Active Member
My two friends treed this mountain lion about 2 weeks ago. If you look closely in the video the lion has a broken back and had a difficult time climbing the tree. My friend ended up shooting this lion and he actually had several of his backbones sticking out of the skin! His face was full of porcupine quills. I'm assuming with the broken back he was not able to chase deer down and probably would've starved to death eventually. It looked like he had been hit by a car, he had areas of his hide that looked like it had been rubbed of from the road.

Does look like He was Hurtin!

Porqupine Quills in a Lion ain't nothin un-common!

Hell Sakes,He's in Utah,He's gotta eat somethin!:D

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Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
tough cat. glad you guys got him I'm sure he would started killing the things he could catch soon.

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Your friends did good. Very responsible hunters for putting the cat out of it's misery. Nobody likes to see any animal suffer. Good karma for them.
agreed, one less lion is a good thing, not to mention he was tore up, slow death....

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