Brock Lesnar To Enter the UFC

  • Thread starter timberline_shedfreak24
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How do you guys think he will do? I think after wrestlin in that fake,staged WWE BS he is in for a real surprise, What do you guys think?

4 time State Wrestling Champ is what Dana White is saying. He's right but it is a different game in MMA. I'm on the fence about this. At first I figured he'd get his ass kicked but I'm not so sure. If he's got his cardio dialed in, he may do well. If he's out of shape, he'll gas after the first minute or two and get picked apart.


Watched Mike Swick and Burkman fight last night on Spike. Kind of a weak fight. Swick looked skinny and weak after cutting weight to a lower weight class.
Lesnar's strength/size are gonna be enuff for anyone to handle in his division. However UFC is alot more than just being bigger than the guy your figting. We have seen numerous fighters that have been very strong and very big (Sean Sherk, Jeff Munson, Matt Hughes) that have been beaten by fighters that werent as strong or nearly as big. Like I said before UFC is much more than size, its technique, stamina, skills and a whole he** of alot of heart. Im not sayin he wont be succesful, I wish him all the luck in the world. Any fighter that can step into and octagon and fight for a solid 15 minutes/25 minutes is an animal and I have all the respect for them in the world, Elbows to the face, body and head shots, foot stomps, slams knees and thigh kicks to the legs, body and head, it takes some serious heart to take/give that kind of punishment. I just think UFC is gonna be alot different than that fake wrestlin stuff he is used to, however only time will tell.

Here's what the UFC should have done- Brock Lesnar vs. Kimbo Slice as the Main Event. I'd buy that. Two amatuers that think they are big snot.

Im just anxious to see him fight. Like I said its a whole different world that that WWF BS!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-08 AT 06:01PM (MST)[p]It'll be interesting to see how he does. He's pretty athletic and an accomplished NCAA wrestler. Mir is a good heavyweight, so it'll be a test for sure. I just think Mir will out BJJ him and get a sub but you never know.

I'm so glad they had Silva vs Nogueira as the main event. Mir and Lesner would have been weak for a $40 PPV. Can't wait to see Horn and Marquardt go at it, interesting match up.
The only kind of submission that Mir will have a shot at is a rear naked choke. I think Lesnar is too strong to let Mir get an arm bar or leg/anke lock. Lesnars just got too much muscle....unless he just gasses...then he'll be at Mirs mercy.

Lesnar is gonna get his face broke and cry like a chump.

-Cody AKA BigBuck92
I think Lesnar is in for a rude awakening. Mir has fought alot of big name guys. Although Mir hasn't looked very good since his accident, I still think he throttles Lesnar.
mir will eekk out of the first round, lesner will be gased and frank will submit him midway through the second.
Has Lensar had ANY "official" MMA fights? Here's what would get me if I was in the UFC...just because he's made a name for himself in WWF, how can that qualify him for an MMA fight? If I'm the UFC, I'd be very careful that they don't turn into a joke. Next thing you know, they'll have Jose Canseco or Shaq in there just to sell out bigger venues and get more pay per view dollars...not realizing it is going to kill their legitimacy in the MMA world. Pretty soon, they'll be known as "Celebrity Death Match". Just my opinion.

I don't think you will have to worry about Brock not being able to stay up with the big boys, I'm sure he will handle the type of fights the UFC is famous for.
Im interested to see how Brock reacts the first time he's hit square on the chin, I think that will tell a lot about how far he is going to go in the ufc.
Amen, Just like Mirco Cro Cop once said..."Everyone has a plan till they get hit."

Ghostinthewoods hit the nail on the head, Lesner will get winded and submitted. I kind of like Lesner though, I saw him bowhunting once on the outdoor channel in a snowstorm.
Good fights tonight, Mir got Lesnar in a tap out. Nogeria got Silva in a choke hold and Silva tapped out too. Horn lost also.

Told you Lesnar would lose.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Lesnar looked good for the first 40 seconds or was the 4 seconds that Mir had his leg locked that killed him!! I was really disappointed with the way Tibau fought. When he fought the Japanese guy a couple months ago, he really didn't look very sharp. This fight he couldn't get off. Griffin had really good take down defense and when Tibau did get him on his back, Griffin would pop right back up. Griffin looked really good.

Did you notice how quickly Silvia tapped? It was immediately after Noguera sank that choke that he tapped. I've never seen anyone tap that fast from a Guilletine(sp).

Are all the fighters from Pride just gonna come over to UFC or what?

Perhaps he did look good for that time up until he tapped out but fact of the matter is Mir won just like I said. Everyone that doubted my prediction haha well I guess i just "got lucky" :) The fights were really good though. Slyva did tap quickly it was almost like it was a "swickitine" (sp) I hope more pride guys come over, it makes for every interesting fights. I would come over to for a fat paycheck those guys are getting.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Lesnar showed no respect to Mir's Submission ans Ju Jitsu skills. He just bull rushed in ,took him down, and hoped for a stoppage. I just wish Mir would have belted him in the face a few times before he submitted him.

Lesnar comes off pretty cocky and arrogant to me. I could care less if he was an All American Wrestler. Rashad Evans(205) was a BIG 10 Wrestler at Michigan State and I heard he can't take down GSP(170) in practice. St. Pierre never even wrestled in school.

My point is, just because you are a great wrestler, it doesn't make you a Mixed Martial Artist. Lesnar is a big strong dude and that's about it. Go back to the WW..... Whatever it's called.
+1 In2chuckar,

Finally a guy on this post that agrees with me. Wrestling is not everything in the UFC or in the MMA period. Just because ur a big bad wrestler doesnt mean you will be good in the UFC. Everyone in this post that was sayin Lesnar will dominate him or beat him or whatever, you were wrong. Im so glad he lost, cuz he is a cocky and arrogant and thought he could walk in and dominate. I told everyone there is s HUGE difference between the UFC and that fake BS in the WWE or whatever. No more fake slaps, cardboard tables and tin foil chairs. He got what he had comin to him and tapped like the little girl he is. Couldnt be happier. :)


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
thanks for the info, i kinda felt it would be a waste of time so i didn't buy in....
Your right wrestling isnt everything in the MMA but it is a great base to begin with and then develop other skills, almost every great fighter has had a good wrestling base. GSP didnt wrestle in high school or college but now he's one of the best wrestlers in the ufc, just look how he out wrestled koscheck and hughes.
>Good card overall. The pride guys
>are coming over because pride
>is bankrupt and going under.
>I was disappointed in silvia
>, I really like him.
>Anyone catch him saying post
>fight that he would be
>over at the shot show
>and to come say hi?

Pride was bought by the UFC last spring for 70 million dollars. It appears the UFC is willing to dissolve Pride FC which I feel is a shame. I prefer to see fighters fight in a ring because they are not allowed to use a foreign object(cage) to compensate for what they lack in skill.

UFC is the biggest name out there and is willing to pay these guys close to what they were earning in Pride. This is the reason you see the Pride guys showing up

I think that all in all Lesnar showed some real potential. He made a rookie mistake against a former world champion. That happens. I think it was a very exciting fight. Mir pulled of a great submission and showed incredible composure waiting for his shot.
I thought it was a great fight card from start to finish. I can't wait for the next one...
Mir still came out on top. For all you that disagreed with my prediction, thank you very much! Good try lesnar.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
yep you were right shedfreak.

now lets get to the important fight.

Silva. vs. Henderson.
I predict that fight is gonna be one of the best, more historic, sought after fights in the history of MMA. I am more excited for this fight than Ive ever been for any other fight. Henderson is one of the best fighters ever in MMA as is Anderson Silva. If Silva can keep the fight up and not allow Hendo to use his greco-roman wrestlin skills it should make for one hel* of a fight. Anderson's condition is very sound as is his striking skills, not to be overlooked is his submissions from his back. His submission are very solid. He will also hold a huge reach advantage. Hendo does have a very sound chin and can take a punch from anyone and still win the fight, not to mention his wrestling skills or outstandin knock out power again. I dont think there has ever been a more exciting or better match up. However, my favorite fighter is and always will be Silva, despite whether he wins or losses, so thats who I'll be cheerin for.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Shedfreak - relax a little man. Five posts from you saying nothing but I told you so gets a little old.
Then dont read em. Just go on about your own bizz. Im just doin what everyone else on this site does. I had more people tell me Lesnar would win than people that agreed with me so I'm just stating the facts.


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
I dont think standing with hendo would be the greatest idea either, just ask vandlei about that, or watch huntsornora's clip of that fight, he got a nasty right hand.
>I dont think standing with hendo
>would be the greatest idea
>either, just ask vandlei about
>that, or watch huntsornora's clip
>of that fight, he got
>a nasty right hand.

His right is vicious! And to think he knocked Wanderlei out with a left...


LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-08 AT 00:05AM (MST)[p]Your right it was the left, guess everybodys got to watch for both hands now, plus the shoot.
>A left hook and a right


Its funny you bring that up, when we were hunting in NM this year I asked him about that because elbows are illegal in Pride. He smiled and said that he hit him with a right but due to the angle it looked like an elbow.

Regardless, Dan Henderson is a dangerous man in the ring and I cannot wait till March 1 to see him with the belt. I booked my flight yesterday...


It gets annoying after 5 posts of the same thing. Come up with something new.

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